Thursday, March 13, 2014

Balanced Challenge Day Three - Get Your Kids Involved

How can you get your kids involved in what you’re working on? How can they experience what your job is like and contribute to it?

By providing day care for infants in our home, our seven year old daughter has become accustomed to having babies around and being a helper. She has grown in being willing to share my attention, learned how to safely play with babies, and enjoys the many joyful firsts that happen in that first year of life. A wonderful blessing is that it really prepared her to be a big sister when we adopted our second daughter! Some of her responsibilities are helping hold the bottle during feeding, throwing away the diaper after I change it, and folding and putting away her own laundry. Even though my attention is often divided, I feel like our relationship is stronger for working together and showing trust in her abilities.

This post is part of the Balanced challenge with Tricia Goyer—and you can join, too!

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Tricia Goyer Balanced

Review: Plain Peace by Beth Wiseman

Heidi Reads... Plain Peace by Beth Wiseman
My rating: 5 stars

Synopsis from

Anna Byler should be enjoying her Rumspringa as allowed by her faith. But because of the strict rules enforced by her grandfather—the bishop—the available suitors in town are afraid to court her. Even Anna’s grandmother is keeping a big secret from Anna’s grandfather in an effort to keep the peace. Under her grandfather’s oppressive watch, Anna begins to feel her faith slipping and wonders if God has forsaken her.

Jacob Hostetler and his family have relocated to Lancaster County following a family tragedy in Ohio. As his family struggles to rebuild their lives, Jacob is forced to act as head of the household when his father is unable to cope with recent events. It’s been a long time since Jacob has felt any joy. Until he meets Anna Byler. But will Anna’s grandfather succeed at keeping them apart? And can Jacob put the past behind him and open his heart?

My Review

This book was a pleasure to read. Although it is the sixth in the Daughters of the Promise series, it can be read as a stand-alone easily. Anna and Jacob each have their own set of worries and struggles, yet as they share their burdens with each other they provide strength and support. I love the unique details and insights we see in their relationship and how it sustains them. There is a whole set of strong supporting characters and the book alternates between points of view. The trials of each are so different, but their relationships with each other tie the subplots together seamlessly. And I just have to say, Anna's grandmother is hilarious.

(ARC provided via Netgalley for unbiased review)

Review: Promise to Return by Elizabeth Byler Younts

Promise to Return by Elizabeth Byler Younts
My rating: 5 stars

Synopsis from

It’s 1943 and Miriam Coblentz and Henry Mast are nearing their wedding day when the unthinkable happens—Henry is drafted. However, since he is a part of the pacifist Amish tradition, Henry is sent to a conscientious objector Civilian Public Service camp. When he leaves for the work camp, his gaping absence turns Miriam’s life upside down. Little does she know that it’s only the beginning…

When Henry returns home, he brings news that shakes Miriam and their Amish community to the core. He tells Miriam he believes God has called him to enlist in the Army and fight for his country, leaving her to make an important decision. She soon must choose between loyalty to the peaceful life she’s always known and her love for Henry and her faith in their shared destiny.

My Review

This was an intense and emotional book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The characters have vivid personalities and realistic struggles and emotions. The chemistry between Miriam and Henry is wonderful, especially for an Amish novel. Miriam had a peaceful, orderly life, but we journey with her through the turmoil of the choices she faces and makes as her relationships and loyalties are tested in her family and community.

I could not put this book down! Even though I have a baby that still wakes up twice a night, I finished it at 2:30 am, just in time to feed her and reflect on what I had read, how blessed I felt for the time we live in now, and amazed at the strength and sacrifices of the people who lived during that period of war.

(ARC provided via Netgalley for unbiased review)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Balanced Challenge Day Two: Make working from home work

Question: What can you do or change to make working from home actually work for you? Creating an office space? Cleaning up that office space? Looking into finding a babysitter for a few hours a day? Take the first steps in making the change, then take a photo of your progress and post it on your blog.

This was an easy one for me- the hardest thing about providing daycare for two infants is that I never find time to get my dishes done. I've been hand washing them for four years now. The pile would often get out of control and several hours of my free time were spent catching up. It got to the point where I hated making dinner because it meant I would have more pots and pans to wash. We even lived off paper plates for several months during the summer!

My husband is the sweetest, most thoughtful guy, and loves to surprise me. Often when we go on dates he won't tell me what the plan is, just for the element of surprise. Well, this Christmas he asked my sister to invite me over for the day so he and our bishop from church (who is a general contractor) could install the dishwasher he ordered. When I came home, he asked me if I knew where the popcorn popper was (to get me to look in the cupboards that the dishwasher replaced). I was so shocked. A dishwasher?! We had tossed the idea around for a couple years, but I would always fall back on how much money we were saving by hand washing. Let me tell you, it has been worth every penny! My stress level has dramatically decreased, I can clean up after a meal and have sparkling dishes while I "chillax" and read a book with my daughter or watch a tv show with my husband. I no longer have that mountain of dirty dishes hanging over my head so I can focus my best efforts at caring for my munchkins.

This post is part of the Balanced challenge with Tricia Goyer—and you can join, too!

Buy the book at Amazon
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Tricia Goyer Balanced