Showing posts with label Jen Geigle Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jen Geigle Johnson. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Review: A Midnight Masquerade by Elizabeth Johns, Jen Geigle Johnson, Annette Lyon

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


At the Midnight Masquerade, hearts and affections may be revealed . . .

A Double Masquerade by Elizabeth Johns
Arthur, Lord Claremont finds himself unexpectedly in need of an heir, but loathes the idea of putting himself publicly on the Marriage Mart. When a masquerade provides the opportunity to survey the crop of eligible ladies whilst in disguise, he cannot resist. Phoebe Cartwright was forced to live with her aunt during her mourning for her father. Unfortunately, it was during the Season when her cousin was to make her debut. Fearing competition, her aunt tries to keep her hidden away. However, when her cousin becomes ill, Phoebe finds herself pretending to be her cousin at a masquerade. Arthur finds his ideal bride at the masquerade, but appearances can be deceiving.

Their Masked Secret by Jen Geigle Johnson
A duke’s ultimatum carries power. James Holbrook and his fellow lords in London have one more ball before they must tow the line and find wives, wealthy wives—One more chance to be frivolous, to flirt, to outrageously flaunt themselves about without a care until the dawn when they can never do so again. With masks on, everything will be done in complete anonymity. And even though James has reservations about such a jaunt, he agrees to at least keep the others’ secrets.

Meredith attends the ball with great trepidation. How will she see through the duplicity of the marriage mart and find a man sincere enough to marry her for who she is? She doesn't expect to. And she doesn't expect to fall for one at her first ball, without even knowing his name. How will the two navigate the ensuing weeks of secrets, misunderstandings and prejudice to eventually fall in love without their masks on?

Masquerade A-la-Mode by Annette Lyon

When Charles Ballam returns from war, his former commander, Doughty, is determined to see him happily wed—the least he can do after Charles maimed his hand saving his life. The first attempt leads to a humiliating spectacle involving Charles’s injury. He’s loath to ever attend a ball again. Doughty convinces him to try a relatively new, scandalous method: lonely hearts advertisements.

Mr. Amesbury doesn’t approve of such things, but that doesn’t stop his daughter Clarissa or her companion, Mary, from reading them secretly and then strolling past meeting places in hopes of finding the individuals mentioned in them. When an advertisement with striking details appears, Clarissa is certain that the man behind it is one she could have a love match with. She answers, suggesting they meet at an upcoming masquerade. But identities aren’t what they seem, and her future happiness—or spinsterhood—may rest on the man who placed the advertisement . . . or on his mate, who assumes his identity. Instead of being the man of her dreams, he may be nothing more than a deception.

My Review

A Double Masquerade (5 stars) was my favorite of the collection, with Phoebe in the background of her cousin's Season while she finishes her mourning, a bit like Cinderella in how she's treated. The swap for the masquerade is fun for Phoebe since she gets to wear the beautiful costume she helped design, and participate in the dancing incognito. The banter between her and Arthur is sweet and sincere, and I loved that they are a perfect match for each other. I also appreciated that they were able to get to know one another in a natural way in the days that followed, strengthening the foundation of their love.
Their Masked Secret (3 stars) features the famed Vauxhall Gardens as the location of its masquerade, with Jamie being pushed into finding a wealthy bride, and Merry wary of fortune hunters. The premise was set up well, but I had a difficult time connecting with Merry and Jamie's insta-love during their little adventure. The ensuing hunt for identities afterwards was anticlimactic, but it was humorous to find them at odds with each other and then later so sappy.
Masquerade A-la-Mode (4 stars) had an entertaining twist- the couple finds each other through a newspaper advertisement! Charles is a wounded former soldier, and these heroes always melt my heart. His friend makes it his duty to see him happily wed, and they get a bit creative in their methods. Clarissa and Mary are both likeable ladies, and I enjoyed their friendship. They push societal boundaries a bit by reading the ads and looking for real love stories to unfold before them. When both sets of friends meet up to discover if there is potential for romance, their own stories unfold, but not in the way they anticipated! 

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

Don't miss the other books in the Timeless Georgian Collection series . . .

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Book Tour & Excerpt: To Win Her Hand by Jen Geigle Johnson


An expert at winning a woman's hand. A woman who cannot be won.

Lord Featherstone has the world on his shoulders. Or at least his world. With two brothers and a failing estate he must make funds somehow. But what happens when he falls for a woman? Will his tactics work when the situation is so close and personal?

Everyone thinks Lady Loveluck is a wealthy widow. What they don't know is that she is on the brink of hiring herself out as a Governess in order to pay for her next meal. The only thing keeping her from employment is a growing reputation as a matchmaker. As long as she never falls for another man, as long as she doesn't allow herself to be fooled into marrying, she will be just fine.

But she never counted on being caught up in the beguiling tactics of London's renowned and not so secret matchmaker for men.


She pursed her lips. “What are they doing?”

Lady Loveluck sighed. “I imagine they are primping like peacocks in the hope we will notice and stand at their sides.”

“Oh? Then let’s make our way over.”

She shook her head. “We cannot. That is a most ridiculous display, and I, for one, am not a woman to chase after a man simply because he waved hello in an overly friendly way and then looked away.” She shook her head again. “No, we will instead turn to the side, right here, and speak to this group.”

Three young men stood not too far from them. One had glanced toward Miss Anna more than once. He was tall, pleasing, and would do nicely, if not for a beau, at least for a distraction. And luckily for them all, Lady Loveluck knew the man to his right.

She approached with a smile. “Is that Lord Templeton I see?”

A large smile responded, along with an offer of his elbow. “It is indeed. I am most pleased to see you, Lady Loveluck. And who is this vision at your side?”

“This, I’m so pleased to present, is Miss Anna. And might I add that you are among the first to boast an acquaintance with my particular friend.”

“Then I am most fortunate.” He reached for her hand and placed his lips on it. “Lord Templeton at your service.”

Miss Anna’s smile was genuine as she looked up into his face. “I’m pleased to meet you. How are you enjoying this lovely weather?”

“Oh, it is grand indeed and has made it possible for us to meet so many who will be participating this Season.”

“Yes, most fortunate to be blessed with good weather.”

She looked as though she might panic for a moment with nothing to say, but Lord Templeton smiled. “Have you just recently arrived, then?”

She nodded in obvious relief at an easy topic. “I have, yes. I’ve been living on our country estate in Hereford until now.”

“Your first time in London, then?” His smile grew. “I’d be pleased to offer my assistance. Shall we promenade? Perhaps meet some more people you will see at the dinners and balls?”

“Oh yes, I would like that, thank you.”

Lady Loveluck dashed a grateful expression toward Lord Templeton, but he didn’t see it. His focus had shifted to Miss Anna. Good news indeed. Perhaps the ever-agreeable Lord Templeton would be distracted by someone at last. If Miss Anna had caught his eye, she was fortunate, and Lady Loveluck’s work would be complete. Time to collect on her wager. Her smile grew. She checked the surrounding groups for any sign of Lord Featherstone or Mr. Hartsworth. They had disappeared from view.


This new possible victory for Miss Anna would be some‐ thing lovely to show off to her new rival.

She turned away from the group and shifted attention to the area around them. In many ways, it would be lovely to leave London, to relax, do what she wished, when she wished. But there would be no opportunity for any of that anytime soon, not while she needed food to eat. Almost all potential clients would be here in London or perhaps Bath or Brighton. Where clients were, she needed to also be. She’d been selling off properties, hoping no one would be any wiser to her situation. With everyone around her assuming her to be one of the more wealthy women in the Ton, the likes of Miss Anna herself, she had to keep up appearances, if only to continue her business. The solicitor had told her how long it would take to pay off her late husband’s debts. She daren’t think of the amount of years. Every new client carved off a few more of those years.

A lovely smell made her smile and melt a little bit. “Looking concerned. Things not going well for you with Miss Anna?”

She relaxed her face and calmed her expression, turning to Lord Featherstone. “Just the man I wished to gloat to.”

“Gloat?” He lifted his chin, searching the area. “Ah, Templeton? You can’t be serious—or rather, he certainly is not.”

“Isn’t he? He barely glanced in my direction once he laid eyes on Miss Anna. You should not be so quick to judge.”

“I would be surprised indeed, but I’ve been known to be wrong . . . once.” He laughed but then studied her again. His eyes dashed with hints of concern. “Then why the troubled expression? I felt as if the world weighed for a moment on your shoulders. Are you Atlas? Bearing the burdens for us all?”

His tone was jovial, but his expression caring. For the briefest moment, she would have shared a portion of her burden, testing his empathy, but someone laughed nearby and reminded her that no one wanted to hear her burdens, not really. They didn’t care, or they were pleased to hear her suffering. And so, she lifted a shoulder. “Lord Featherstone, don’t we all have our concerns now and again? This shall pass.”

“But will it? Perhaps it need not pass alone?” He stepped closer. “Lady Loveluck.” His eyes were wide, sincere, his face tenderly turned toward her, his hand lifted as though to place on the side of her face, but it lowered.

For a moment she was at his command, drawn into the depths of his eyes, cradled in the embrace of his words. What a relief to share her burdens, to trust another . . . She blinked and remembered that she was standing in front of the expert of wooing women in all of London. “Oh, you are too good.” She stepped away. “I don’t need your methods on me. I see they are effective.” She mock fanned herself. “But unnecessary. Practice on someone else.”

A bit of something sad crossed his expression and then it was gone. He bowed with a flourish. “I see I have met my match indeed. Do not underestimate your own power, my lady. You are quite captivating, even for me.”

She did not believe him, but smiled and played his game. “It’s a wonder you aren’t married yourself.”

“Perhaps if I find the woman who accepts my offerings as what they are, a woman who believes my sincerity, who laughs at my jokes and cries at my sorrows. Perhaps if there is such a woman, and she and I connect in the right manner with the exact right timing, perhaps I would find myself married.” He shrugged.

“It’s a wonder anyone finds a match when you think of it that way.”

“A wonder indeed.” The longing in his expression was curious to Lady Loveluck. Did Lord Featherstone wish for a wife? She could hardly believe it.

Chapter two, page 31-37 From To Win Her Hand © 2022, Jen Geigle Johnson, published by King’s Row Press


"I loved the character growth, watching them learn more about the other’s heart and hardships, and the realization that perhaps they had more choices than they first thought. Such a sweet regency. I’m so grateful I had the chance to read this one."— Makayla Branson, Reading Past Bedtime

“The house party, the quiet moments, the collection of other characters, and much more all combined together made this is delightful read.”— Julie Carpenter, Goodreads

“Two matchmakers with a wager. What fun for all! [A] heart touching story.”— Shauna Jones, Goodreads

About the Author
Jen Geigle Johnson is an award-winning author, including the GOLD in Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards and LDSPMA Praiseworthy's top award for Romance.

Jen has more stories circulating in her brain than can possibly be told. She discovered her passion for England while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager. History is her main jam. Her literary heroes include the greats: Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. But she has modern sensibilities as well.

Six children and an inspiring husband keep her going and make certain she doesn't stay glued to a keyboard or lost in obscure fascinating details of old castles.

Now, she loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America, her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Book Tour & Review: To Kiss a Wallflower by Jen Geigle Johnson, Heather B. Moore, Anneka R. Walker

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


To Kiss a Wallflower is the nineteenth book in the Timeless Regency Collection, a bestselling anthology series from Mirror Press. The book features three novellas from acclaimed historical romance authors whose stories reveal that eventually, all wallflowers will have their chance at love . . . This is where it begins.

The Wallflower’s Dance by Jen Geigle Johnson
Lottie Hughes likes people, as long as they aren't too close. Does it bother her that no one asks her to dance? Yes, but she's not sure how to drum up dance partners when she has almost no dowry, no title, and freezes up when anyone tries to talk to her. When she suddenly inherits a huge amount and is the new center of attention all over London, her secret dreams might come true but also her worst nightmares. Suddenly everyone wants to talk to her. Men ask her to dance. And she is inundated with interested suitors. She fights to stay close to the few friends she knows are true. One man saw her before her life changed forever. But does she want to accept his help when he, too, might be insincere?

Letters to a Wallflower by Heather B. Moore  
Ellen might be beautiful and considered a diamond of the first water by Society, but she is so very tired of the pressure to marry a titled gentleman so that her beauty won’t go to waste. When her cousin Dinah dares Ellen to attend a ball with no frills and to stand with the wallflowers, Ellen takes on the dare. What’s in the wager for her? The prize cuttings of her aunt’s extraordinary roses. But what Ellen isn’t expecting is Lord Ravenshire to engage her in the most interesting conversation. When she confesses to him of her opposition in marrying for a title, he confesses his distaste of the London scene. They strike a bargain together, one which will either push them apart or lead to a future sweeter than either of them could have imagined.

To Marry a Wallflower by Anneka R. Walker
Charlotte Winters is destined to spinsterhood until she turns down an unwanted proposal and everything changes. With gossip rampant, her father attempts to salvage her reputation by betrothing her to another. Soon she is sent off to her aunt’s to meet Lord Templeton, her intended. Anxiety-ridden, Charlotte begs her aunt to let her observe Lord Templeton from afar before their introduction. She never planned to pretend to be her fictional cousin to learn more about him, or to fall in love with Lord Templeton’s friend in the process. Lord Templeton dreads returning to the empty halls of Newcliff Manor. When his father’s old friend, Mr. Winters reaches out for assistance, Lord Templeton finds himself returning home engaged to a woman he has never met. Desperate to learn more about Miss Winters, he befriends her cousin. He wouldn’t have spoken to her, or lied about his identity, if he’d known the quiet woman would sneak into his heart.


Since 2015, Mirror Press has been presenting the Timeless Regency Collection, a curated anthology of novellas and short stories featuring bestselling authors from the contemporary and historical romance genres. The collection has hit the USA TODAY bestselling list and charted at #1 at Learn more about the series and other anthologies published by Mirror Press at their website.

My Review

I'm always anticipating the next collection from Timeless Regency and this one did not disappoint! I loved the wallflower theme since I'm a bit shy myself (less so since marrying my extrovert husband) and it was easy to relate to these women. I enjoyed the three stories equally and it was a pleasure to read the unique situations of each wallflower. It's the little details and mannerisms that make them come to life with some humor and the sweet romance that leaves me with a smile on my face. The first story is the my younger self could identify with the most- freezing up with awkwardness, relying on close friends. I think friendship is the most wonderful foundation for a relationship! The second story was the most fun, with witty banter and some competition. Loved that the roses are the motivation for her to take the bet and disguise herself. The last story brought the most humor with the mistaken identities of the couple trying to learn more about each other surreptitiously, when they actually are interacting with each other unknowingly! A highly satisfying reading experience, recommend to fans of sweet Regency romance.

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

“5 STARS - I loved the unique twists that each author used in their stories and how they tied them into the theme.”— Julie Carpenter, Goodreads
“What a great set of stories! If you have read any of these three authors you know you are in for a treat. If you aren’t familiar with them, prepare to add their names to your list of favorites.”— Shauna Jones, Goodreads
“I thoroughly enjoyed all three of these novellas. They were lighthearted, fun, and took me away from my worries for a while.”— A Bookish Romantic, Goodreads 
About the Authors

An award-winning author, including the GOLD in Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards and LDSPMA Praiseworthy's top award for Romance, Jen Geigle Johnson has more stories circulating in her brain than can possibly be told. She discovered her passion for England while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager. History is her main jam. Her literary heroes include the greats: Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. But she has modern sensibilities as well.

She loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America, her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure.


Heather B. Moore is a USA Today bestseller and award-winning author of more than seventy publications. She's lived on both the east and west coasts of the United States, including Hawaii, and attended school abroad including the Cairo American College in Egypt, and the Anglican School of Jerusalem in Israel. She loves to learn about anything in history and, as an author, is passionate about historical research.

Anneka Walker is an award-winning author raised by a librarian and an English teacher turned judge. After being fed a steady diet of books, she decided to learn about writing. The result was a bachelor's degree in English and history. When she isn't dreaming up a happy ending for a story, she is busy living her own with her husband and adorable children.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Review: Heart of the Frontier by Brittany Larsen, Jen Geigle Johnson, Jennie Hansen, Carolyn Twede Frank

My rating: 3 stars / I liked it


Venture into the heart of the Wild West in this collection of four romantic novellas by some of your favorite best-selling authors.

“The Gamble” by Brittany Larsen
British aristocrat Thomas Clayborne anticipated a grand adventure in America—but what he imagined is a far cry from the rough-and-tumble reality. When his journey West brings a bold young woman into his life, will he risk everything for true love?
“Celebration for Celia” by Carolyn Frank
Though Celia generally adores Fourth of July festivities, she finds herself weighed down by uncertainties that dim her anticipation of the holiday. Then fate brings into her life a dashing stranger who is determined to give Celia a celebration she’ll never forget.

“Her Frontier Bandit” by Jen Geigle Johnson
When Rebecca and her physician father relocate to a frontier town in desperate need of a doctor, Rebecca believes it will be an opportunity to mend her recently broken heart. But she quickly realizes that no matter how far you run, true love always finds a way.
“Sagebrush Sally” by Jennie Hansen
English rose Sally is finding it difficult to bloom in the rugged wasteland of the West. But with two handsome cowboys vying for her affections, it seems that even amid cattle thieves and gunfights, the truest danger lies in losing her heart.

My Review

I was so excited to see an anthology of stories with a western setting. I believe I've read stories by each of these authors before. They were all enjoyable, but I felt like they were a bit surface-level. I didn't find myself connecting with the characters or experiencing their emotions with them. I would say that these novellas were more plot-focused, and there is good variety between them.

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A Christmas Kiss by Jen Geigle Johnson #CleanRomanceforXmas21 #Giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

A Christmas Kiss
(An Easton Family Christmas #2)
By Jen Geigle Johnson
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 244 Pages
September 1, 2021 by Kings Row Press

Hiding poignant heartbreak behind garish clothing and outlandish fashion, Eva hopes to never marry. Oscar is happy to never propose, but the two of them find a casual friendship growing into a strength of feeling that challenges even the most deeply rooted stubborn intentions or fears. 
When her presence is requested at a house party of a distant relative, she does what any outlandish woman who has stopped caring about her reputation would do: She invites Oscar to go with her. 
Oscar is ready to live on his own, but he needs the means to do so. When Edward has stretched his last ounce of patience, Oscar decides to spend as much time from home as possible. In that moment, he receives an invitation from his most outlandish and garish friend inviting him to attend a house party. 
Enjoy a sweet regency romance full of charm and lovely holiday traditions. The other books in An Easton Family Christmas include:
Snow and Mistletoe 
A Christmas Kiss 
Wishing on a Christmas Star 
Can also be found as a Vella story told in episodes called, A Regency Christmas Snow.

(Affiliate links included.)


Evaline carefully wrapped a black band around her arm. “Remy, could you help me tie it tight enough that it will stay?”

“Certainly, my lady.” Her loyal lady’s maid cinched it and applied a pin at the back for good measure.

“Excellent. Mother deserves longer than the small three hundred and sixty five days of mourning no matter what Father or Aunt say.”

“Yes, my lady.” Remy seemed to have sympathy. It was so difficult to tell what went through the woman’s mind. But Eva chose to interpret her most uttered three words, “yes, my lady,” with whichever emotion Eva desired to hear at the moment, and that is precisely why she and Remy got on so well.

The rest of her clothing flowed around her in anything but mourning colors. Mother forgive her, but she must forge ahead. Her gown of bright canary yellow would glow even in the darker lighting of Almack’s. Her hair was tall and wrapped in a turban adorned with a full array of peacock feathers. Her gloves were a bright purple. Her slippers green. She applied rouge, enough that people would know she’d done it, and though she hoped to take further steps outside of acceptable fashion in the future, her current dress seemed garish enough for her first party out of mourning.

She determined never to ever attract another man again.

Excerpted from A Christmas Kiss by
Jen Geigle Johnson, Copyright © 2021 by Jen Geigle Johnson. Published by Kings Row Press.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

An award winning author, including the GOLD in Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards and LDSPMA Praiseworthy's top award for Romance, Jen Geigle Johnson has more stories circulating in her brain than can possibly be told. She discovered her passion for England while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager. History is her main jam. Her literary heroes include the greats: Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. But she has modern sensibilities as well. Six children and an inspiring husband keep her going and make certain she doesn't stay glued to a keyboard or lost in obscure fascinating details of old castles. She once greeted an ancient turtle under the water by grabbing her fin. She waterskis like a boss and hits the powder, falling down steep moguls with grace. During a study break date in college, she sat on top of a jeep's roll bars up in the mountains and fell in love with the man who would become her everything. Now, she loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America, her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure.

Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they're scheduled.)

December 7th: Launch
December 8th: Nancy Campbell Allen - The Matchmaker's Lonely Heart
December 9th: Rachael Anderson - Five Kisses
December 10th: Sarah M. Eden - The Merchant and the Rogue
December 11th: Arlem Hawks - Georgana's Secret
December 12th: Jess Heileman - The Nabob's Daughter 
December 13th: Krista Jensen - Miracle Creek Christmas
December 14th: Jen Geigle Johnson - A Christmas Kiss
December 15th: Josi S. Kilpack - Love and Lavender
December 16th: Carla Laureano - Discovered by Love series
December 17th: Sarah L. McConkie - Meet Me Under the Kissing Bough
December 18th: Carol Ross - His Hometown Yuletide Vow
December 19th: Nichole Van - Brotherhood of the Black Tartan series
December 20th: Anneka R. Walker - Brides and Brothers
December 21st: Camron Wright - Christmas by Accident
December 22nd: Julie Wright - A Captain for Caroline Gray
December 23rd: Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $75 (USD) Amazon E-Gift Card

Open internationally
Ends December 29, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Book Tour, Review & Giveaway: A Torn Allegiance by Jen Geigle Johnson

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Peace is tenuous in the small kingdom of Oldenburg, and the looming threat of invasion from Napoleon weighs heavily on the royal family. Their country’s best chance for safety lies in strengthening their alliance with the English. So it is that Prince Hayes Wilhelm finds himself returning to England, where he hopes a prominent duke can help him protect his country.

Lady Elsie longs to make a difference in the world, but spying was not quite what she had in mind. So when her father, the Duke of Shelby, approaches her about keeping a close eye on the visiting crown prince of Oldenburg, she reluctantly agrees. But the outspoken young woman did not anticipate finding in Hayes a man who shares—and respects—her progressive ideas. Their mutual attraction is undeniable, but Elsie cannot forget her charge to spy on the man who is quickly stealing her heart. With the threat of war looming ever closer, Elsie and Hayes must consider carefully whom to trust—before their secrets tear them apart.

My Review

I enjoyed this story with a nice blend of history, intrigue, and sweet romance. Elsie and Hayes both have engaging personalities and it's no surprise that they take to each other so quickly as they spend time together during the Season. Elsie is excited to aid her father by "spying" on the prince, but I would say it was less spying and more getting to know him and discerning his motives. She is frustrated since he enjoys conversations of cultural and societal topics rather than the threats his nation faces, and she sees just enough of his dealings to know there is more going on- but not enough to know what it means. Meanwhile they develop a wonderful relationship and the intrigue takes a backseat until the climax towards the end of the book. It was nice to see how they connected in so many ways and took the time to come to know and trust one another in the middle of complicated circumstances.

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.


Don't miss the first book in the Royal Regency series . . .


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Review: Timeless Regency Collection: Widows of Somerset by Rebecca Connolly, Jen Geigle Johnson, Heather B. Moore

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Rules of the Secret Society of Young Widows:
Rule 1: Be a widow.
Rule 2: Have an impeccable reputation.
Rule 3: Don't fall in love again.

AN HEIR TO SPARE by Rebecca Connolly
Widowhood has changed much for Anna—Lady Lyndham—but an unconventional heir to the estate was not something she had anticipated. Nor had she anticipated that he would have no intention of forcing her out, although he has every right to. And she certainly did not anticipate finding him handsome, charming, and unfailingly generous. But Ned Richards, the new Lord Lyndham, has a world of surprises in store for her, and not anticipating them will become quite the adventure.

As a widow, Lillian Hunter has never been in love and plans to never marry again, so the rules of the Secret Society of Young Widows suit her just fine. Her days are spent attempting to transform her newly inherited Lavender Cottage into a livable space until Oliver Wentworth shows up, asking for her late husband. Anxious to establish himself as a landed gentry in Somerset, Oliver is none too pleased to discover that a widow lives alone in a tiny run down cottage bordering his new property. The fact that she’s young and attractive only adds frustration to his sense of responsibility over her. And confound her, she challenges his every attempt to help manage her affairs.

Charlotte Ashford never thought she’d marry a vicar, and she never thought she’d find herself widowed with a young child to care for on her own. She certainly never thought she’d return to Somerset to live with her mother again, and Charlotte never thought she’d see him again. But Lord Wilshore has never forgotten her, and he has never forgotten their promise made long ago. Charlotte would love nothing more than for Lord Wilshore to forgive her, but too much heartache and too much time might make that impossible. Friendship is all she can hope for, but that hope may be dashed as well.

My Review

Lady Joanna has a "secret society" of widows that she takes under her wing and empowers them to take control of their futures. Part of her training is to think with their heads and NOT fall in love... but the main characters in our stories of course have a happy ending. I enjoyed each one and the various circumstances that found them single and hesitant to trust their hearts again. The romance is sweet as they develop new relationships and are also strengthened by their friendship with Lady Joanna. A new and interesting take on Regency widowhood!

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.