Friday, October 4, 2019

Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: My Fair Spinster by Rebecca Connolly

My Fair Spinster Blog Tour

About the Book

My Fair Spinster

Series: The Spinster Chronicles
Genre: Adult, Historical, Regency, Romance
Publisher: Phase Publishing
Publication date: October 1, 2019

The spinster next door…

Grace Morledge is a failure. Or so her father believes, as she is unmarried despite her advantages. In his mind, Grace must have significant flaws to be a spinster and something must be done about them. To her mortification, he demands she be fully examined and all flaws recorded. And the man he chooses is the worst possible candidate of all.

Aubrey Flint, Lord Ingram, has known Grace since childhood, but he never anticipated Lord Trenwick demanding he examine her for flaws. How can perfection have faults? Reluctantly, he accepts the assignment, and finds far more than he bargained for, and perfection becomes more and more tempting.

About the Author

Rebecca Connolly writes romances, both period and contemporary, because she absolutely loves a good love story. She has been creating stories since childhood, and there are home videos to prove it! She started writing them down in elementary school and has never looked back. She currently lives in the Midwest, spends every spare moment away from her day job absorbed in her writing, and is a hot cocoa addict.


"They were smart to include you."  

Grace jerked slightly to look at him again. "What?"  

He nodded fervently. "I mean it. Georgie is no fool, Grace, and I have no doubt she made a study of the other unmarried women in Society. You are the best of the lot. It was only natural they should choose you."  

Her heart leapt for joy and seemed to be burning within her. "You don’t know the rest of the lot, Aubrey." 

"Don’t have to," he quipped. "I know you." 

Oh, but the look in his eyes made her feel like a lovesick girl of twelve again, and it was all she could do to keep from smiling an accompanying lovesick smile that would have been entirely too obvious.  

 Not that she was lovesick. She was simply touched. And embarrassed. And perhaps a bit feverish.  

That was all.  

Aubrey blinked and the look was gone. He slapped his thighs and rose fluidly, running a hand through his hair and disheveling it in a way that reminded her of the boy she had known in Derbyshire, and her heart lurched. 

"Well, I suppose that’s enough for today," he rambled, his words not quite as crisp as normal. "I will see you tomorrow at the Sterlings’, and I will assess your interaction with various people at that point."  

Grace slowly rose, watching Aubrey curiously. "Very well. Miranda will be there, you know. We could confront her."  

"Yes, yes, excellent thought," he replied absently. "I’ll bring my suit of armor for whatever she tosses in retaliation." 

Grace laughed at the image that brought, and Aubrey seemed to shudder at it.  

"Right," he said, turning to her and bowing. "Good day, Grace."  

"Good day, Aubrey." He left before she finished, and she stared after him, still curious. 

What in the world?  

Then her mother crossed the corridor, casting another knowing look at Grace. All curiosity and delight evaporated swidftly, and Grace snapped back into discontent, moving quickly towards the music room. 

He was not good for her.  

He couldn’t be.


My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing

Another fun installment of the Spinster Chronicles! I love how the author shows the variety of personalities of the different young ladies and their relationships with each other through the dialogue and banter they share. The books don't have to be read in order, but readers will definitely want to get to all of them at some point because the friendships they share make the characters from the previous books more than just a cameo appearance, but rather a strong supporting cast. I've been excited to read Grace's story and see how she manages to find love in spite of her overbearing, over-managing, somewhat tyrannical father. The fact that Aubrey is a family friend from Grace's childhood made me love the story even more, I'm a sucker for the friends-to-lovers theme. But since this one was more like reunited-friends-to-lovers, we get to see them get to know each other again and develop a more meaningful friendship that blossoms into romance. A story that was so enjoyable to read and savor! 

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions expressed in this review are my own)


MFS Tour Gieaway

Giveaway ends October 4 at 11:59pm MT. Giveaway is subject to policies HERE.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

Check out the tour schedule HERE.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Keeping Her Close by Carol Ross #KeepCloseBlitz

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Release Blitz for
Keeping Her Close
By Carol Ross Her Close
(Pacific Cove #3)
By Carol Ross
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
October 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Hired to protect her

…unable to resist her

The job sounds simple: teach a businessman’s daughter how to stay safe. But former navy SEAL turned bodyguard Kyle Frasier has a personal motive, too. Harper Jansen is his late best friend’s fiancĂ©e. Loyalty demands he protect her, not that Harper looks in need of rescuing. In fact, it’s Kyle who needs help—balancing duty with his desire to build a life with the one woman he shouldn’t want…

(Affiliate link included.)


“So…” she drawled. “How are we going to do this? Lecture and then lab? Or do you have like a personal security textbook, Stay Safe 101? Just to warn you, I’m awful at pop quizzes. After the first one, I will resent you for the entire semester and not perform to my highest capability.”

Kyle sat back in his seat, seeming to relax a bit as he pondered her tongue-in-cheek questions. And probably her. Had he been nervous that she wouldn’t agree to hire him? That thought was rather endearing. It made him seem both human and normal, and it gave her confidence in her decision.

But only briefly because his expression went stony again. Like granite. Hard, scary granite.

Leaning forward, he placed his forearms on his thighs and tented his fingers. “It’s all lab, Harper. One hundred percent hands-on. And we’re going to start by getting you in shape. Calisthenics for one hour every morning at 4:30 a.m., followed by a five-mile run on the beach.” Tipping his head, he added, “But not your typical run. Every other day, we’ll add an obstacle course to simulate tactical evasion. And three days a week, we’ll have what I like to call target practice.”

What. The. Whatty-what? Harper opened her mouth, shut it and finally managed to stutter, “Um, target what? I don’t know how to… I mean, I don’t—”

He straightened, interrupting her with a stop-sign hand. “Relax, it’s not what you think. You won’t be doing any shooting. I’ll be shooting at you with a paintball gun while you try to dodge it. The less paint on your person, the more lunch you earn. Positive reinforcement can be helpful in specific, isolated training situations.”

Harper knew she was gaping. Was he out of his mind? Had the word normal actually crossed her mind in conjunction with this lunatic? He was as messed up as Owen. More, possibly. She was still trying to decide how to proceed when his face broke into a wide smile, or at least she hoped it was a smile. The whole time he’d been here she’d yet to see it, so she couldn’t be sure. She kept still, waiting, in case she was misinterpreting the gesture. Maybe he was wincing or had something stuck in his teeth.

Finally, he said, “Harper, I’m joking. I do have some basic protocol that we’ll cover. Your dad wants you to become an expert with your security system. But otherwise, we’ll just plan on doing this situationally, taking it one day at a time. Does that work for you?”

Huh. She had not seen that coming. But she also liked it. A grin crept over her, and she laughed. He joined her, and Harper was momentarily mesmerized by the deep, rich sound. The smile that lingered transformed him. Harper met his gaze and warmth spread through her chest, making her head a little light, her thoughts a bit fuzzy. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed like this, felt so at ease.

That thought was sobering in itself, melting her laughter away. Because this situation was anything but easy; she officially had herself a bodyguard.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Carol Ross grew up in small town America right between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, in a place where you can go deep sea fishing in the morning and then hit the ski slopes the same afternoon. The daughter of what is now known as free range parents, she developed a love of the outdoors at a very early age. As a writer, Carol loves to breathe the life she has lived into the characters she creates, grateful for the “research material” that every questionable decision, adrenaline-charged misstep, and near-death experience has provided.

Blitz Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card and a copy of of Keeping Her Close (ebook if outside the US, signed print if in the US)
- 2 additional winners will receive a copy of Keeping Her Close (ebook if outside the US, signed print if in the US)

Ends October 5, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

#TackleTBR Wrap-up

Well, life intervened and I didn't get the books read that I wanted to- also I read a couple books not on my list. Say You Love Me was to have a happy story to fall asleep to, but Home to Chestnut Grove was an accident- it was open on my Kindle and I read it thinking it was You Belong With Me... and afterwards I went to write a review and the book description did not quite match what I had just read *face palm* But in my defense they are both about towns that are being "rescued" into revitalization by the main character. One is just much more Christmas-themed than the other... The last book I read, The Words Between Us, was excellent so I did end the read-a-thon on a happily satisfied note.

Total Pages: 937
Total Books: 4.25

(partial read)

Friday, September 27, 2019

Review: The Aftermath by Amy Matayo

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


According to Riley Mae Floss, life is a ten-page menu of possibilities. As the owner of a cupcake shop in small-town Missouri, she thrives on candies and rainbows and spreading joy every chance she gets. Even her hair is the color of bubble gum. Life is just the way she likes it, so why would she want anything to change now?

But when a tornado rips into Riley Mae’s southern town and destroys nearly everything in its path, her happy little life changes in less than forty-two seconds. Buildings gone. Homes carried away. People missing or even dead. Her bakery a shell of what it once was; also her life. Riley Mae’s picture-perfect world is shattered, and everyone she cares about has been hurt in the process.
According to insurance adjuster Chad Gamble, life always works out exactly the way it’s supposed to…for other people. As for him, life is a bit of a crapfest—one where he never wins the prize, makes the starting team, or gets the girl. He’s straight-laced, suit-and-tie, all-business, and sees the world for the color it is: muted gray with a little black around the edges.

So when Chad Gamble walks into Riley Mae’s ruined bakery to “assess the damages”—his words, not hers—he has no intention of getting bogged down by sentimental nonsense. Sparks immediately start to fly, and not the good kind. Who does this pushy, pink-haired chick think she is, treating him like an outsider when all he came to do was help? He can’t figure out why the locals like her so much.

Or worse, why he can’t stop thinking about her.

My Review

There's a special bond that can form between people who have been through a disaster or traumatic event together. Chad doesn't show up until immediately after the tornado, and it's almost as if he's seeking that feeling in his volunteering and work. He and Riley form that bond as an unlikely pair as they share in helping the people and community recover. With large catastrophes the statistics can sometimes lose meaning, but Riley and Chad find purpose in "rescuing" one person at a time, and to those individuals their efforts mean the world. I loved how the random meeting between Chad and Riley develops into friendship and deepens throughout the story, despite their initial hang-ups. The narration of their inner reflections is more thoughtful and profound than your usual contemporary romance, and this is something I love about this author's writing style.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the first book in the Love in Chaos series . . .


Dillon Hayes is twenty-eight and single, an unfortunate status her overbearing family is determined to fix. So when she’s stuck on a cruise ship for a seven-day reunion with the lot of them, she's desperate for any escape she can find, even if it means partnering with a sketchy stranger for an off-the-beaten-path snorkeling excursion. After her mother's last matchmaking attempt, Dillon is more than willing to trade all her good sense for a few hours of solace.

Liam Gamble is stuck in the middle of family vacation hell. The worst part: it's not even his family. This will be the last time he ever accepts a free-vacation invitation from his best friend. At this point, he'd be willing to hand over his life savings to get off this crazy ship. So when he catches one of his friend's cousins sneaking off board, he decides to join her, hijacking her private excursion and nearly blowing her cover. If she gets to leave, so does he.

But what starts off as a secret escape turns into a very real nightmare when their shady tour guide leaves them stranded on an uninhabited island with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no idea how to keep themselves alive.

As hours turn into days, and the weather proves as threatening as their need for food and water, Dillon and Liam must join forces and rely on each other if they have any hope of seeing their families again. Funny thing: sometimes in life, the end of the rope is when you discover everything you value has been in front of you all along.

Review: By Hook or by Rook by Rebecca Connolly

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


The most dangerous journeys...

Jeremy Pratt is a spy for the Crown, and one of the best. He had been in more dangerous situations than he can admit, and has always come out unscathed. But escorting his colleague's cousin home to her family, even in disguise, just might be beyond his skills, and the temptation beyond his ability to withstand.

May be ones of the heart...

Helen Dalton is convinced there is more to this man escorting her than meets the eye, and something familiar about him, as well. There is only one man in the world who looks at her so intensely, banters with her so easily, and makes her blush so furiously. And when he manages a daring and heroic rescue, she wonders if she ever knew him at all.

My Review

I loved the dynamic between Helen and Jeremy! It's a bit complicated and being caught up in the middle of a dangerous mission doesn't exactly help iron things out. Helen and Jeremy both have a deeper personality than they portray to each other during the Season, and while they shared a mutual attraction and pleasant rapport, it isn't until they discover new aspects of each other on their journey that they truly fall in love. The banter is oh-so-fun to read and the pace of the plot is kept steady with the action and adventure. Another fabulous addition to the London League series!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the previous books in the London League series . . .

Thursday, September 26, 2019

#TackleTBR Day 3/7

You Belong With Me started with a lot of drama and I needed something more relaxing so I re-read Say You Love Me by Heather B. Moore.

Pages Read: 198
Books completed: 1

Total Pages: 438
Total Books: 2

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

#TackleTBR Day 1/7

I read the novella P.S. Goodbye again before starting You Belong With Me to remember the characters and dynamics.

Pages Read: 188 + 52
Books completed: 1

Total Pages: 240
Total Books: 1

Monday, September 23, 2019

Review: You Belong With Me by Tari Faris

My rating: 2 stars / It was okay


Realtor Hannah Thornton has many talents. Unfortunately, selling houses in the town where her family name is practically poison isn't one of them. When a business tycoon determines to raze historic homes in the small town of Heritage, Michigan, and replace them with a strip mall, Hannah resolves to stop him. She sets about helping Heritage win a restoration grant that will put the town back on the map--and hopefully finally repay the financial debt Hannah's mother caused the town. But at first no one supports her efforts--not even her best friend, Luke.

Luke Johnson may have grown up in Heritage, but as a foster kid he never truly felt as if he belonged. Now he has a chance to score a job as assistant fire chief and earn his place in the town. But when the interview process and Hannah's restoration project start unearthing things from his past, Luke must decide if belonging is worth the pain of being honest about who he is--and who he was.

My Review

I normally enjoy stories like this, but I was stressed out reading this one. I think the situations the four main characters were in seemed hopeless and they were unhappy, full of angst, and didn't have a sense of humor. Hannah and Luke's stalled romance was blamed on each other, and I was confused for much of the book why their dynamic was the way it was. Thomas and Janie were the same way- there is tons of past history alluded to but the reader is kept in the dark for much of it and I was just frustrated with them all. I wanted to sit them all down and tell them to just open their eyes and communicate. Although, that wouldn't make for much of a story then. I just think they were all wound too tightly for me to truly enjoy. A good dose of humor would have gone a long way for me in balancing the vibe of the book.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the prequel novella in the Restoring Heritage series- the e-book is only 99 cents!


What if a woman who’s all about the goals and plans falls in love with man who no longer believes his life has a purpose? A novice life coach needs to cement her reputation with one great success story. When a wounded former Special Forces operator walks back into her life looking for a job, she decides to work with him—a win-win for them both.

​If Caroline Williams had her way, she’d help everyone in town find their purpose in life—unfortunately, no one seems to want her help. But she refuses to give up, and her new status as a certified life coach should provide her with some badly needed credibility. All she needs is her first client. When Grant Quinn walks in looking for a job, Caroline knows he needs more than that—he needs a new plan for his life. But when Grant refuses to be honest about his dreams and his struggles, Caroline’s business might come crashing down before it starts.

Wounded former Special Forces operator Grant Quinn understood the cost when he enlisted and served his country with pride. The scars on his face are reminders of what he lost, but he is moving on—now if he could just convince his family that he’s fine. When Caroline steps back into his life and offers to help find him a job in exchange for being her Guinea pig in her new life coaching business, he agrees. After all, what better way to show his family he’s okay than with a new, stable job? But when the anxiety he’s been running from ruins his one interview, his plans come crashing down. Can he trust Caroline enough to be honest about everything?

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: My Fair Spinster by Rebecca Connolly

My Fair Spinster Cover Reveal

About the Book

Series: The Spinster Chronicles
Genre: Adult, Historical, Regency, Romance  
Publisher: Phase Publishing  
Publication date: October 1, 2019

The spinster next door… 

Grace Morledge is a failure. Or so her father believes, as she is unmarried despite her advantages. In his mind, Grace must have significant flaws to be a spinster and something must be done about them. To her mortification, he demands she be fully examined and all flaws recorded. And the man he chooses is the worst possible candidate of all.

Aubrey Flint, Lord Ingram, has known Grace since childhood, but he never anticipated Lord Trenwick demanding he examine her for flaws. How can perfection have faults? Reluctantly, he accepts the assignment, and finds far more than he bargained for, and perfection becomes more and more tempting.

About the Author


Rebecca Connolly writes romances, both period and contemporary, because she absolutely loves a good love story. She has been creating stories since childhood, and there are home videos to prove it! She started writing them down in elementary school and has never looked back. She currently lives in the Midwest, spends every spare moment away from her day job absorbed in her writing, and is a hot cocoa addict.

The Cover Reveal


(1) winner will receive an e-copy of the book upon release.
Giveaway ends September 30th at 11:59pm MT. 
Giveaway is subject to policies HERE.

Cover Reveal Blog Stops

Check out the other stops participating in the cover reveal HERE.