Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Review: Love Without End by Robin Lee Hatcher

Love Without End

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Chet and Kimberly have both failed when it comes to love. Will they risk their hearts to love again?

Chet Leonard's life was forever changed when his seventeen year old son died and then, soon after, his wife walked out on their family. Over two years later, all he wants to do is hold onto his horse ranch and raise his remaining sons to be honorable men.

Kimberly Welch, widowed mother of Tara, a rebellious fifteen-year-old, has reached the end of her finances and nearly the end of her rope. She and Tara come to King's Meadow to try to piece their lives back together again. Kimberly has no intention of become involved with the residents of this remote mountain community and certainly not with any man.

When 84-year-old Anna McKenna returns to King's Meadow and to the Leonard ranch, she becomes an agent of change and healing for the two hurting families. With her help, Kimberly and Chet's families at last discover a love without end.

My Review

The pace of this book is as leisurely as the stroll depicted on the cover. It really gave me time to get a feel for each of the characters as well as the setting. I totally appreciated that the romance between Chet and Kimberly was not of the whirlwind variety. The progress of their friendship and relationship was also slow-moving, interspersed with flashbacks from pivotal moments in Anna's life. Both Kimberly and Chet have issues to work through along the way, and with Anna providing profound insights and some teenage kids to liven things up, this is an enjoyable book to read. My favorite quote from Anna is "God doesn't need me to pretend, and He isn't afraid of my questions. You go right on and pour out your feelings to Him. Don't hold back. He'll listen, and then He'll comfort. You see if He doesn't."

(Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishing and Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

E-book sale: 99 cents for So Fair a Lady by Amber Perry!

So Fair a Lady by Amber Perry

Download this amazing book for only 99 cents at Amazon! Read my 5 star review of So Fair a Lady by Amber Perry here.


Boston, MA 1773: Shards of Eliza Campbell's life crash to the ground when she discovers a devastating secret: her father was a spy for the Sons of Liberty. Determined to uncover the truth--at any cost--not even a marriage proposal from the dashing British Officer Samuel Martin can dissuade her. When rescued from British capture by handsome patriot Thomas Watson, Eliza discovers what her father risked his life for and yearns to know more. But will her budding attraction to this courageous patriot damage her already wounded heart?

After years of being blackmailed by Officer Martin, Thomas plans to start a new life in the small town of Sandwich. However, when his actions place Eliza and her sister in danger, he must act quickly to protect them from falling into enemy hands. If the three of them are discovered, their lives will never be the same. Now, not only must he protect Eliza, he must protect his heart from a love that is sure to wound him far greater than any British soldier ever could.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Free e-book! The Unveiling by Tamara Leigh

The Unveiling by Tamara Leigh

I have a friend who raves about how amazing Tamara Leigh's Age of Faith series is, and the first book The Unveiling is FREE! Not sure how long this sale will last so download it now! I'm really looking forward to starting this series!


12th century England: Two men vie for the throne: King Stephen the usurper and young Duke Henry the rightful heir. Amid civil and private wars, alliances are formed, loyalties are betrayed, families are divided, and marriages are made.
For four years, Lady Annyn Bretanne has trained at arms with one end in mind—to avenge her brother’s murder as God has not deemed it worthy to do. Disguised as a squire, she sets off to exact revenge on a man known only by his surname, Wulfrith. But when she holds his fate in her hands, her will wavers and her heart whispers that her enemy may not be an enemy after all.

Baron Wulfrith, renowned trainer of knights, allows no women within his walls for the distraction they breed. What he never expects is that the impetuous young man sent to train under him is a woman who seeks his death—nor that her unveiling will test his faith and distract the warrior from his purpose.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Free e-book: Truth Be Told by Carol Cox

Truth Be Told by Carol Cox

Free e-book today only: Truth Be Told by Carol Cox
(Be sure to check the price before ordering)


When Amelia Wagner takes over the running of her father's newspaper in Granite Springs, Arizona, she vows to carry on the paper's commitment to reporting only the truth. But Amelia soon learns that even the truth can have consequences. Her father's revealing articles about Great Western Investment
Company's business methods have caught the notice of the wrong person, and pressure mounts for Amelia to retract her father's statements.

Determined to find the truth, Amelia goes through her father's notes and begins to interview members of the community. She can't seem to shake Benjamin Stone, a Great Western employee who's been assigned to keep tabs on her for the good of the company.

The more Ben and Amelia learn, the more Amelia's father's claims appear to be accurate. In fact, it's probably worse than he realized. Even Ben is beginning to wonder if he's become a pawn in the workings of a corrupt empire. But Great Western isn't about to stand for a female reporter and one of their own men bringing down their lucrative schemes. Working against time, and never knowing what danger lurks around the next corner, Ben and Amelia set out to reveal all they've discovered before Great Western silences them for good.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

E-book sale: 99 cents each for the Sophie's Daughters trilogy by Mary Connealy

 TODAY ONLY! Each book in Mary Connealy's Sophie's Daughters series is only 99 cents for e-book! I loved this series and recommend it to fans of historicals set in the West.

Doctor in Petticoats (Book 1)
What happens when an idealistic student nurse encounters an embittered army doctor in a stagecoach accident? How will she react when she learns her training didn’t prepare her for tragic reality? How will he, an army deserter, respond to needs when he vowed to never touch another patient? Can these two stubborn mules find common ground on which to work and bring healing to West Texas?
Wrangler in Petticoats (Book 2)
Ride into the Rockies where love peaks between a tough Texas tomboy and a passionate artist. On her way to Montana, Sally McClellan’s party is attacked and robbed. But then artist Logan McKenzie saves the badly wounded cowgirl who has been left for dead. Can this landscape painter tame the tomboy without breaking her spirit? Sally doesn’t know much about ribbons and lace, but Logan’s presence makes her want to connect with her feminine side. Will this fractured female discover a way to capture the artist’s love—or find herself captured and killed by outlaws?
Sharpshooter in Petticoats (Book 3)
Aim for hours of reading pleasure with award-winning author Mary Connealy’s last book in the Sophie’s Daughters series. Mandy Gray, a wealthy sharpshooting widow, is content living in her mountain home and raising her young-uns alone. But how long can she protect herself when thieving outlaws have her surrounded? Rancher Tom Linscott can’t bear to see a defenseless woman in danger. Yet his rescue efforts end up bringing trouble right to her door. Now that they’re both trapped on Mandy’s Mountain, can they learn to live together—or will they die alone?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Review: Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould

Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Beatrice Zook knows God wants her to learn patience toward others. When assisting a family overwhelmed by triplets proves surprisingly successful, her confidence in dealing with others, both young and old, grows.

One person she’ll never be able to find peace with though is Ben Rupp. They’ve known each other forever, and Ben understands precisely how to antagonize her. What neither she nor Ben will admit is that beneath all their bickering, attraction awaits. When friends decide to try and bring the couple together, will the pair be able to find true love? Or will they damage their relationship beyond repair?

My Review

Leslie Gould's characters are far from perfect, but that's what makes them so realistic and easy to relate to. I had a hard time understanding Bea in the previous books in this series, so I was glad to read her perspective and watch her grow as she chose to go outside her comfort zone and serve others in need. Her love/hate relationship with Ben wasn't overly emotional since she would repress her feelings and avoid acknowledging them, which made it difficult as a reader to clue in to what her true emotions were. A cute quirk is their habit of spelling words out to each other and defining them since their rivalry stems from the schoolhouse spelling bees :) Much Ado About Nothing is one of my favorite Shakespeare works so it was fun to keep an eye out for scenes and themes based on the play.

(Thank you to Bethany House Publishing and LitFuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Review: A Lady at Willowgrove Hall by Sarah E. Ladd

A Lady at Willowgrove Hall

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing!


Willowgrove Hall is full of secrets, but soon everything hidden is brought to light.

Cecily Faire has a secret—and she intends to keep it. But when she arrives at Willowgrove Hall to serve as a lady’s companion, she comes face-to-face with the only person who knows the truth about her past.

As the steward of Willowgrove Hall, Nathaniel Stanton is dedicated to serving those around him. Nothing escapes his notice—including the beautiful new lady’s companion. He is certain the lovely Miss Faire is hiding something, and he determines to uncover it. But Nathaniel has a secret of his own: he is the illegitimate son of Willowgrove’s former master. Falling in love was not part of his plans . . . until he meets Cecily Faire.

When Willowgrove’s mistress dies, everything changes. Fear of exposure forces Cecily to leave under the cover of darkness, embarking on a journey to finally find her long-lost sister. When the will is read, Nathaniel’s inheritance makes him question his future plans. Cecily and Nathaniel are forced to make decisions that will change the course of their lives. Is their love strong enough to survive?

My Review

This book not only has a beautiful cover, but it is a beautiful story. I loved so much about it, but especially Cecily's insights and perspective. She is a strong character in unfortunate circumstances, but that does not hinder her compassion, courage, and loyalty. I think that is why she is a perfect match for Nathaniel since he exhibits the same qualities. The social restraints of the time period are definitely felt as they affect the circumstances of each character's past, present and future. It was interesting to see how each individual accepted the hand that they were dealt and made the best of their situation. Mrs. Trent was an enigmatic character as she is viewed by several as a bitter recluse, but through Cecily we  learn more of her life's experience and witness the sweet theme of forgiveness.

(Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishing and LitFuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)


Connect with author Sarah E. Ladd:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Gratitude Giveaway Hop! Enter to win The Daughter of Highland Hall!

One of the things I am grateful for this holiday season is the wonderful people who follow this blog! It has been a fun year of reading amazing books and finding fabulous deals on e-books! I love interacting with you all :)

So this giveaway has only one requirement- be a follower of Heidi Reads... and let me know your favorite way of following! Enter for a chance to win a copy of The Daughter of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky, which I really enjoyed- you can read my review here.

Follow the Gratitude Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am a Reader, Not A Writer for more book related giveaways!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Free e-book: Trouble in Store by Carol Cox

Trouble in Store by Carol Cox

Freebie alert! Get Trouble in Store by Carol Cox on e-book for free!
(Sale price is scheduled to end on Saturday November 15th)


Fired from her most recent governess position, Melanie Ross must embrace her last resort: the Arizona mercantile she inherited from her cousin. But Caleb Nelson is positive he inherited the mercantile, and he's not about to let some obstinate woman with newfangled ideas mess up all he's worked for. He's determined to get Melanie married off as soon as possible, and luckily there are plenty of single men in town quite interested in taking her off his hands.
The problem is, Caleb soon realizes he doesn't want her to marry up with any of them. He's drawn to Melanie more every day, and he has to admit some of her ideas for the store unexpectedly offer positive results.

But someone doesn't want the store to succeed, and what used to be just threatening words has escalated into deliberate destruction and lurkers in the night. When a body shows up on the mercantile steps--and the man obviously didn't die from natural causes--things really get dangerous. Can Melanie and Caleb's business--and romance--survive the trouble that's about to come their way?

Review: Where Treetops Glisten: Three Stories of Heartwarming Courage and Christmas Romance During World War II by Tricia Goyer, Cara Putman, Sarah Sundin

Where Treetops Glisten: Three Stories of Heartwarming Courage and Christmas Romance During World War II

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Three siblings forging new paths and finding love in three stories, filled with the wonder of Christmas.

Turn back the clock to a different time, listen to Bing Crosby sing of sleigh bells in the snow, as the realities of America’s involvement in the Second World War change the lives of the Turner family in Lafayette, Indiana.

In White Christmas by Cara Putman, Abigail Turner is holding down the Home Front as a college student and a part-time employee at a one-of-a-kind candy shop. Loss of a beau to the war has Abigail skittish about romantic entanglements—until a hard-working young man with a serious problem needs her help.

Abigail’s brother Pete is a fighter pilot hero returned from the European Theatre in Sarah Sundin’s I’ll Be Home for Christmas, trying to recapture the hope and peace his time at war has eroded. But when he encounters a precocious little girl in need of Pete’s friendship, can he convince her widowed mother that he’s no longer the bully she once knew?

In Tricia Goyer’s Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Meredith Turner, “Merry” to those who know her best, is using her skills as a combat nurse on the frontline in the Netherlands. Halfway around the world from home, Merry never expects to face her deepest betrayal head on, but that’s precisely what God has in mind to redeem her broken heart.

The Turner family believes in God’s providence during such a tumultuous time. Can they absorb the miracle of Christ’s birth and God’s plan for a future?

My Review

This collection of stories was a pleasure to read and will make a great Christmas gift! Each story is very different yet connected by familial ties and common themes of service and giving. The first by Cara Putman was the sweetest with Abigail overcoming her fears and reaching out to someone with burdens greater than her own. The second by Sarah Sundin was the most dynamic since the relationship between Pete and Grace is turbulent and undergoing a change from resentment to love. The last story by Tricia Goyer brought the atmosphere of service on the front lines and the compassion that Merry has for the soldiers she nurses. Although they are not full-length novels, the stories don't feel rushed, but fully formed and well-resolved at the endings.

(Thank you to WaterBrook Press and LitFuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)