Friday, June 5, 2015

Review: Nowhere to Turn by Lynette Eason

Heidi Reads... Nowhere to Turn by Lynette Eason

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


The day Danielle Harding takes her 11-year-old son, Simon, and flees from her abusive husband, is the same day Kurt Harding dies. A relieved Dani believes she and her son are finally safe--but in reality, the danger has just begun. When Kurt was alive, he took something important to a mysterious person. That person wants the item back and believes Dani now has it. As she and her son run for their lives, they have nowhere to turn, until she hires Adam Buchanan of Operation Refuge and goes into hiding. Unfortunately, she won't be able to hide for long . . .

My Review

There is an incredibly compelling jump-start to this book. It was hard to put down and I had to fall asleep with the lights on! Several twists and turns kept me guessing throughout the plot. Dani and Adam were great main characters and their freindship-romance developed in a believable way. The villains were realistically flawed, but still unnerving. This was a perfect suspense novel for me and I will definitely be reading more by Lynette Eason!

(Thank you to Revell Publishing for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wrap-up post: Clean Sweep ARC Challenge

Well, I didn't get all the books read on my list, but I did finish the following 11 books. It sure helped to have a challenge motivating me to get my reviews posted quickly!




Monday, June 1, 2015

Great e-book freebie and sale! The Vow and An Uncertain Choice by Jody Hedlund

An Uncertain Choice

Only $1.99 for the e-book of An Uncertain Choice by Jody Hedlund! Her books are always fantastic- this is a deal not to miss!
(Be sure to check the price since e-book sales are for a limited time)


Due to her parents' promise at her birth, Lady Rosemarie has been prepared to become a nun on the day she turns eighteen. Then, a month before her birthday, a friend of her father's enters the kingdom and proclaims her parents' will left a second choice. If Rosemarie can marry before the eve of her eighteenth year, she will be exempt from the ancient vow.

Before long, Rosemarie is presented with the three most handsome and brave knights in the land. But when the competition for her heart seemingly results in a knight playing foul, she begins to wonder if the cloister is the best place after all. If only one of the knights the one who appears the most guilty had not already captured her heart.

The Vow

Get the e-book of The Vow by Jody Hedlund for free! This is the novella prequel to An Uncertain Choice.
(Be sure to check the price since e-book sales are for a limited time)


In this ebook historical romance novella by Jody Hedlund, young Rosemarie finds herself drawn to Thomas, the son of the nearby baron. But just as her feelings begin to grow, a man carrying the Plague interrupts their hunting party. While in forced isolation, Rosemarie begins to contemplate her future—could it include Thomas? Could he be the perfect man to one day rule beside her and oversee her parents’ lands?

Then Rosemarie is summoned back to her castle in haste. The disease has spread, and her family is threatened. And the secret she discovers when she returns could change her future forever.

This novella also serves as a prequel to Jody Hedlund’s An Uncertain Choice.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Review: Together With You by Victoria Bylin

Heidi Reads... Together With You by Victoria Bylin

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


When a Lost Child warning blasts over the mall's PA system, toy store manager Carly Mason finds the little girl playing with a stuffed rabbit. Something about five-year-old Penny Tremaine is different. An ex-social worker, Carly recognizes that Penny suffers fetal alcohol effects, and a piece of Carly's own past suddenly confronts her. Never again will Carly become involved with a client. The risks are far too great. But something about Penny--and Penny's handsome father--tugs at Carly's heart. Before she has time to think it through, she agrees to a much-needed job as a nanny. 

Dr. Ryan Tremaine knows he messed up his life. But this summer he will redeem himself. With his ex-wife remarried and on a trip far away, his two teenage sons and Penny are living under his roof full time. Ryan is dedicated to his sink-or-swim list, a plan to reconnect with his children. The first step: recruiting Carly Mason to be Penny's nanny. 

Ryan never anticipated being so drawn to Carly, an attraction Carly seems to fight as much as he does. Could Carly be the missing piece that helps his family stay afloat, or will their blossoming romance only complicate things further?

My Review

My attention was grabbed right off the bat when the background to Ryan's daughter Penny was explained. I didn't expect his character to be so flawed, but at the same time I admired his resolve and determination to be a better father and improve his family dynamics as best he could. I also didn't expect there to be such a huge focus on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I definitely learned some new things in that regard. It was a brilliant move by the author to have a few scenes from Penny's point of view since it gave me a deeper understanding of her thought process. Carly could have come across as too happy and perfect, but instead she showed depth, compassion, intelligence, and even inner conflict. I felt like the emphasis on the relationship and interactions between the children and adults overshadowed the romance, and the foundation of friendship Ryan and Carly built was glossed over during the time lapses. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, because I did- this book is excellently written, but I did miss that aspect of Ryan and Carly's relationship. The drama is somewhat gritty but the characters' reactions and struggles come across as realistic and true-to-life.

(Thank you to Bethany House Publishing for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Review: In Firefly Valley by Amanda Cabot

In Firefly Valley

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Marisa St. George is devastated when she is a victim of downsizing and has no choice but to return to the small Texas town where she grew up. Though it's a giant step backward, she accepts a position as business manager at the struggling Rainbow's End resort. The only silver lining is Blake Kendall, a new guest who is making her believe in love at first sight. But will her dreams of happily-ever-after be turned upside down when she discovers who he really is?

My Review

Like the previous book in the series, In Firefly Valley is slow moving, but in a relaxing way. I enjoyed all the characters in the small-town community. The personal struggles of Marisa were realistic as she deals with her issues of abandonment and anger. Blake and Marisa have great kissing scenes, and secondary romance between Drew and Lauren was nice. Strong themes of family, alcoholism, anger, secret identity, trust, grief, and forgiveness, and second chances make this more than just a light read.

(Thank you to Revell Publishing for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Review & Giveaway! The Moses Chronicles: Bondage by H.B. Moore


My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing!


A gripping, historical fiction account of the events that lead to Moses’s flight into the wilderness, The Moses Chronicles: Bondage will take you back to a rich period of history replete with scandal, strife, love, and hope as God prepares a prophet to lead His chosen people.

My Review

Amazing, epic, seriously can't wait for the next book in the series! I'm not often in the mood for Biblical fiction but I'm so, so glad I chose to read this one! Heather B. Moore never disappoints. This is the story of Miriam, Moses' sister, and her life as a Hebrew slave, daughter, and sister. She is headstrong but fiercely loyal, and attracts the interest of Caleb, who wants to protect her but doesn't understand why she continues to put herself in danger by watching the Egyptian royals (Moses and his friends). The story is also told from the perspective of Moses and his Egyptian mother which offers fascinating insights into his life in the Egyptian court, his compassion for the Hebrews, and the strength of the princess who raised him. The characters and setting are so well-written that I could easily envision the story in my mind and I couldn't put it down (words like intense and gripping apply here). There is action, drama, intrigue, romance, and while the ending of the book nicely wraps up Miriam's adventures, it's only just beginning for Moses...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Review: Somewhere, My Love by Susan May Warren

Pre-order Somewhere, My Love for only 99 cents! Release date is May 26th!

Somewhere, my Love by Susan May Warren

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


We’d all like to believe that there is someone out there, waiting for us. The perfect one, who is exactly the right fit. But sometimes the wait – and the fear of launching out to find that special someone -- keep us from leaping out in faith. From saying hello, accepting that cup of coffee, saying yes to a romantic walk on the beach.

Sometimes it just takes a providential moment to change everything. RITA and Christy award-winning, ECPA and CPA best-selling novelist, Susan May Warren brings you three delightful novellas about leaping out into the unknown only to discover that yes, somewhere, my love is waiting.

"This Little House of Mine"
When they said "missionary," Interior Decorator Ellen White expected, well, not the hot, tall, and sweet Paul Stoneman, fresh from the backwoods of some Russian village. And sure, she'll help him redecorate his cute missionary home. After all, clearly the confirmed, rough-around-the edges bachelor needs a woman's touch. But when she falls for him, she discovers that loving a man with a heart for God requires more from her than she's willing to give.

Paul Stoneman longs for a wife to share his life wife. Sure, he loves his life as a missionary, but admittedly, he's lonely. Beautiful Ellen White is exactly what he's prayed for - right down to her ability to turn his life into something beautiful. But Ellen isn't interesting in leaving the comforts of America for the rustic life of a missionary, right?

"Measure of a Man"
The last person Calli Deane expects to find trapped in an elevator in Siberia at 2.a.m is Peter Samuelson—the man who broke her heart. Besides, she has a life she loves now - as a missionary in Russia. But Peter is not the man she remembers, and suddenly, she has to take another look, remeasure the man she once knew. But can love be reignited, or will the fears – and mistakes – of the past drive them apart again?

"Proof of Your Love"
Investigative Reporter Justine Proof knows she doesn't belong in the small, backwater town in East Tennessee...not only is she a Yankee, and hasn't the foggiest idea what grits are, but she's pretty sure someone is out to get her. And yes, it might be because she's investigating a murder, but someone is making it personal. Certainly it can't be cute, but redneck, coffee shop owner "Wild" Pat Bells, right? Still, every time she has car trouble, Pat "seems" to show up, raspberry latte in hand. Is he a rogue meaning her harm - or a friend trying to help?

Patrick Bells can’t believe he heard a woman plan a murder into her tape recorder. And not just any woman – cute and sassy Justine Proof, a woman he’s been scraping up the courage to meet since the first day she ordered a raspberry latte in his coffee shop, the Right Cup. But Pat isn't going to let anyone get hurt in his town. . .

Justine has finally found someone she’d like to trust -- someone who has suddenly become more than just an early morning ray of sunshine in her life. But her suspicious mind stands between her and true love. She’s about to learn that trust is a choice, and that only God can help her make it.

My Review

This book is a compilation of three novellas Susan May Warren published early in her writing career. Each has a preface from the author describing what inspired her to write the short story and how it influenced her later writing. The first two stories have a heavy missionary theme, each with one of the characters questioning their path in life and what God's will for them is in regards to spreading the good news and serving in His kingdom. The romance is sweet but there are also some angsty-dramatic moments to spice things up. The third story has more suspense with a quirky journalist/mystery writer and the southern town she is trying to assimilate into. I felt like things moved a bit quickly and I was missing some details in the mystery that would have rounded out the story better if it had been full-length rather than a novella. I enjoyed the stories and while they are not as high quality as the author's current writing, I appreciated her perspective on missionary work in remote places.

(Thank you to the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Monday, May 18, 2015

$1.99 e-book sale! The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn by Lori Benton and Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert

Only $1.99 to download The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn by Lori Benton! I loved this book and rated it 5 stars. (Read my review here)


Western North Carolina, 1787 ~ To escape a threatening stepfather and an unwanted marriage, Tamsen Littlejohn enlists the aid of Jesse Bird, a frontiersman she barely knows, to spirit her away from Morganton, North Carolina, west beyond the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Trouble pursues, as the two men intent on seeing her recovered prove relentless in their hunt. Trouble awaits in the form of a divided frontier community. Across the mountains the State of Franklin has been declared, yet many settlers remain loyal to North Carolina. Chaos reigns, thwarting Tamsen and Jesse’s hastily cobbled plan to keep her safe.

With her pursuers ever nearing, the region in turmoil, neighbors grown suspicious of her presence, Tamsen’s safety is soon put in greater jeopardy. Gaining the freedom she longs for will mean running yet again, to the most unlikely refuge imaginable—the Cherokees, a people balanced on the knife edge of war.

But the biggest complication may prove to be Tamsen’s growing bond with her knight in greasy buckskins, Jesse Bird. Falling in love was never part of the plan.

Only $1.99 to download Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert! I haven't read this book yet but it's been on my wishlist so I am thrilled it's on sale!


Like the winter, grief has a season. Life returns with the spring.
A young architect at a prestigious Chicago firm, Bethany Quinn has built the life she dreamed of during her teen years in a trailer park.  An unexpected interruption from her estranged mother reveals that tragedy has struck in her hometown and a reluctant Bethany is called back to rural Iowa.

Determined to pay her respects to her past while avoiding any emotional entanglements, she vows not to stay long. But the unexpected inheritance of five hundred acres of farmland and a startling turn of events in Chicago forces Bethany to come up with a new plan.

Handsome farmhand Evan Price has taken care of the Quinn farm for years.  When Bethany is left the land, Evan must fight her decisions to realize his dreams. But even as he disagrees with Bethany’s vision, Evan feels drawn to her and the pain she keeps so carefully locked away.

For Bethany, making peace with her past and the God of her childhood doesn’t seem like the path to freedom. Is letting go the only way to new life, love and a peace that she’s not even sure exists?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Robin Lee Hatcher’s Kickin’ Karaoke and Country-Music Matching Contests!

Real-life romance meets fictional romance in Robin Lee Hatcher's new book, Whenever You Come Around. Being back in Kings Meadow dredges up a painful secret, and old fears threaten to overwhelm Charity. But after Charity's dog causes an accident that leaves Charity’s former high school classmate Buck injured, Charity has little choice but to render aid while he recuperates. Soon Buck becomes the inspiration for Charity’s hero, both on the page and off. Can he also help her face and overcome her fears so they might find their own happily ever after?

Robin is hosting TWO contests to celebrate the release of Whenever You Come Around

whenever you come around-400 

Robin is challenging you to a karaoke contest and giving away a $100 iTunes or Amazon gift card to one lucky reader and karaoke-r who uploads a karaoke video of himself or herself to YouTube (song choice is completely up to you). The person whose video has the most likes by May 26th will win the gift card! Plus everyone who participates by uploading a video and filling out the form below will receive a copy of the book. For full details about the $100 gift card giveaway, karaoke contest, and the chance to get a free copy of the book, click here—voting begins May 12.

when you come around-enterbanner 

Robin is also challenging you to a matching contest. How well do you know your country music?

One winner will receive:
Another winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 26th. Winner will be announced May 27th on Robin's blog.

when you come around-enterbanner2