Saturday, July 13, 2024

Book Tour & Excerpt: The Lady Glass by Anneka Walker

About the Book

Theresia Dvorak has nothing left of her parents—nothing save her dowry, a priceless crystal vase stolen and sold by her own stepmother. Theresia will do anything to secure what is rightfully hers—even assume a false identity and steal her future back. When she gains entrance to a house party and has a memorable run-in with the handsome naval captain Rolland Reese, her mission is compromised. She swore never to trust an Englishman again, but when he makes a daring proposal she cannot refuse, she must work side by side with him if either of them is to achieve their aim. Rolland is stunned when his homecoming from the war takes a decidedly deadly turn. The quickest solution is to throw a house party and invite all the suspects. With the stakes incredibly high, Rolland must root out the killer before they turn their sights to the next potential victim: his own father. The mysterious Theresia is undoubtedly the most suspicious of his guests, but against all odds, he finds himself risking everything to protect her. As Rolland unravels a tangle of clues, he faces the greatest threats of all: a heart of fire and a future as fragile as glass. 


Rolland scratched his chin. The dark stubble there matched the short, thick hair on his head and was only marginally darker than his deep, brown eyes. “Granger, I am afraid that after a full night of avoiding women, fate has trapped me with one.”

“Seems so, Cap’n.”

Rolland gave her a once-over. “Couldn’t you have climbed through any other window?”

“Yours was the only one open.”

“Of course it was. You can take my bed for a few hours, and Granger and I will sleep in the closet. When the house is quiet, if it ever is with such diverse company, I will have Granger sneak you out.”

Theresia had already been pushed past her limit of scandals for one night by hiding her identity, sneaking into a duke’s house, and being caught in a man’s bedchamber. She wasn’t about to willingly spend the night here. “I am afraid such an idea is beyond my sensibilities.”

Rolland coughed on a laugh. “Forgive me, but our actions do have consequences. And I would much rather turn you in as an intruder than disappoint my mother by letting her think otherwise.”

Theresia crossed her arms. “I do not care what your mother thinks. I cannot stay in this room. If you will not let me leave through the door, I must take my chances through the window.”

Rolland stepped back. “By all means, sacrifice yourself.”

She glared and marched by him. She even leaned the opposite direction to avoid feeling anything toward Rolland that would lessen her ire. Because if she knew anything about herself, it was that the more frustrated she was, the more determined she became. She might have leaned too much to the side, though, especially while wearing Johan’s wife’s dress. Apparently she was not bruised enough from being plowed to the floor mere minutes earlier, because she tripped over herself. She saw the ground coming fast toward her but, miraculously, never felt it—thanks to a man who was both injured and extremely capable.

Rolland caught her arm, and in a rush, she was pulled back into his arms.

She stared up at his grim expression. “Do you see why I cannot stay here?” Her voice came out breathless. “This is the third time in the short duration since we’ve met that you have thrown yourself at me.”

He released her like a hot coal. “Usually when I save someone, they say thank you.”

She ran her hands down her skirt, her heart pounding fiercely once more. “Dare I thank someone for forcing me to remain in a condemning situation? Forgive me. I will just be on my way.” She took a step forward, and her ankle gave out. No hand came forward this time to stabilize her. Thankfully, she caught herself on the bed.

“Miss?” Granger stepped forward when Rolland did not move. It seemed she had effectively put the captain in his place.

“It’s not broken,” she said, putting weight on it once more. No, not broken, but it hurt enough to make balancing on her toes and scaling down a wall far scarier than it already was. She glanced out the window and then over at Rolland. “You will stay in the closet the entire time?”

In the short window she’d known the man, she’d witnessed a myriad of his emotions. This one she would guess to be exasperation. “You have my word.”

“That will have to be good enough.”

“I will go in search of a maid’s uniform,” Granger said. “And a coal bucket. If we are going to sneak you out of ’ere, we had best be thorough.”

She was glad there was someone thinking clearer than she was. It was apparent now that she should have had a backup plan. Why, oh why, had she thrown out all the rules of propriety that had been drilled into her for years? She knew already that she would not sleep at all. How could she even close her eyes knowing that she was in a strange man’s bed? Especially since somewhere in the house could be her prized vase and only hope for the future?

About the Author

Anneka R. Walker is a best-selling author of historical and contemporary romance. With humor and an abundance of heart, she crafts uplifting stories you won't soon forget. She is the winner of the Swoony Award, the LDSPMA Praiseworthy Award, and various chapter contests. Her books have received praise from Publishers Weekly, Historical Novel Society, Midwest Book Review, and Readers Favorite. She graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho with a bachelor’s degree in English and history and hopes to never stop learning. She is a blessed wife, proud mother of five, lover of Jesus, connoisseur of chocolate, and believer in happy endings.

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