Thursday, July 13, 2023

Review: Tiny & Wild: Build a Small-Scale Meadow Anywhere by Graham Laird Gardner

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Go low-maintenance and no-mow while supporting nature and biodiversity by planting a mini wildflower meadow with guidance from Tiny & Wild.

The word “meadow” might conjure an image of a broad, expansive prairie covering acres of land, but it doesn’t have to. Meadows don’t have to be big to make a difference in the health of the planet. If you choose the right plants, even a small corner of the yard will do. In Tiny & Wild, you’ll learn how to embrace your wild side and create a low-maintenance miniature wildflower meadow that’s teeming with life.

The perks of creating a wild planting, even on a small scale, are many. Tiny but mighty meadows help mitigate climate change, foster biodiversity, sequester carbon, and calm the senses. With as little as a few square feet of space, you can create a beautiful, naturalistic planting that supports a diversity of plants, pollinators, and a plethora of other living things, not to mention its visual appeal to human eyes. Author and landscape designer Graham Laird Gardner helps you find inspiration in natural spaces so you can successfully site, design, plant, and care for your own small-scale meadow.

Whether you live in the city or in suburbia, perfect places for a mini meadow are everywhere: 
- A small corner of the yard
- The pocket-sized area between the house and driveway
- Along a property line
- Flanking the front walk
- Around your mailbox
- Tucked next to the front stoop
- At the center of the vegetable garden
- In a raised bed
- Containers, deck boxes, and patio pots
- In the sliver of land between the sidewalk and the street

The plant lists and charts in Tiny & Wild share the best plants to include in your micro prairie, and Graham offers plenty of practical advice on planting your meadow from seed, transplants, or mature plants, depending on your budget, the site, and your timeline. Plus, learn how to care for your wildflower planting, including tips for watering, plant care, and weed management.

Discover how small spaces can make a big difference in Tiny & Wild.

My Review

I'm currently planning the landscaping for both my front and back yards, and it is a bit overwhelming! The more I read about native plants and supporting the bees, birds, and butterflies, the more a meadow-type landscape appeals to me. I appreciated the foundation this book gave me and the things I learned that I need to consider. The author addresses the benefits of meadow-scaping, finding inspiration, and the planning, designing, preparing, planting, and maintaining of meadows small to large. The natural and native look is beautiful, and I enjoyed perusing the lists of suggested plants, divided by category: mid-height dry sun plants, tall dry sun plants, mesic to wet sun plants, grasses, annuals, edible plants, part-shade plants, groundcovers, bulbs and bulb-like plants. I'm more excited to get my soil prepared and design my yard after reading this book, and plan to refer back to it as a reference.

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.