My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing

Brielle Durand is a key defender and hunter for her people's peace-loving French settlement in the Canadian mountains. When a foreigner wanders too near to their secret homes, she has no choice but to disarm and capture him. She won't allow another massacre like the one that killed her mother a dozen years before. But now, what to do with this man who looks at her in a strange way?
Evan MacManus was on assignment to find among the caves the mineral pitchblende that might help America win the War of 1812. Despite being taken prisoner, Evan is determined to complete his mission. But when that assignment becomes at odds with his growing appreciation of the villagers and Brielle, does he follow through on the promise he's made to his government or take a risk on the path his heart tells him is right? Either choice will spell death for someone.
My Review
I absolutely love the premise that a community of people lived and thrived in the northern Canadian wilderness separately from the rest of society. It was fascinating to see real history woven with the author's worldbuilding. The details of the people of Laurent and their history added to the intrigue and adventure. Brielle is the leader of the hunters and has honed skills that provide and protect, but her tough persona is balanced by intuition and thoughtful consideration, especially when she comes to know Evan over time. I liked how she could sense that he was withholding from her, even as she grew to admire him. As always there is a strong faith element as Evan and Brielle come to terms with their pasts and the loyalties they hold. The romance that develops between them despite their roles feels genuine and I enjoyed their chemistry. A strong cast of family and community members brought a foundation that will last through the series.
Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.
Don't miss the other books in the Brides of Laurent series . . .
Book Two
Book Three
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