Join the journey with Chantelle Anderson as she actions all in her power, to prevent her teenage son falling into a life of crime and drugs.
Along the way, in her vulnerable state, she struggles to find a suitable life partner. With the trials she's experiencing with her son, who'd want to take on the whole package? Unless, God intervenes and shows He hasn't forgotten Chantelle's desperate situation.
Acres of Promise is a beautiful story of how God restores what was lost and stolen, replacing it with more than we can ask or imagine.
What could he talk about to get her mind off Noah for a little while? Andrew leaned his elbow to the round Laminex table, placing his forefinger across his cheek.
“What?” Chantelle made googly eyes at him. “You’re staring at me. Do I have crumbs on my face of something?” She licked her lips.
Please, don’t do that. Now, he stared at those sweet lips of hers. “Your mouth looks perfectly fine.” What was he saying? “I’m just thinking of something we can talk about to distract you.”
“Okay.” Chantelle straightened. “What do you want to know? Ask me something?”
He leaned back into his chair and chewed on the inside of his cheek. He’d like to ask her about Mark. But how would he go about it? And tonight probably wasn’t the time to talk about more problems. She hadn’t seemed amused to get a message from him. If she’d returned his ring, they weren’t on good terms.
“You’re a fascinating woman. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of stories you could tell.” The coffee may have kicked in, and he felt a bit daring, a little dangerous. “So . . . you’ve lived the single life for the last eleven years. Surely, as beautiful as you are, you must’ve knocked a few blokes back in line.”
Chantelle coughed on her food, swallowed, and took a sip of her tea. “Not as many men as you’d think, even though I’m so beautiful, as you say.” She mocked him with a shrug of her shoulder, then fluffed her hair, and fluttered her lashes.
He laughed. “Those actions don’t match with your humble personality. But, you must have a mirror and know men would find you attractive.” He was honest. Maybe too much.
She blushed this time. “Well.” She placed a hand on the table with a giggle. “I’ve had a few, shall I say, interesting, male species after my affections.” She burst out laughing and tried to sip but spurted the tea from her mouth. “Sorry, but I find this funny.”
This lady. He couldn’t help but like her. He felt great that he made her laugh. His belly bubbled too. She acted so cute under his spotlight of questions, fidgeting with pink cheeks. Really cute. Maybe he didn’t need that coffee after all.
About the Author

Lisa Renée is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Omega Writers, Australia.
Lisa adores babies enough to have seven of her own. Recently, Lisa has taken up breeding Ragdoll cats instead of breeding humans.
The tribe lives in Australia, where Lisa and her husband enjoy their writing projects and publishing ventures.
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