Guest Post from Author Anne Marie Bennett
A Thing About Libraries
I have loved books and reading, and anything to do with books and reading, since I was a little girl. In fact, my mother loved to tell the story of how, when I was 5 years old, she began reading me The Wizard of Oz, a few chapters at a time. Then one night when she was sick and couldn’t read to me, I picked up the book and finished it myself!
We didn’t have a lot of extra money back then, but the library was free! I still remember that awestruck feeling—me in my prettiest dress and saddle shoes, walking through those large wooden doors, holding my mom’s hand, and surrounded by what felt like a complete and sparkling galaxy of books. And I could take home any five that I wanted! It felt miraculous.
And you know what? Libraries still feel miraculous to me!
I remember my first time in the library at Southern Connecticut State University back in 1978. A whole new library to explore! And when I tentatively asked the librarian at the massive front desk how many books I could check out, I can vividly recall the feeling of utter joy and expansiveness when she shrugged and said, “No limit.”
I took her up on that offer, believe me! I spent hours in that library, combing the shelves for books about my passion for early childhood education, gifted education, spirituality, music, children’s literature, writing, and of course- new fiction.
Today I’m thinking more about libraries because there’s a pandemic happening right now, and our library has been closed for what seems like an eternity. I can pick up books curbside, but I truly miss everything about our the inside of our library… and I hope never to take it for granted again.
Do you have a favorite library? A favorite librarian? Share it here! I’d love to know.
About the Author

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Ends October 14, 2020

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