Sunday, June 5, 2016

Review: Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund

Heidi Reads... Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


All she's ever wanted was a home. But stranded at Presque Isle port after their steamboat sank, Emma Chambers and her brother, Ryan, couldn't be farther away from security. While Ryan at least can find work, Emma can't even find a place to stay. An unlikely solution arises when the lighthouse keeper, who recently lost his wife and is struggling to raise his young son, arrives in town. A traveling preacher believes they might be the answer to each others' problems, and after a hasty marriage, Emma is headed back to the lighthouse with this handsome but quiet stranger.

But nothing in her wandering life has prepared her for suddenly being asked to raise a child and keep a house. Struggling at every turn, Emma also suspects Patrick may be keeping something hidden from her. In town she hears whispers about strange circumstances surrounding his previous wife's death, and it seems as though Emma's answered prayer for a home and family may actually be something much more dangerous.

My Review

Seriously loved this first book in the Beacons of Hope series! I have a new favorite to add to the "marriage of convenience" list. Emma is so humble and so sweet. As a mother to a precocious toddler, I completely related to her struggles with Patrick's son Josiah. I felt the author realistically portrayed the joys and hardships of motherhood. Emma's trust and faith in Patrick humbles him and heals many past hurts and betrayals. I loved their developing relationship as they worked together and supported one another. There is an underlying feeling of tension and suspense with pirates on the loose, disturbing the communities along the shore and threatening ships on the great lake. The plot steadily progresses to a climax of dangerous action and with Patrick's past finally revealed, Emma's choices affect more than one life on the island. The main spiritual themes of choosing to follow God and accepting His forgiveness are thoughtfully portrayed. Once again I read the series out of order so it was a real treat to see Emma's brother Ryan more carefree before the war and the trials he faces in book two, Hearts Made Whole. Highly recommend this book and the entire series!

(Thank you to Bethany House Publishing for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Be sure to check out the other wonderful books in the Beacons of Hope series:

Out of the Storm (FREE prequel novella)

Hearts Made Whole (book 2)

Undaunted Hope (book 3)
Read my review here
Forever Safe (book 4)
currently reading- review coming soon!

Friday, June 3, 2016

First Line Friday: No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer

First Line Friday's

So I came across a meme that appeals to me, First Line Friday's at Bookworm Nation! Grab the book you're currently reading and share the first line. A great first line is intriguing and compels you to keep reading! Feel free to share yours by posting on your blog and commenting with the link, or comment with your book and it's first line here and/or at Bookworm Nation.

No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer

"Malachi Shaw made the arduous climb back into consciousness with great effort." - No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer


Men are optional. That's the credo Emma Chandler's suffragette aunts preached and why she started a successful women's colony in Harper's Station, Texas. But when an unknown assailant tries repeatedly to drive them out, Emma admits they might need a man after all. A man who can fight--and she knows just the one.

Malachi Shaw finally earned the respect he craved by becoming an explosives expert for the railroad. Yet when Emma's plea arrives, he bolts to Harper's Station to repay the girl who once saved his life. Only she's not a girl any longer. She's a woman with a mind of her own and a smile that makes a man imagine a future he doesn't deserve.

As the danger intensifies, old feelings grow and deepen, but Emma and Mal will need more than love to survive.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Review & Giveaway: A Daughter's Dream by Shelly Shepard Gray

Heidi Reads... A Daughter's Dream by Shelly Shepard Gray

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Rebecca Kinsinger has always dreamed of being a teacher. But when she’s given the opportunity she’s been waiting for at Charm Amish School, she’s dismayed to discover that teaching is hard work—work she’s afraid she’s not very good at.

That is, until Lilly Yoder joins the class. A thirteen-year old who’s just lost her parents, Lilly is in need of someone like Rebecca. For the first time since starting her new job, Rebecca feels a sense of purpose. But when she meets Lilly’s uncle, Jacob, his good looks and sweet, easy-going temperament are hard to ignore. How can she even entertain romantic thoughts of Jacob when his niece is her student?

Suddenly becoming Lily’s sole caregiver, Jacob Yoder never thought he’d be a single parent—or a farmer. Having been living in Florida as a carpenter, Jacob feels more at home wielding a hammer than a backhoe. The only bright spot in his life is Rebecca Kinsinger. As Lily and Rebecca develop a bond, Jacob’s fondness for the pretty teacher grows, too.

But when a fateful accident brings them together, Rebecca and Jacob must choose between duty and desire. Will they follow the path before them? Or set out to find true happiness…and true love?

My Review

I enjoyed this second book in the Charmed Amish Life series. It can be read as a stand alone as an explanation of what happens in the first book is included in the narrative, but I recommend reading A Son's Vow first if you have it so the story isn't spoiled (I rated it 5 stars- it was excellent!). A Daughter's Dream is definitely more laid back than its predecessor. Rebecca's journey along the path of life is one she took willingly, and as she explores other options for her future, she keeps a positive attitude when things don't go as she imagined. Her blossoming friendship and romance with Jacob is so sweet and void of tension, it developed quite naturally with special moments that were a pleasure to read. Lilly is the character that I felt was portrayed with the most angst, yet even her path seemed to smooth out quickly with the support of her family and friendship with Peter. Some of the story is also told from the perspective of Rachel, the schoolteacher, but I didn't feel that it added much to the plot. The themes of healing and seeking God's will for one's life were heartfelt and I loved being back in the Amish community of Charm. Something that stands out to me about this series is the noticeable lack of interaction with church leadership. I don't think it's a bad thing, just very different from other Amish fiction I've read. The characters seem more independent and willing to handle their own problems, and there isn't the feeling of pressure to conform to standards a particular bishop sets. I recommend this series to fans of family sagas and Amish fiction.

(Thank you to Avon Inspire and Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Review: Love is Come by Heather B. Moore

Heidi Reads... Love is Come by Heather B. Moore

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


“I have to remind myself to breathe—almost to remind my heart to beat.” —Wuthering Heights

From the Power of the Matchmaker series:

Nelle Thompson lives a life of privilege during the turn of the century New York City. When her parents are killed in a terrible accident, she’s forced to live with her aunt’s family in a small town in Connecticut, and treated as a poor relation with no financial independence. Broken hearted and riddled with insomnia, Nelle’s health begins a downward spiral. When a locked part of her heart blossoms around her cousin’s fiancé Mathew Janson, Nelle doesn’t know if she can endure one more heartbreak. Miss Pearl, owner of the local apothecary shop, becomes a mother figure to Nelle, but a fateful summer day has Nelle questioning everything she's ever believed and wondering if she’ll ever love again.

My Review

This is a solid addition to the Power of the Matchmakers series! I loved seeing another side of Pearl and how she and Nelle bond over their broken hearts. Most of the time Pearl is wise and caring, with a twinkle in her eye, but in Love is Come we see a glimpse of the sorrow beneath the surface. The contrasting settings of the city and country are both interesting to see Nelle struggle in. They each present trials that are almost overwhelming to her. Mathew is a bright spot in her days, even though she feels she must hold back from him. the way he helped her deal with her grief was sweet and showed the compassionate nature he had. While the plot was interesting I didn't quite feel an emotional connection to the characters, but I still enjoyed the story and would recommend it, especially to those reading all the books in the series. (Each book is a completely different story with Pearl as the matchmaker the only connection).

(Thank you to Ebooks for Review for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)