Monday, August 17, 2020

Review & Giveaway: The Gentleman Spy by Erica Vetsch

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


He only wanted a duchess for a day―but she's determined to make it a marriage for life

When his father and older brother suddenly pass away, the new Duke of Haverly is saddled with a title he never expected to bear. To thwart the plans of his scheming family, the duke impulsively marries a wallflower. After all, she's meek and mild; it should be easy to sequester her in the country and get on with his life―as a secret agent for the Crown.

But his bride has other ideas. She's determined to take her place not only as his duchess but as his wife. As a duchess, she can use her position to help the lowest of society―the women forced into prostitution because they have no skills or hope. Her endeavors are not met favorably in society, nor by her husband who wishes she'd remain in the background as he ordered.

Can the duke succeed in relegating her to the sidelines of his life? When his secrets are threatened with exposure, will his new wife be an asset or a liability?

My Review

Charlotte is the kind of character that I find easy to relate to in fiction. She loves reading, wants to do what is right but also speaks up, even when it is unpopular, and is compassionate and sacrificial. I loved her newfound passion for helping unfortunate women and the way she developed confidence in herself and in her new role. Marcus has quite a bit on his plate being an unexpected duke, an undercover agent, and new groom. I wish we knew more about his emotions in the early stages of his relationship with Charlotte, but he was just too good at repressing and compartmentalizing. The intrigue of the mystery he is trying to solve comes and goes throughout the book and seems to slow the pace rather than increase it. I enjoyed the focus on Charlotte and the way she navigates the new relationships in her life- husband, difficult mother-in-law, genuine friends, secret half sister, and converted former madam. There is a faith element woven in that is not often emphasized in Regency fiction, and I appreciated the way it gave hope and inspiration to the characters. I hope there will continue to be more in this series!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)


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