Saturday, October 12, 2019

Review: Mercer's Belles (Timeless Western Collection) by Heather B. Moore, Teri Harman, Linda Carroll-Bradd

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


When Mr. Mercer sends out a call for single women to travel to Seattle for teaching positions and the potential of forming marriages, 45 answer his call, becoming Mercer's Belles.

The following collection is based on based on true events during the 1860s:

ONE DANCE by Heather B. Moore
When Harriet Silverman arrives in Seattle for a fresh start and a new teaching position, the last person she expects is to meet is a fisherman who seems to be every place she turns. As she gets to know Caleb Munns, Harriet discovers they are a perfect match--for friendship. They both have solid reasons for not pursuing marriage. But as their paths continue to cross, Harriet begins to see a completely different future than she imagined.

A JOURNEY TO LOVE by Teri Harman
Cora, a nurse and surgeon's assistant who learned her skills during the war, joins Mercer's expedition in hopes of finding a job in the West. She's a widow and does not want to marry again. When she meets Albert, a surgeon who is traveling on board the Continental, she finds herself intrigued. Yet, Albert's determined to open his own practice in Seattle, make it a success, and has no plans to look for a wife. But the more time Cora and Albert spend together on the voyage, the more they are drawn to each other.

A FARAWAY LIFE by Linda Carroll-Bradd
Teacher Sorcha Geraghty yearns for a fresh start after the death of her beau and a factory accident maimed her hand. Asa Mercer’s call for teachers for Washington Territory provides a new opportunity, and she joins his ocean-going expedition. Upon arrival, she learns of the expectation for the women to become wives to the many bachelors. Sorcha needs a new plan and fast. Logging manager Lang Ingemar wants a teacher to provide basic English instruction to his Swedish-speaking crew and keep them out of trouble when they go to Seattle. When he convinces Miss Geraghty to relocate to the logging camp, he has no idea the ways his life will be changed.

My Review

I really enjoyed the way these authors brought history to life with memorable characters and interesting details. In all three stories the female main characters are not interested in marriage which provides some inner conflict when they develop strong feelings for the men who unexpectedly make their way into their hearts. I loved the plots of all three stories, but the first two were my favorites with the way the characters handled their circumstances and relationships. The last story involved some immature choices and overreactions which didn't seem to fit and threw me out of the story a bit. I did like the setting in the logging camp in the forest though. I appreciated that even though the stories were similar in the history of the voyage, there were differences in the occupations of the men- fisherman, doctor, and logger- and also the ladies- teacher of children, nurse surgeon, and English teacher of immigrants- which provided the needed variety. 

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Review: For the Lady of Lowena by Deborah M. Hathaway

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


She’s everything he never wanted—until she was everything he needed.

Tired of the smoke, the smog, and the spoiled females of London, Frederick Hawkins leaves the city behind and purchases an estate in Cornwall, longing to escape his mother’s meddling—and to find a wife worthy of his devotion. When he happens upon a barefooted lady asleep on the beach and rescues her from the incoming tide, he believes he has found such a woman. But first impressions can’t be trusted.

Born into wealth, Sophia Rosewall is offered everything on a silver platter. That is, until her father reveals he has lost their fortune and can now no longer fund their affluent living. Even worse, the intriguing gentleman who’d rescued Sophia on the beach is no one else but the pretentious man now taking possession of her home. Uprooted from everything she has ever known, Sophia relocates to Lowena, a small cottage at the edge of the sea. She clings to her former life, but when Society rejects her, nothing will ever be the same.

As their paths continually cross, Frederick begins to see glimmers of the carefree Sophia he’d first met on the beach, and he cannot help but hope that there is more to the woman than a love of wealth and attention. He does what he can to help her find confidence in her new life and allow her true self to shine forth, but only Sophia can stop attempting to change her circumstances, and instead, change her heart.

My Review

It's always a risk when the main character of a story is flawed in a way bordering on unlikeable, but the author skillfully played with that line to show the beautiful redemption of Sophia as her world is upended in a most humbling manner and her values and priorities shift. Frederick plays a vital role in helping her understand what's really important in life and finding purpose in her days. I was as happy as Frederick to see her true self emerge that he glimpsed that first day on the beach. She still goes through many obstacles as her confidence takes a battering and she often feels lost and adrift, hovering between the upper and lower classes. Frederick has great hopes for her and their blossoming relationship, but still struggles with trust because of experiences in his past. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this lovely book with an amazing Regency setting on the coast as Frederick and Sophia learn to reconcile their fears and grasp hold of what they most desire.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the other books in the Cornish Romance series . . .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Review: The Spice King by Elizabeth Camden

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Gray Delacroix has dedicated his life to building his very successful global spice empire, but it has come at a cost. Resolved to salvage his family before it spirals out of control, he returns to his ancestral home to save his brother and sister before it's too late.

As a junior botanist for the Smithsonian, Annabelle Larkin has been charged with the impossible task of gaining access to the notoriously private Delacroix plant collection. If she fails, she will be out of a job and the family farm in Kansas will go under. She has no idea that in gaining entrance to the Delacroix world, she will unwittingly step into a web of dangerous political intrigue far beyond her experience.

Unable to deny her attraction to the reclusive business tycoon, Annabelle will be forced to choose between her heart and loyalty to her country. Can Gray and Annabelle find a way through the storm of scandal without destroying the family Gray is fighting to save?

My Review

I'm always impressed by the amount of historical detail and circumstances the author weaves into the story that I had never considered, especially at a time when more women are making their way into the workforce. It makes me excited to think about these pioneers and how they contributed to our nation. Washington D.C. is a fascinating setting and I loved seeing the city through the eyes of Annabelle. She is driven with such purpose, whether it be analyzing grain samples or persuading someone to her way of thinking. Gray is more complex, and the pair was an interesting match. I didn't sense much romantic chemistry between them, but rather a deep respect for the challenge they present each other and the unlikely friendship that blossoms. Secrets and political motivations threaten their relationship, but I admired their integrity as they navigate the obstacles they endure.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Review & Giveaway: Secrets & Suitors by Joanna Barker

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Reluctantly returning to London for yet another Season, shy Nora Hamilton has nearly given up hope that she will ever find the love match she longs for. After all, the one man she does harbor feelings for—her closest friend, James—has made it perfectly clear he views her as just that: a friend. With James traveling half a world away and Nora's father pressuring her to marry for wealth and status, Nora is forced to set aside her desire for love and accept the future she has always dreaded.

Until James returns unexpectedly and Nora's feelings once again rush unbearably close to the surface. Determined to save what is left of their friendship, Nora ignores her own heart and allows herself to be swept up in the London Season, soon finding herself the object of two very different gentlemen's affections. Though she should be thrilled, both men come with a glaring fault: neither is the one man who holds her heart.

But there is much more at stake than heartbreak. When long-kept secrets are laid bare, Nora must face the fears that have plagued her all her life and decide what true love is worth.

My Review

Poor Nora! I really struggled with the first part of the book because Nora feels hopeless and resigned, and the author did a great job of connecting the reader to her emotions- so I was feeling sad and frustrated as I read. Things picked up when the setting moves to London and Nora begins to develop hope for another plan for her future. I found the evolving dynamics of her family interesting and I appreciated that we got to see the more complex layers of her parents and especially her father, who is not the villain he seems to be in the beginning. Nora has a strong bond with her sister and brother, and it added a nice element to the story. Nora also evolves and grows through her experiences and she is a much stronger person for it by the end, where she refuses to let the secrets stay hidden so she can grasp the future she wants with both hands- not just who she marries, but a warm and loving family.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

About the Author

Joanna Barker was born and raised in northern California. She discovered her love for historical fiction after visiting England as an eleven-year-old, and subsequently read every Jane Austen book she could get her hands on. After graduating Brigham Young University with a degree in English, she worked as an acquisitions editor before devoting herself full-time to writing. She enjoys music, chocolate, and reading everything from romance to science fiction. She lives in Utah and is just a little crazy about her husband and two wild-but-loveable boys.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 7, 2019

Review: Aiming for Love by Mary Connealy

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Josephine Nordegren is one of three sisters who grew up nearly wild in southwestern Colorado. She has the archery skills of Robin Hood and the curiosity of the Little Mermaid, fascinated by but locked away from the forbidden outside world--a world she's been raised to believe killed her parents. When David Warden, a rancher, brings in a herd much too close to the girls' secret home, her older sister especially is frightened, but Jo is too interested to stay away.

David's parents follow soon on his heels, escaping bandits at their ranch. David's father is wounded and needs shelter. Josephine and her sisters have the only cabin on the mountain. Do they risk stepping into the world to help those in need? Or do they remain separated but safe in the peaks of Hope Mountain?

My Review

I'm so happy for the start of a new series by Mary Connealy! I adore her down-to-earth characters, the adventure found in the remote wilderness setting, and the sweet romance that develops naturally. Jo and her sisters are an anomaly- three women surviving and thriving without any contact with the outside world. They are an interesting blend of naive and savvy, having a strong moral code instilled by their grandma and survival skills taught by their grandpa, and each girl has a different blend of caution, curiosity, and fear when it comes to their new neighbors. Jo is the most eager to associate with Dave and his family, while Ilsa is compelled by her healing skills to help with Dave's father's injuries, and Ursula fights against the new relationships the entire time (her story will be interesting to read!) Of course there are humorous misunderstandings with certain expressions the girls aren't familiar with and the two Bibles they quoted from especially had me chuckling. There is a nice blend of action, suspense, relationship-building, humor, and romance as Jo is torn between loyalty to her sisters and the way they were raised, and the comfort and love she experiences with Dave and his family. The story wraps on a satisfying note, but the conflict with the land-grabber and his hired gunmen will continue into the next book.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

The Brides of Hope Mountain series continues in March 2020 . . .


After years of isolation on top of Hope Mountain, Ilsa Nordegren may finally be ready to leave. Raised to fear the world, Ilsa and her sisters never planned on coming down, but when the Warden family arrived in need, they had to help. And it may cost them everything.

Having made his fortune, Mitch Warden returned home and found the family homestead abandoned. In a land grab, a ruthless cattle baron had forced his family to escape up the mountain, and when he follows, the last thing he expects is to fall smitten to a black-haired woman who dresses like Robin Hood.

Warden is intent on helping his family reclaim their land, but doesn't realize the risks his past has brought. Dangerous men have tracked him, and rather than risk innocent lives, he's determined to end the danger. But that means a journey to the city--and when Ilsa insists on joining him, the mismatched pair suddenly find themselves on a venture they'll never forget.

Review: Foremost by Jody Hedlund

Book Two in The Lost Princesses series

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


A second princess. Another key to the treasure. And a cruel king desperate to squelch the growing rebellion.

Raised in an isolated abbey, Lady Maribel desires nothing more than to become a nun and continue practicing her healing arts. She’s carefree and happy with her life…until a visitor comes to the abbey and reveals her true identity as one of the lost princesses.

When he was a young boy, Edmund Chambers helplessly watched King Ethelwulf murder his family. Edmund escaped and has lived in the abbey ever since, uniquely trained to work with wild animals. Secretly, he loves Maribel and desperately hopes she doesn’t complete her holy order vows.

When King Ethelwulf’s army arrives at the abbey to capture Maribel, she flees with Edmund across the desolate Highlands in an attempt to reach Adelaide’s rebel army. Edmund can no longer hide his love, but can Maribel give up her dreams of becoming a nun to love him in return?

My Review

This series keeps getting better! The author draws the reader in immediately and I felt like the characters really came to life. There is quite a bit of adventure in this one with hidden passages, caves, mazes, dangerous creatures, and as always the king's soldiers on their heels. Poor Edmund has quite the unrequited love for Maribel, and it was sweet to see her become aware of his deeper feelings and have her own awaken as well. She's a bit stubborn with her thinking that her only path is to be a healer and nothing else, but fortunately her sister the queen helps open her eyes and opportunities. Maribel is full of compassion for those she helps and she's easy to like, even when she is being a little frustrating ;) I felt satisfied with this story as a part of the whole, and eagerly anticipate the final book in the series!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Be sure to read the other books in The Lost Princesses series . . .

Prequel Novella

Book One

Book Three
Releases October 29, 2019

Blog Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Edge of Truth by Kimberly Rose Johnson

Edge of Truth JustRead Blog Blitz

Welcome to the Blog Blitz and Giveaway for Edge of Truth by Kimberly Rose Johnson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Edge of Truth by Kimberly Rose Johnson 
Title: Edge of Truth
Series: Law Enforcement Heroes  
Author: Kimberly Rose Johnson  
Publisher: Sweet Rose Press  
Genre: Romantic Suspense  
Release Date: August 6, 2019  

Two DEA agents. One undercover mission. Lives changed forever.

The DEA sends two of its best agents, Kara Nelson and Jeff Clark, to Central Oregon, to shut down a major drug ring. Kara and Jeff usually work alone, but Operation Trail Ride throws them undercover together in a way neither of them expected.

A notorious Miami drug lord wants Kara dead. Can these agents pull off the greatest acting job of their lives—and manage the sparks flying between them? Or will they die trying?

Edge of Truth is the first book in the Law Enforcement Heroes series. A romantic suspense series with nail biting suspense and a splash of romance. If you like engaging characters, small-town antics, and page turning suspense, then you’ll love Kimberly Rose Johnson’s Law Enforcement Heroes series.

 PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository


If drugs were passing through here, they were doing an exceptional job of hiding them. He saw no signs of anything unusual. The barn door opened wide and sunlight streaked in outlining the silhouette of a cowboy.

“Can I help you?”

Jeff rose to his full height. “I’m Eric’s brother, Jeff.”

“Uh-huh, and I’m the Lone Ranger. Eric ain’t got no brother.”

Although the man’s claim should have surprised him, it didn’t. He and Eric weren’t close, so there was no reason anyone here would know about him. Jeff squinted. “I didn’t catch your name.”

“I didn’t throw it.” He turned and stalked out. 


Kimberly Rose Johnson

Award-winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child, Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul. Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. You can sign up for Kimberly's newsletter via her website at:  

CONNECT WITH KIMBERLY: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | BookBub


(1) winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card

Edge of Truth JustRead Giveaway  

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight October 7, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm October 14, 2019. Open internationally as long as winner can accept gift card from US Amazon. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


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