Monday, February 12, 2018

Romance is in the Air: Author Liz Isaacson & Giveaway!


Before the Leap by Liz Isaacson 

The ranch foreman, a fiery new designer, and an old flame that could burn them both... Jace Lovell only has one thing left after his fiancĂ© abandons him at the altar: his job at Horseshoe Home Ranch. He throws himself into becoming the best foreman the ranch has ever had—and that includes hiring an interior designer to make the ranch owner's wife happy. Belle Edmunds is back in Gold Valley after she lost her job at a prestigious design firm in California. She's working for a conglomerate, but she's desperate to build a portfolio that she can use to start her own firm in Montana. She applies for the job at Horseshoe Home, and though Jace and Belle grew up together, they've never seen eye to eye on much more than the sky is blue. The spark between them now that they're adults can't be denied, and as Jace and Belle attempt to work together, they also fight their growing attraction to each other. But Jace isn't anywhere near forgiving his fiancĂ©, and he's not sure he's ready for a new relationship with someone as fiery and beautiful as Belle. Can she employ her patience while he figures out how to forgive so they can find their own brand of happily-ever-after? 


Praise for Second Chance Ranch, Book 1 in the Amazon #1 bestselling Three Rivers Ranch Romance series: 

"Isaacson artfully combines disparate threads in her contemporary Western Christian romance." ~BookLife, Publisher's Weekly 

"I loved that both Jace and Belle are strong people dealing with vulnerabilities. Liz’s characters are real people! I appreciate how she described Jace’s emotional struggle resulting from being jilted as well as Belle’s desire for everything to look okay on the outside.Having read all of the Three Rivers Ranch series, I enjoyed the move to Montana, following Tom Lovell’s extended family." ~Nerkalj, Amazon Reviewer

"A captivating story of love. A wonderfully clean romance that held my attention all the way through. The characters in this story are in real everyday situations where you hurt, and you lash out, and you hurt more because you did. True to life stories are the kind I like best. They help me deal with my own failings and feelings. With all that, these stories show that with God all things are possible, that He helps us heal. I highly recommend this book!" ~Barbara W., Amazon Reviewer              

Three more interviews, and still Jace didn’t see something in the folders—or the applicants—he thought might fit at Horseshoe Home Ranch. Finally, only one folder remained on his desk. He didn’t bother to open it. All the designers had brought a copy of their designs for the different spaces on the ranch.
Landon opened the door and said, “Miss Belle.”
Jace snapped his head up, ice sinking through his chest, coating his lungs and internal organs in stiff blocks he’d never escape. Why hadn’t—?
“Well, look at you.” Belle strode forward, her luxurious auburn hair flowing behind her like a curtain. She’d pinned back only the very front, leaving the rest to frame her high cheekbones, her bright green eyes, and her very glossed lips.
Jace yanked his attention away from those lips, which had always intrigued him. “Look at me?” he asked, making a conscious effort not to reach up and smooth down his beard like he did when he wanted to look his best. “Look at you. What happened? Did Sacramento run out of red lipstick? You had to come all the way to Gold Valley to get stocked up?”
“Ha ha.” She swept him from head to toe. “I see you’re still wearing that ridiculous hat.”
“Everyone wears these hats,” he shot back. “We’re cowboys.”
“Yes, well, most decent men buy a replacement every few years.” She sniffed as she perched on the edge of the chair across from his desk and pulled a folder from her purse. No briefcase bag. No pretentious heels—Belle didn’t need them. She stood almost as tall as her brother, Landon.
The snake, Jace thought as he rounded the desk and took his seat. Landon should’ve told him his sister had applied. Growing up, Jace had never seen eye-to-eye with the redhead, though he did enjoy trading jabs with her when she visited from her hoity-toity job at a design firm in Sacramento.
Instead of focusing on her tight black jeans and flowing top of cobalt blue—which he thought made her hair look positively decadent—he flipped open the folder to check her address. “You moved back?”
She shrugged one shoulder, the silky blouse she wore slipping a little. “My parents are on a six-month service mission in Africa. I’m taking care of the house.”
He returned his gaze to the folder, which was safer than drinking in Belle’s curves. “Mm hm.” He’d heard that before. Pretty princess left home, and instead of admitting that the world had chewed her up, she came home “to take care of the house.”
“You must be tired.” Her tone, which someone less experienced than Jace could’ve misinterpreted to be sympathetic, caused him to abandon the folder.
“Why do you say that?” Jace knew Belle’s body didn’t actually house sympathetic bones, even though she dressed it up nice and sprayed intoxicating, lilac-scented perfume across her collarbone. His gaze dropped to that spot, and her golden skin made his blood run a little faster.
“You didn’t even make a joke about me taking care of the house.”
Jace opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when nothing came to mind. “It’s been a long day. Let’s get this over with.” With effort, he closed her folder and shoved his traitorous thoughts about Belle’s attractiveness to the back of his mind. “Did you bring your portfolio?”


Author Liz Isaacson 

Liz Isaacson is the pen name for USA Today bestselling author Elana Johnson as she writes inspirational romances. Her Three Rivers Ranch Romance series has multiple #1 bestsellers in half a dozen categories. She loves all things cowboys, and will write romance in Texas, Montana, and anywhere else she can find horses and mountains. 

Giveaway Details $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 3/6/18 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.  

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Review: The Mayflower Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse

Book One in the Daughters of the Mayflower series

Heidi Reads... The Mayflower Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse

My rating: 3 stars / I liked it


A brand new series for fans of all things related to history, romance, adventure, faith, and family trees.

Mary Chapman boards the Speedwell in 1620 as a Separatist seeking a better life in the New World. William Lytton embarks on the Mayflower as a carpenter looking for opportunities to succeed—and he may have found one when a man from the Virginia Company offers William a hefty sum to keep a stealth eye on company interests in the new colony. The season is far too late for good sailing and storms rage, but reaching land is no better as food is scarce and the people are weak. Will Mary survive to face the spring planting and unknown natives? Will William be branded a traitor and expelled?

My Review

I have to admit, I first wanted to read this book because of the amazing cover. I was intrigued by the historical setting and what story the author would tell. While the book has plenty of details of the Speedwell and Mayflower voyages, they were basic and I didn't find them very compelling and didn't feel immersed in the setting. I felt like I was being told facts instead of experiencing it along with the characters. I liked Mary Elizabeth and the realistic portrayal of her fears, and how she relied on her faith to give her strength to overcome. Her friend Dorothy was a bright spot with her optimism and enthusiasm. William has a background that is tragic yet redeeming, and his developing friendship with Mary Elizabeth is sweet. Somehow I didn't feel a connection to the emotions they described, and felt like what depth was there was repeated throughout the book.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

More to come in the Daughters of the Mayflower series . . .

Book Two

The Pirate Bride by Kathleen Y’Barbo - set 1725 New Orleans 
(coming April 2018)

Book Three

The Captured Bride by Michelle Griep - set 1760 during the French and Indian War 
(coming June 2018)

Book Four

The Patriot Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse – set 1774 Philadelphia 
(coming August 2018)

Book Five

The Cumberland Bride by Shannon McNear – set 1794 on the Wilderness Road 
(coming October 2018)

Book Six

The Liberty Bride by MaryLu Tyndall – set 1814 Baltimore 
(coming December 2018)

Book Tour Grand Finale: The Rancher's Temporary Engagement by Stacy Henrie

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Rancher's Temporary Engagement
By Stacy Henrie

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

I’m excited to share with readers my fifth Love Inspired Historical, which is also the first in a three book series set in and around Sheridan, Wyoming in the late 1890s and early 1900s. This particular story was fun to write because I was able to give a nod to my love of England through my British hero Edward and give my smart, no-nonsense heroine Maggy an unusual profession as a female Pinkerton agent...

Happy Reading!

— Stacy

"I fell in love with the main characters and descriptions of the scenes were very vivid. . . . This is my first book by Stacy Henrie, I will definitely have to read more of her books. I really enjoyed this book."

Heidi Reads... - Review

"I always love how Stacy Henrie's books transport me to the setting with rich historical details. The characters really came to life against the backdrop the author set and while it's a relatively quick read, that's partly because I couldn't put it down! . . . Loved the sweet romance and fascinating history!"

“You are going to ruin this investigation,” she hissed. “Could you have looked any more appalled at playing the role of my fiancĂ©?”

“Are you mad?” Edward countered, keeping his voice equally low. “Of course I’m going to be shocked and downright annoyed when you announce such a ridiculous fiction.”
Maggy crossed her arms and glared at him. Her eyes had turned a dark cobalt. “There wasn’t time to ask how you felt about it. Besides I told you that I was coming up with a role.”

"The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement is a fabulous historical that should not be missed. I had it read in just a few hours and it was time well spent. I highly recommend this for those who love a good, sweet, clean, heartwarming book that, also, has a touch of mystery and suspense.
A well deserved 5 plus stars."

"Stacy Henrie brings something intangible to every story that she writes; she just has a special touch that’s hard to define. All the details that I love are present in The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement – character depth, historical detail, humor, romantic tension. And then there’s the emotional tug that comes from characters who don’t seem fictional at all, but easily identifiable people who face similar struggles as we might, only in a different setting. While I’ve enjoyed all that I’ve read by this author, this book holds a special place in my heart."

Unpinning her hat, Maggy used it to fan her flushed face. She shut her eyes and willed herself to breathe through the pressure in her chest. She was safe—no one was going to harm her ever again. Especially not a man. Detective skills weren’t the only things she’d learned in the last six years; she’d also learned how to take care of herself.

"I was surprised by the depth and sincerity of Henrie's writing. In such a light genre, many inspirational authors shy away from the grittier aspects of the time period. Henrie handles both the bad and ugly with honesty and a deeper message of hope. As Maddy slowly watches the way Edward weaves his faith through his daily life, Henrie also urges us to "see His hand in everything." The impact of Edward's faith in God and in Maddy, as she unravels the mystery is more than empowering, it's a reminder of the true meaning of redeeming love."

"The romance is sweet and tender and very believable and the setting is hot, dusty, and perfect for the times. I couldn't put it down and was swept away for a time, which was completely fine with me. If you love historical mystery romances, dime novels, and mysteries, this one is for you."

"I couldn’t put the book down, the story kept me on my toes….just when I thought I knew what was going on things changed slightly and I started second guessing my thoughts. It really is a great story I highly recommend you read it!"

Q: What was your first impression of Edward?
A: Ha! Stubborn and reserved, for sure. But also handsome and kind to his staff.

"Peppered with humor and gentle truth, The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement is a great read from start to finish! Henrie’s sense of timing shines, as well as her ability to create dimensional characters who quickly feel like dear friends. The friendship-turned-romance is swoony and sweet, and the suspense gives the plot purpose without overpowering it. Stacy Henrie’s novels are always wonderfully enjoyable, and this one is no exception!"

“Are you always this obstinate, Mr. Kent?” Maggy asked, jerking his thoughts back to the unpleasant scene unfolding on his porch.

She was accusing him of obstinacy? He climbed the steps in an effort to keep her from barging her way inside. An action he wouldn’t put past her. “Are you always this persistent?”

Her eyes brightened with amusement. “I wouldn’t be one of Pinkertons best detectives if I weren’t.”

Cafinated Reads - Review

"I loved this book! It’s a quick, captivating read and I loved the writing style of Ms. Henrie. She has a beautiful way of pulling the reader into the heart of the story instantly and making them feel apart of the whirlwind of fun. I loved Edward and Maggy’s characters. They were perfectly chiseled and true-to-life."

His unexpected show of confidence in her abilities to come up with a solid cover story brought her earlier idea forward at last, in full form. “I’m Maggy. Edward’s fiancĂ©e,” she finished with a triumphant smile. “Isn’t that right, darling?”

Turning toward him, Maggy only had a moment to register the shock in Edward’s gray eyes before his mouthful of tea came spewing out—all over her.

Remembrancy - Review

"A feisty, capable and determined detective—who happens to be female—and a British transplant to Wyoming intent on proving his worth as a rancher combine for a delightful read...

With memorable characters and plenty of culprits, this book is a suspenseful, yet delightful, read."

I Am A Reader - Excerpt

“Fine.” Edward let his shoulders slump. “I won’t get into fisticuffs with Howe.”

One corner of Maggy’s mouth lifted. “You would get into fisticuffs for me?”

He sensed she meant it in a teasing way, but he couldn’t bring himself to jest about something he felt strongly about. “Yes, Maggy.” He placed his hand over hers where it still rested near his heart—just as it had the other day when they’d stumbled into each other. “I would.”

Among the Reads - Review

"I’m always so glad to find new authors I like. Stacy Henrie is now on my “buy as soon as it is released list”. The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement was a great story with mystery, romance, and life lessons about the love of God."

"The Rancher's Temporary Engagement was just like its predecessors, a truly fun read with delightfully generous amounts of romance and danger. And the overarching theme that each person is of value is an important reminder to every person who has ever doubted their own worth...which is probably every single one of us."

Bookworm Nation - Excerpt

Stepping in front of him, she gripped his face between her palms. The heat of the fire baked her back, but she wouldn’t give up on Edward, not without a fight. And a fight could well be the result of what she was about to do.

She tipped his head toward her. Then, ignoring the steely quality in his gray eyes, she pressed her lips firmly to his. His jaw stiffened briefly beneath her hands, but Maggy didn’t let it deter her. She poured all the fears and joys she’d experienced over the last month into her kiss.

"I really enjoyed this story! I loved the characters, the story line, the dialogue, Stacy's writing style. It was all done beautifully."

And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already... Rancher's Temporary Engagement
by Stacy Henrie
Inspirational Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 1st 2018 by Love Inspired Historical

Undercover Fiancée

The Pinkerton agent that Edward Kent hired is intelligent, capable—and unexpectedly female! Though shocked to learn that Maggy Worthing will be investigating the threats to his Wyoming horse ranch, Edward needs to find the culprit. And if that means a temporary engagement to give Maggy a cover story, he’ll play along with the feisty detective.

Maggy always gets her man—at least when it comes to solving crimes. The young widow refuses to marry again and land under another husband’s thumb. Unmasking Edward’s enemies will earn her a longed-for promotion…but the heart has its own mysteries. Could working together with the handsome English aristocrat spark a real and loving partnership?

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids.

Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive a $40 Amazon e-gift card (open internationally)
- 1 winner will receive a signed print copy of Stacy's novella anthology, LOVE FOR ALL SEASONS (US only)
- Ends February 14th