Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon 2019 #TackleTBR

I appreciate read-a-thons because they give me an extra boost of motivation to power up my reading! Here are the books I'm planning to read *and write the review for* in the next seven days...

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Book Tour Grand Finale: Evermore by Jody Hedlund #EverTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Jody Hedlund

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

In addition to enjoying a sweet love stories set in the midst of exciting adventures, I hope that readers will take away a few nuggets of truth that they can apply to their own lives. Evermore specifically talks about the importance of gaining wisdom, and it’s my hope that readers will be inspired to seek more of God’s wisdom in their lives.

“I shall ride the final course.” I grabbed the great helm. “You know I have the better chance at vanquishing Lord Mortimer.”

“No, Adelaide.” Mitchell reached to divest me of the helmet, but I sidestepped him and thrust it on before he could wrest it away.

“I shall pretend I am you, and Lord Mortimer will be none the wiser.” My voice was hollow against the conical metal hood that covered my entire head except for the narrow eye slits and the small pricked breathing holes. I fumbled at the leather chinstrap, determined to tie it into place before Mitchell stopped me.

"Jody Hedlund has done a good job of making her readers care about the characters. . . . The fantasy elements remain consistent with those in the prequel. I look forward to reading the additional books in The Lost Princesses series once they are released."

“We need this victory more than any other.” I stiffened my shoulders as Mitchell began to thread the belt from my cuirass to the cross-shaped hole at the base of the helm. Though I couldn’t see Mitchell anymore, I sensed his troubled gaze upon me. With the customary Langley brown hair and eyes, he was small of stature for a man, more scholarly and interested in his studies than in tournaments. However, like any good nobleman’s son, he’d been trained to use both his mind and body.

"Jody Hedlund has a gift for writing. No doubt about it. This Lost Princesses series falls right in my sweet spot for reading. I am transported to the world she created with characters I can love and root for without even thinking about it. I love it."

Colorimetry - Excerpt

“That monster will not have you,” Mitchell had declared viciously after the hunting party. “Though you would be harder to control than a wild coyote, I would sooner marry you myself.”

I’d laughed at Mitchell’s passionate declaration. Only months my elder, he wasn’t my cousin by blood or birth. In fact, we weren’t related in any way. But I saw him as none other than my true kin. We’d been inseparable growing up, and he was my steadfast friend.

Remembrancy - Review

"Once again Hedlund delivers an engaging and well-balanced tale full of adventure, danger, romance, and characters becoming who God intended them to be."

Even now, I held out my gauntlet-gloved fingers and waited until I felt his hand in mine. “We shall prevail, Mitchell,” I assured him. “And if Lord Mortimer ever discovers our duplicity, he will certainly put his thoughts far from me, for he will not be able to abide a wife who has knocked him from his horse.”

I didn’t wait for Mitchell’s response. Instead, I shoved aside the tent flap and proceeded toward the lists. With spurs jangling and armor clanking, I joined the other knights with an air of confidence from years of training.

"Evermore is a masterpiece of fiction – this whole series is shaping up to be so. Adventure, romance, bravery, courage, loyalty, godly wisdom, and true love (even from unexpected sources) are all wrapped up in a tale laced with legend and intriguing possibilities. You’ll want to keep reading, unable to put it down, but at the same time you won’t want it to end."

Bookworm Mama - Excerpt

Mitchell handed me a lance made of solid oak and decorated with red and white to match the Langley heraldry. I braced the long weapon under my arm and against my ribs, tilting it slightly forward to maintain my balance. I pressed my thighs into Roland’s flank, needing to become one with the beast. This tournament was a partnership. I couldn’t succeed without Roland’s cooperation—his measured speed, his balance against the pressure of our opponent, and the ability to sense my needs.

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"I LOVE this series. That's all there is to it. . . . This story has many elements that I love. There is action, adventure, strong female characters, romance, medieval setting, self-sacrifice... if I don't stop now it could end up being a very long list."

"The setting is delightful, the twists and turns, engaging, filled with danger, and yes, even suspense. You never know just what to expect. This story kept me reading, and left me wanting more. I can’t wait to read the last two books in this series!!"

J. L. Mbewe - Excerpt

“God be with you.” Mitchell gave my gloved hand a final squeeze. He spoke with confidence, but I could still distinguish a thin strand of anxiety in his tone. Not only was he worried about his mother the same as I was, but so many responsibilities had fallen on his shoulders, including the weight of the earldom, a weight that had been growing steadily heavier.

As the youngest of three brothers, Mitchell hadn’t expected to carry such burdens. But Norbert had died in youth, and Christopher had run away five years ago. Older than Mitchell and me by two years, Christopher had a courage of both body and spirit I admired greatly. While I’d never been as close to Christopher as I had to Mitchell, I still held him in the highest regard.

"Evermore is book one in The Lost Princesses series. Adelaide and Christopher were so wonderful in this novel. Both of these characters had a real heart for doing right and caring for others. . . . This story was captivating from start to finish."

". . . the story caught my imagination and wonder with its gripping tale which bespoke of adventure and a promise to keep me enthralled from the first page. . . . An exciting tale the book foretold, a brilliant author the words revealed, and a plot which galloped at a swift pace made this a perfect read in the lazy afternoon."

Through my eye slits, I focused on my opponent on the other end of the list. Lord Mortimer was a formidable foe. Nigh on thirty, he was strong and experienced. But a greater weakness than his left side was his arrogance. He would expect Mitchell to come at him with his usual quick and powerful thrust. He would pride himself on knowing Mitchell so well.

But if God looked upon me graciously this day, I would deliver a thrust Lord Mortimer wasn’t expecting.

Heidi Reads... - Review

"The author did a great job of giving the reader a sense of her character and personality before the action and adventure swept the story into a faster pace. . . . I easily connected with the characters and felt the danger and excitement as I read. I'm looking forward to the next two books and am *very* appreciative that there won't be a long wait for them!"

"As with Always, I was delighted to read this! . . . The characters in this series are so real, and combined with the attention to detail that makes it easy to picture each scene . . . impossible to put down!"

Backing Books - Review

"The moment I realized that Adelaide was able to fight on her own, though not perhaps as well as an Elite Guard, I knew that she was going to be an interesting character. . . . For anyone looking to pick up this series, know that it is a sweet, fairy tale like romance."

The bugle call rent the air, clear and strong, quieting the crowd. Roland started forward, needing no urging on my part. His pace was perfect, providing adequate speed but smooth enough I could keep my balance.

With the thundering of horse hooves filling the silence, I focused on the part of Lord Mortimer’s armor I intended to hit. I ground my teeth together, tightened my grip, thrust the lance, and then braced for impact.

"I love how all of the books are connected and different pieces of the puzzle! Very clean. Jody Hedlund is such a great author!"

Among the Reads - Review

"I enjoyed the burgeoning romance between Adelaide and Christopher and the way they fought their attraction to one another. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen and was surprised by some of the events. . . . While the story is listed as Historical fiction, I would consider it more of a fantasy. Young adults (and adults) who enjoy fantasy should consider reading this interesting series."

"Incredible! I loved this teen historical fiction with romance and adventure! I went straight from reading the novella to this first book in the trilogy. . . . I loved this YA Christian Fiction! I plan to read the next two books as soon as they are released!"

"Evermore is the first book in the Lost Princesses series by Jody Hedlund. This story was packed with suspense and adventure. There was always something happening. It kept me thoroughly glued to its pages. . . . This book has so much going for it. I highly recommend this one."

We returned to our respective corners of the list, raised our lances, and then began to ride toward each other once again. I bent closer to Roland, needing his strength, begging him for it. Then I put all thought out of my mind, save one—the target on Lord Mortimer’s chest.

Roland’s gait lengthened. His canter quickened. And the pounding of his iron-shod hooves echoed the thud of my heart. I sensed we were working together. We were a team. And this time I had to hit my mark.

Simply Susan - Review

"Hedlund has excelled once again with her medieval tale. Truly, I think this is her forte. She does a magnificent job with these stories. I love this time period and she is wonderful at it. I loved every minute and now I can’t wait for the next lost princess’s tale!"

"Evermore started with an opening that one would expect from A Knight’s Tale . . . Quite humorous as the switch takes place . . . this is a need to read not to be missed novel."

Hallie Reads - Review

". . . I loved these stories. Fun, heartfelt, exciting, they embody everything I expect from a medieval story, and each character proves to be strong and capable, in his or her own way, seeking the truth of God through the experiences. I cannot wait to return to the adventure in the next two Lost Princesses stories, and in the meantime, I highly recommend Always and Evermore."

"Evermore is one of the best books of the year! I absolutely loved this tale and the whole series! . . . I truly loved this tale, it is just filled with so much adventure, magic, and romance! If you love fairytales and a good romantic trope, than this is the book for you!"

"From the very beginning I was intrigued with Hedlund’s characters, especially the heroine, Adelaide . . . the plot moved quickly with twists and turns that kept me swiping the electronic pages of my Kindle long after I should have gone to bed. . . . As a writer of historical romance, I found this medieval tale packed full of historical details. . . . Readers who enjoy YA fiction or historical romance will enjoy this book."

Splashes of Joy - Review

"I love a good fairytale, and author Jody Hedlund writes just that in her new medieval series. I love the characters, and how they develop so well into the story. I was pulled into the story from the beginning, and this was a hard one for me to put down, once I started reading. . . . You can’t go wrong with “Evermore”."

". . . seriously, you need to read these books! . . . These books weren’t just all about romance though! In “Evermore”, it was about jousting, uncovering secrets buried for over seventeen years, fleeing a tyrant all while trying to gain the love and support of the people!

"Another wow for Jody Hedlund! She delivers yet another exciting medevil tale and doesn't disappoint!! . . . This story is full of action everytime you turn around and that is what I like in a book."

"Lots of great action, amazing and intense plot, smooth and clean storyline. I didn’t know it will be this good. There are so much happening in the story that gave me so many feelings about this book. . . . I loved the storyline and the plot, and I can’t wait to read the other two books that will focuses on Princess Maribel and Princess Emmeline."

Harlie's Books - Review

"This is such a great book. . . . Ms. Hedlund has written a wonderful story with an evil king, princesses, knights and a world that I wouldn’t mind living in. I can’t wait to meet the other princesses."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...
(The Lost Princesses #0.5)
By Jody Hedlund
Christian YA Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 136 Pages
August 13th 2019 by Northern Lights Press

A fierce elite guard. A loyal lady in waiting. They must work together to save three princesses from certain death.

On the verge of dying after giving birth to twins, the queen of Mercia pleads with Lady Felicia to save her infant daughters. With the castle overrun by King Ethelwulf’s invading army, Lady Felicia vows to do whatever she can to take the newborn princesses and their three-year old sister to safety, even though it means sacrificing everything she holds dear, possibly her own life.

Gravely wounded in battle and knowing all is lost to his enemy, the king of Mercia tasks Lance, one of his fiercest elite guards, to protect his family along with keys to an ancient treasure. As Lance makes plans to sneak the princesses out of the capital city, he doesn’t need or want Lady Felicia’s help.

With the dark enemy in pursuit, Lance and Felicia must put aside their differences to outrun King Ethelwulf and prevent him from killing the princesses. In a desperate attempt to hide the young girls, Lance and Felicia agree to a marriage of convenience, a decision that will change their lives—and hearts—forever.

(Affiliate links included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
Also FREE through KindleUnlimited
(The Lost Princesses #1)
By Jody Hedlund
Christian YA Historical
Paperback & ebook, 222 Pages
August 27th 2019 by Northern Lights Press

An ancient key. A secret treasure. And a princess destined to use them both to fight evil and restore peace.

Raised by a noble family, Lady Adelaide has always known she’s an orphan. Little does she realize she’s one of the lost princesses and the true heir to Mercia’s throne…until a visitor arrives at her family estate, reveals her birthright as queen, and thrusts her into a quest for the throne whether she’s ready or not.

Unable to tolerate King Ethelwulf’s cruelty and lawlessness, Christopher Langley left Mercia years earlier, training a group of rebels in neighboring Norland. When he returns home after his mother’s death, he discovers that not only is Adelaide all grown up, but she’s also the rightful queen of Mercia.

When King Ethelwulf discovers Adelaide’s location, he’ll stop at nothing to capture her and the key she holds to the ancient treasure. Christopher is just as determined to protect Adelaide so she can lead the growing rebellion. When feelings ignite between the two old friends, forces threaten to destroy their love and rip them apart forever.

(Affiliate links included.)
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository
Also FREE through KindleUnlimited

Other Books in the Series

Coming late September and October. Pre-order now! (Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

Jody Hedlund is a best-selling and award-winning author who loves fairy-tales and happily-ever-afters. She makes her home in Midland, MI with her husband and five teen-aged children. When she’s not writing another of her page-turning stories, you can usually find her sipping coffee, eating chocolate, and reading.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive the prequel and all three books in The Lost Princesses series (Always, Evermore, Foremost and Hereafter) in paperback or ebook (winner's choice, if winner is outside the US ebooks only)
Ends September 25, 2019

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Book Tour Grand Finale: Wayfarer by Janalyn Voigt #WayfarerTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Janalyn Voigt

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Welcome to the book tour of Wayfarer, a medieval epic fantasy tale. Wayfarer combines Christian allegory with bardic storytelling to carry you backward through time into the day when castles flew banners and knights wandered in search of adventure. Ah, but somewhere along the way you’ll take a turning into a land only discovered in dreams. . .

Pause for Tales - Review

"This is a fantasy story set in a medieval like setting with fantastical beasts. It is also a story of political intrigue, war, and hard lessons learned. I was quite fascinated that the prophecy that all were looking to be fulfilled, and the one who fulfilled the prophecy was not believed. . . . I look forward to more of this fantasy line with deep truths and hard lessons played out in a world different than our own."

Uplifting Reads - Excerpt

An indrawn breath alerted Kai. Unsheathing his sword, he peered into the shadows beneath a weilo tree’s curling tresses.

Nothing stirred.

“Show yourself!” His challenge rang through the vale.

No response.

He stepped closer.

Kai. His name sighed in a sudden wind that ruffled the waters of the weild. Morning mists eddied above the river, but the leafy canopy over his head remained still and silent.

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

“As you know, King Devlon of Darksea honors us with his presence. He and his son, Prince Raefe, come to us on a special errand.”

The silence stretched so long Aewen wrenched her gaze from the brooch and looked instead at the sapphire of her mother’s eyes.

The hint of a smile curved Inydde’s lips. “King Devlon has asked for your hand in marriage on behalf of his son, Raefe.”

Aewen could not have spoken even if she had summoned the wit. She stared at the hands twined together in her lap. Her knuckles showed white.

Remembrancy - Review

"Voigt left me both satisfied with the ending of Wayfarer but wanting more because of the unanswered questions remaining. And when I read the synopsis of the upcoming release (Sojourner), I have even more."

Colorimetry - Excerpt

Her smile faltered. “Oh, that you would forget your promise to me.” Her voice changed, took on warmth. “I cherished it, you see.”

“Pray remind me.”

“I should let you suffer longer, but I’ll not. We only agreed to wed one another because our parents wished it and to protect ourselves from other suitors.”

“I remember something, now that you mention the matter.”

Her gray eyes took him in. “I think it, now, not so bad an idea.”

“Have you a suitor you despise?”

She chortled. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

"Once again, the descriptions were beautiful and well-written. The world came alive before my eyes and grew as we explored not only the Kindren world but also the world of the Elder. The conflict between the two races served as an interesting undertone to the overall story, as the characters also fought against Frear, the villain of the previous novel."

Wishful Endings - Excerpt

Movement caught her eye. At the edge of the torchlight pranced a black horse with wings—a creature of surpassing beauty bearing a Kindren youth with fair hair tinged red in the torchlight from the guardhouse. She took a step toward him but halted, speechless.

“Well met, fair one.” His voice, soft and cool, stirred her.

She stared back at him with wide eyes.

His brows drew together. “Do you speak?”

She dipped her head and found her voice. “You are of the Kindren.”

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"I liked the scope of the story. Janalyn Voigt has thought out and is able to execute the plot of the series. Every little action has a consequence that is meaningful and contributes to events that occur later. . . . The fantasy elements really appealed to me."

He put a hand over hers. Her words, soft as the hand he held beneath his own, brought him comfort. “Come.” He walked with her then, taking her toward Cobbleford’s gardens, leaving Raeld in Craelin’s care. Kai followed him at a discreet distance, a fact he welcomed. With Kai near, he might better remember his manners in Aewen’s presence.

They were of the same mind it seemed, for they passed the chapel’s cultivated beds to lose themselves in the natural gardens beyond. Here, weilo trees dangled long leaves in the silvered waters of a stream lined with cobblestones. Wild roses unfurled and native plum trees bent under the weight of their harvest. Bees buzzed, and the aroma of sun-warmed fruit scented the air.

Elcon woke on the cold stone floor of the allerstaed to a blast of trumpets, Torindan’s call to arms, followed by the crash of the first volley from the besieger’s catapults. An unholy uproar commenced—the sound of war. He pushed upright, his heart pounding in his chest like a caged bird. His knees shook. With a trembling hand, he pushed the hair from his eyes as he swallowed against the taste of shame. He’d not known the full extent of his cowardice until now.

“Elcon…” His name carried as if borne on a breeze. Indeed a strange current stirred the air. He lifted his head, blinked in sudden light, and gasped.

"Christians will see parallels between the story in WayFarer and stories in the Bible, yet it is done in such a way that those not familiar with the Bible will view it as a good story. I cannot wait for book three in the series which is due out later this year."

"She paints the story alive through descriptive narrative where you gather glimpses of how this society is rooted into the Medieval setting it thrives inside but with the added bonuses of having the fantastical emerging forward into the narrative as well. . . . She brings you the magic you seek out [of] a wicked good Speculative novel but with a firm grounding in seeking to discuss what is Darkness and what is Light; how do the two battle for dominance and what is the destined path of a soul who is meant to free their people?"

"Wow, this series just gets better and better! . . . Voigt' world-building is just amazing, her writing makes you feel as if you are watching it on the big screen, you truly feel a part of the journey!"

Elcon reached the battlements above the gatehouse, and the stair gave a faint but perceptible vibration.

Craelin looked up from his examination of the water pot nearest the eastern tower. As Elcon watched, the shining surface quivered and stilled.

He lifted a brow. “Miners?”

Craelin gave a brief nod. “We’re sure they mean to collapse the gatehouse towers. We’ve already started a counter shaft.”

"Oh, but the rest of the storyline, the other characters like Kai and Muriel and the brothers Eathnor and Dorann, and the wonderfully constructed world of Faeraven. Those are the things that made WayFarer such an enjoyable read. . . . WayFarer is a solid addition to the Tales Of Faeraven series. I enjoyed this book and I am definitely looking forward to reading Janalyn Voigt's next book in the series..."

J. L. Mbewe - Excerpt

Dragonsfire worried the sky late into the night, but now its absence troubled Elcon’s scant sleep. He rolled from bed to his feet. He’d borrowed Kai’s guardhouse chamber for the night because of its proximity to Craelin’s and to remain close to the battle. The rampant gryphon carved into the strongwood door to Craelin’s chamber loomed out of the semi-darkness. He heard no sound from within.

The cool metal of Sword Rivenn weighted his hand as he passed beneath guttering torches and climbed the silent stair to the guardhouse tower. At an arrow embrasure near the top, he paused and looked out. Shreds of cloud obscured the pale moon, which picked out the high peaks in outline. The land below lay in darkness. As he watched, blackness blotted out even the moon’s feeble light.

He stepped back, his heart pounding. The sword in his hand came alive with light. A scuffling sounded overhead. He withdrew into shadow, every muscle tensed.

Jessica Belmont - Review

". . . this novel is related to the first but not really a sequel. Each boom can be read as a standalone. This works well though, because it proves there is more story to be told in this world. . . . Wayfarer is filled with familiar and new characters and creatures. It’s a lovely epic fantasy and I definitely recommend checking it out."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...
(Tales of Faeraven #2)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 296 Pages
January 3rd 2014 by Harbourlight Books

Trouble stirs between nations and rebellion threatens Faeraven.

When Kai returns with the supposed DawnKing, Lof Shraen Elcon cannot trust that the Elder youth truly is the prophesied deliverer. Driven to prove himself, Elcon banishes the boy and embarks on a peace-keeping campaign into the Elder lands, where he falls in love with an Elder princess betrothed to another.

Sometimes the deliverance of a nation comes only through the humility of one.

Declaring his love would shame the nations, but Elcon is torn. As war approaches, Elcon̢۪s choices lead him on a journey of discovery that will either settle the lands or leave them mired in conflict. Can his kingdom ever be united, or will the consequences of his decisions forever tear asunder the fabric of Faeraven?

(Affiliate link included.)

Other Books in the Series
(Tales of Faeraven #1)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 342 Pages
June 29, 2012 by Harbourlight Books

The High Queen is dying...

At the royal summons, Shae mounts a wingabeast and soars through the air to the high hold of Faeraven, where all is not as it seems. Visions warn her of danger, and a dark soul touches hers in the night. When she encounters an attractive but disturbing musician, her wayward heart awakens.

But then there is Kai, a guardian of Faeraven and of Shae. Secrets bind him to her, and her safety lies at the center of every decision he makes.

On a desperate journey fraught with peril and the unknown, they battle warlike garns, waevens, ferocious raptors, and the wraiths of their own regrets. Yet, they must endure the campaign long enough to release the DawnKing and the salvation he offers into a divided land. To prevail, each must learn that sometimes victory comes only through surrender.

(Affiliate link included.)

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card, a reader's journal, and a Tales of Faeraven bookmark (US only)
Ends September 25th, 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Review: The Words Between Us by Erin Bartels

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Robin Windsor has spent most of her life under an assumed name, running from her family's ignominious past. She thought she'd finally found sanctuary in her rather unremarkable used bookstore just up the street from the marina in River City, Michigan. But the store is struggling and the past is hot on her heels.

When she receives an eerily familiar book in the mail on the morning of her father's scheduled execution, Robin is thrown back to the long-lost summer she met Peter Flynt, the perfect boy who ruined everything. That book--a first edition Catcher in the Rye--is soon followed by the other books she shared with Peter nearly twenty years ago, with one arriving in the mail each day. But why would Peter be making contact after all these years? And why does she have a sinking feeling that she's about to be exposed all over again?

With evocative prose that recalls the classic novels we love, Erin Bartels pens a story that shows that words--the ones we say, the ones we read, and the ones we write--have more power than we imagine.

My Review

Wow. This book is so well-written. I was captivated from the beginning and didn't put it down until I finished it- the blessing of having half a Saturday free! It was fascinating to see Robin's point of view as a 14 year old and present day adult, her misguided perceptions and the fallout over years from the traumatic events that changed and shaped her life. I appreciated that the alternating then and now format didn't feel like flashbacks, but rather two very connected stories told simultaneously. The details unfold and are revealed throughout the story and feel natural rather than strategic. The relationships in Robin's life are few, but each are valuable and significant. I loved discovering what came next for Robin, her indomitable spirit in the midst of her well-founded fears, and the way she comes to recognize her own growth and experience the sweetness of forgiveness. Highly recommend!!!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway: The Witness Tree by Denise Weimer

Fall Flip & Witness Tree Double Tour

About the Book

Genre: Historical, Romance
Publisher: Smitten, an imprint of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
Publication date: September 16, 2019

To gain his wife, he must break her heart.

Past betrayal has turned John Kliest’s passion to his work as a builder and surveyor in the Moravian town of Salem, North Carolina. Now, to satisfy the elders’ edict and fulfill his mission in Cherokee Territory, he needs a bride. But the one woman qualified to record the Cherokee language longs for a future with his younger brother.

Clarissa Vogler’s dream of a life with Daniel Kliest is shattered when she is chosen by lot to marry his older brother and venture into the uncharted frontier. Can she learn to love this stoic man who is now her husband? Her survival hinges on being able to trust him—but they both harbor secrets.


About the Author

Denise Weimer

Denise Weimer holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. She's an editor for the historical imprints of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas as well as the author of The Georgia Gold Series, The Restoration Trilogy, and a number of romantic novellas, including Across Three Autumns of Barbour's Backcountry Brides Collection. Represented by Hartline Literary Agency, Denise is a wife and mom of two daughters who always pauses for old houses, coffee, and chocolate!


Bundle Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends September 23 at 11:59pm MT. Giveaway is subject to policies HERE.

Tour Schedule

Check out the tour schedule HERE.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Review: Ford by Susan May Warren

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Family…country…or the woman he loves…

Navy Seal Ford Marshall isn’t the kind to stand by and let a woman get hurt—especially when it involves his twin sister, RJ. So, when she makes the news, accused of sparking an international incident, he doesn’t care what it takes—he’s going to find her and bring her home.

But he might need a little help, so he calls on the woman who has had his back during the last three years—Petty Officer Scarlett Hathaway, former communications expert-turned Rescue Swimmer candidate. She’ll help him get into the country, watch his back, and…well, they might be able to have one last mission together before she leaves for a new life, a life he very much wants to be a part of now that she is off his team. Maybe he can convince her to give them a chance to kindle the spark that’s simmered between them for years.

Scarlett Hathaway isn’t sure what future she wants—not when she suddenly has to care for her little brother. Maybe she should quit the Navy and start a life with the man she can’t seem to get out of her heart. So yes, she’ll help Ford find his sister. And maybe, along the way, figure out if they have a future.

But finding RJ somewhere in the vastness of Russia with the FSB chasing them will push Scarlett beyond even her courage and make her question everything she thought she wanted…including Ford. What will it cost her to love a man who saves the world?

And when Ford is asked to choose between saving his sister, saving the world from a war, and rescuing the woman he loves…can he live with his decision?

My Review

This series just keeps getting better!!! Ford is a complex character and I appreciated seeing more layers of his personality, strengths, and struggles revealed as he undertakes a personal mission to rescue his twin sister in Russia. We got to know the dynamic between him and Scarlett in the previous book, Tate, so I recommend reading the series in order for full enjoyment and understanding. They have amazing chemistry that just increases in this book. I love how they support each other and bring out the emotion in each other. They both have some internal issues to work out and as they develop their faith in God they grow closer together. The plot is non-stop and full of action and suspense as many factors come together and the characters barely stay one step ahead of the danger. A total nail-biter and I'm so excited for the next book, Wyatt!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Review & Giveaway: Deborah: Prophetess of God by H.B. Moore

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


From 4-time Whitney Award winning author, H.B. Moore, comes the new biblical novel about Deborah the Judge, a woman who rises from oppression and leads her entire nation to victory.

After years of mistreatment, the Israelites prepare to defend themselves against the oppressive Canaanites. Readying for war not only takes secret military training but also an Israelite leader who is willing to both stand against generations of oppression and follow God.

Deborah, a young Israelite woman, lives a quiet and isolated life with her father and brothers. As a shepherdess in the hills near her home, she knows well the perils of her work. But when faced with incredible danger, she witnesses a series of remarkable events that preserve her life. The hand of the Lord is apparent, and it is clear that hers will be no ordinary life.                
Years later, Deborah is a faithful wife and mother when she learns that the Third Judge of Israel has died--and she has been called to take his place. It is a tumultuous time in history, and soon, Deborah--prophetess, judge, and military leader--faces a seemingly insurmountable task: alongside the commander of the Israelite army, Deborah must lead ten thousand soldiers in their final campaign against their Canaanite oppressors with only her faith in God to guide her.

My Review

I loved everything about this book! We get to know Deborah on a personal level- her daily life and responsibilities, her family, the political climate of the Israelites and Canaanites and how it affects her. The pace of the story is anything but slow though- she is active in defense and her spiritual insights protect her and her family. It was interesting to see her spiritual gift progress as she exercises her strong faith and deepens her relationship with God. I loved the coming of age she experiences as she falls in love, marries, and embraces her role as a spiritual leader. I appreciated that Lapi and the other men in her life deeply respected and protected her not only as wife, daughter, and sister, but recognized how special and important her gift is. It's heartbreaking to learn of the abuses the Israelites suffered at the hands of the Canaanites for so many years, and I was glad to see how the Lord prepared them to finally overcome their oppressors. This Biblical story was brought to life with vivid characters and settings and I was immersed in the book the whole way through!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

More Biblical Novels by H.B. Moore:

The Moses Chronicles

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