Monday, August 19, 2019

Book Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Dawnsinger by Janalyn Voigt #DSPrismTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
(Tales of Faeraven #1)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 342 Pages
June 29, 2012 by Harbourlight Books

The High Queen is dying...

At the royal summons, Shae mounts a wingabeast and soars through the air to the high hold of Faeraven, where all is not as it seems. Visions warn her of danger, and a dark soul touches hers in the night. When she encounters an attractive but disturbing musician, her wayward heart awakens.

But then there is Kai, a guardian of Faeraven and of Shae. Secrets bind him to her, and her safety lies at the center of every decision he makes.

On a desperate journey fraught with peril and the unknown, they battle warlike garns, waevens, ferocious raptors, and the wraiths of their own regrets. Yet, they must endure the campaign long enough to release the DawnKing and the salvation he offers into a divided land. To prevail, each must learn that sometimes victory comes only through surrender.


Shae put up her hood and left the shelter of the stronghold to follow the graystone path. A chill wind rippled through the folds of her cloak, and she shivered. Overhead, clouds unfurled in a pearling sky. She passed into green scented shadow, where notes of damp moss and ripe humus met her.

She shouldn’t have yielded to temptation and escaped into nature unescorted. In earlier days, she had roamed the grounds in freedom with no one caring. She couldn’t get used to the strictures placed on her now that she’d grown older. When would she learn to be more like Katera? She couldn’t remember her winsome twin ever causing their mother concern.
She would go back, but first she needed fresh air to ease the tightness in her chest. Shae wandered beneath boughs laced with new growth and came at last to her favorite place at the garden’s heart. Although the voice of a stream beckoned in the near distance, she paused beneath a stand of gnarlwoods, their ancient branches stretched wide. These trees had witnessed the construction of Whellein Hold, and they would remain when the stronghold’s mortar crumbled and its stones fell away.

She emerged from the copse into a meadow dotted with early flowers and bathed in morning light. The flutter of wings beat an accompaniment to the warbling of birds, and a wingen flitted through the lesser canopy to light in a nearby whispan tree. She stilled to avoid frightening the tiny bird, which dipped and bobbed its bright head to preen scarlet feathers.

With its grooming complete, the wingen lisped into sweet-sad song.

Shae smiled. “Sing, small one.”

But a shriek ended the wingen's song. Darkness extinguished its colors. Blood dripped from the foliage of the whispan tree, pure white only an instant ago.

Terror gripped Shae by the throat, choking off her scream.

The giant raptor had descended from nowhere and now flailed ragged wings as it rose, screeching in victory, its black eyes trained on Shae.

Pulse thrumming in her ears, she crept backward. Back, back she moved, her gaze never leaving the leathery beast in the air.

This made no sense. How could a welke have ventured so far north?

Her heel caught the hem of her cloak, and she slammed into the ground.

Fear yanked her to her knees. Shock brought her to her feet.

The whispan tree stood pristine as new snow. No blood stained the smooth bark. No movement stirred the silken plumes. No sign lingered of wingen or welke.

And yet she had seen... what?

“Lof Yuel!  Does this vision warn of danger?”

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a fantasy-themed basket, hand-painted Pegasus mug, hand-crafted beaded votive candle bowl, dark chocolate bar, and a Tales of Faeraven bookmark (US only)

Ends August 28th, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Review: When Mountains Sing by Stacy Monson

My rating: 3 stars / I liked it


When the truth cost her everything, she thought there was nothing left to lose.

Mikayla Gordon loves nothing more than sleeping under the stars, reeling in the “big one,” and long hikes in the wilderness. A medical crisis reveals a 30-year-old secret that turns everything she’s known and believed upside down, unraveling her dreams and her identity.

In search of answers, she follows a trail from Minnesota to Colorado and discovers more unwelcome secrets even as she falls in love with the majestic beauty of the Rocky Mountains, and a wilderness camp leader who shares the greatest secret of all.

Knowing her life can never go back to what it was, she must make decisions that will impact far more than just her future.

My Review

I'm torn on this book- there are things I liked about it, and things that bothered me. It was difficult for me to get involved in the story and invested in the characters at first, I think because there was a lot of mundane in the narrative. When Mikayla steals DNA from her family members for a DNA test I thought that was pretty unethical, and then her extreme over the top reaction was off-putting. I thought it was strange that she wanted answers but wouldn't listen to anything from the people who had the answers she was looking for. Once she was off on her adventure, calmed down, and got a job at the camp while she waited for someone to return to Colorado, I felt like the real character building began. I was interested in her friendship with Dawson and how he gently led her to a place where she could open up to her fears and turn to God with them. I didn't feel any romantic chemistry on her end- she seemed ambivalent about developing a long-term relationship with him because she had plans to leave. I appreciated the messages of faith and the way Mikayla enjoys her hands-on job of helping the youth fall in love with the outdoors versus writing about it for a magazine. Overall, I think with tighter content editing and more expression from Mikayla about her feelings for Dawson, this would be a fabulous book.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Book Tour Grand Finale: Falling for Her Bodyguard by Amy Vastine #FFHBTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Falling for Her Bodyguard
By Amy Vastine

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

. . . Falling for Her Bodyguard is a story about opening your heart even when your head has been telling you to keep the walls up. Enjoy the excerpts and reviews - I hope you fall in love with the newest members of the Grace Note family as much as I did!

Amy Vastine

Remembrancy - Review

"But what tipped the scales for me in this book were the characters. . . . Then add in Donovan’s troubled nephew and adorable, energetic niece, and Falling for Her Bodyguard becomes that much sweeter. I didn’t even mind that I had figured out who the stalker was fairly early on. Getting to spend time with Kelly, Donovan, Graham, Avery, and several of the radio crew more than made up for it."

"I love Falling for Her Bodyguard. I am giving it four and a half stars. I highly recommend this fun, clean, heartwarming and sweet book. I would be interested in reading more books by Amy Vastine in the future."

A woman on her phone pushed open the door. “I understand you’re trying to protect me, but this is a little extreme don’t you think?” she said as she jogged down the steps and onto the sidewalk. Ending her call, she turned around and glanced up at Donovan. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her eyes were covered by aviator sunglasses. “Well, come on. He’s going to send you to the station regardless of what I have to say about it.”

This must be the niece. Dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt knotted at her hip, she didn’t give him many clues as to what she might have to do today. Donovan could see why Dillon told him Captain was protective. She was attractive, albeit a tad rude. She stormed ahead before coming to an abrupt stop.

"This is a new to me author and already I'm in love!!

The author has done a wonderful job in mixing this story with the right amount of mystery . . . . I really liked the story.

It kept me occupied until I realized what time it was!! I didn't even noticed the sun had begun to set tonight!!

I will be looking for more from this author!!!"

Pause for Tales - Review

"What a fun read this one was. I really enjoyed the give and take between the two leads, Kelly and Donovan. This being a stalker story the tension was always in the background giving a more forceful push for their relationship. . . . This was one story that was hard to put down for real life."

"I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet romance with a strong family foundation, lots of emotion and a hint of intrigue. The characters were very well developed, the story line was endearing and the overall outcome very satisfying. Really enjoyed watching this happily ever after evolve!"

He scooted his chair closer to Kelly’s and reached for her hand. “What do you want to do today? I was thinking we could do a little self-defense training.”

“I need to find a new place to live.” She held his hand in both of hers.

“You’re serious about that?”

“I can’t go back there. My lease is almost up. I was thinking about actually buying a place once I signed my new contract at work. When you’re in radio, you run the risk of having to move from town to town. A new contract at K104 means I can put down some roots finally.”

Onemused - Review

"FALLING FOR HER BODYGUARD is a fantastic character-driven romantic suspense that I would highly recommend for anyone looking for something deeper yet still fun. I absolutely loved this read from the beginning that hooks you all the way to the satisfying conclusion."

"I always loved books with kids in it. . . . I loved reading about the different activities they had. Loved the family environment that Donovan’s had with his niece and nephew."

Donovan’s head hurt from trying to make sense of clues that added up to practically nothing. He only saw one solution to their problem. “I think we need to set a trap. I’ll have to coordinate with the other detectives, but I think we have you say something on the radio and you invite him somewhere to make amends. If he thinks you want to apologize, he could come into it without any thoughts of doing harm.”

Kelly cringed. “I don’t like that idea. Lying to trap this guy? I feel like that could backfire. What if he finds out I’m lying?”

"The novel was a fun and interesting read. The "stalker portion" of the story wasn't the main pull of the novel but, it was a surprise at the end. Surprisingly, I didn't mind that the romance took center stage because both characters were lovable and realistic. I thought the novel was a cute and romantic read."

EmpowerMoms - Review

"This was a really sweet story! Romance…drama…whats not to like?! . . . I haven’t read any of the other books in the “Grace Note Records” series-they can be read as stand alone novels. This story kept my interest from beginning to end. I highly recommend this easy, heartwarming, fun book!"

“I don’t believe you aren’t good at everything and you don’t believe I’m as bad as I claim. That’s funny.” Kelly’s cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. “Maybe you can show me how to make something I can’t mess up. If I manage to make something edible on my own, it will prove I’m right about you and you’re right about me. We would both have to admit that you are good at everything and I am not as bad as I think I am. If I bomb, then you are right about you and I am right about me.”

The space between his brows wrinkled. “The way your mind works both fascinates and scares me at the same time.”

“I think that’s the perfect way to find out who’s right about who.”

"There was something wholesome and sweet about how this story resolves itself; as Vastine lets you take the adventure with Donovan and Kelly. In many instances, they were more caught inside the hours they spent with Avery and Graham; where they were laying down the foundation of a relationship but moreso to that, they were setting down a foundation for a family. Those hours were the most special of the story, as it is where you saw the barriers of grief and anguish starting to tumble down and where true healing could emerge. The kids needed someone as a mediator between themselves and their Uncle Donovan whereas where Kelly excelled at understanding what it was like to have a cop in the family, she also softened Donovan's heart to accept that sometimes life brings unexpected circumstances that are good for the soul."

Hallie Reads - Review

"I so enjoyed my time with these characters. Kelly and Donovan—plus the kids and the Nashville community—made reading Falling for Her Bodyguard such a delight. Any reader in need of a feel-good contemporary romance cannot go wrong with this book."

"These are such well-developed characters that I feel many will be able to relate to. Also, the plot just flows beautifully and one can't help but feel a part of the community and world that Vastine creates. Impeccable writing and a very new-to-me author and one I will enjoy reading more from! If you love a sweet romance with a handsome yet deeply romantic and caring Hero, then this is the book for you!"

Harlie's Books - Excerpt & Review

“I’m going to kiss you to prove there’s nothing going on,” he warned her, waiting for her to protest. She didn’t. Her lips slightly parted and she stared deep into his eyes, making it hard to breathe.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Softly, gently. Convincing himself that this made him feel nothing was hard to do when it made him feel so much. His whole body felt like it was on fire and she was both the flame and the balm that would take away all the pain. His hand cupped her cheek and he tilted her face upward so he could deepen the kiss just a bit. Her arms snaked around his neck and held him in place.

The whole world dropped away and there was nothing but Kelly and this feeling—this feeling he couldn’t begin to label. All he knew was he loved it and hated it at the same time. He wanted to push her away and pull her closer. Nothing made sense. Instead of giving him clarity, he felt more confused than ever.

"Buy the book. Read the book. Fall in love with Donovan and Kelly like I did. I dare you and come back to tell how much I was right. I can wait. Ms. Vastine has written another wonderful story about learning to trust, fall in love and believe in yourself."

"I loved this story. It was a hard one to put down to get a little bit of sleep. So don't start reading it right before bed. It's a great addition to the Harlequin Heartwarming Series. And like I said, I'm going to have to find more from this author and the Grace Note Records series now."

"Falling for Her Bodyguard is swoony and sweet with just enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat and riveted to the story. Each of the primary characters (Kelly, Donovan, Avery and Graham) are solidly drawn and multi-dimensional, and you’ll fall in love with each one. This story is delightful from beginning to end – a must-read for fans of sweet contemporary romance!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

Falling for Her Bodyguard
(Grace Note Records #4)
By Amy Vastine
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She needs his protection…

But can he protect his heart?

Radio personality Kelly Bonner isn’t convinced she needs a bodyguard, especially one as intensely good-looking as Detective Donovan Walsh. Yet beneath Donovan’s tough-guy facade is a man struggling to raise his sister’s children. A man Kelly could care about…if he’d let her. Now she’ll have to find a way to convince her big, bad bodyguard that his family—and his heart—are safe in her hands.

Other Books in the Series

Catch a Fallen Star

About the Author

Amy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read. Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart husband, three teenagers who keep her on her toes, and their two sweet but mischievous pups.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card, a Reading is my Superpower custom-made sign, an autographed copy of The Girl He Used to Love and a bookmark (if winner is outside US then they would receive an ebook and egift card only)

Ends August 21, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Book Tour Grand Finale: Trusting Her Heart by Tara Randel #THHTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Trusting Her Heart
By Tara Randel

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Hello Readers! I’m so happy to be a part of this book tour featuring my newest Heartwarming novel, Trusting Her Heart, Book 3 in the Meet Me at the Altar series. The Matthews brothers are still hunting for information on the man their widowed mother is dating. They never expected their search would uncover so many secrets. . .

"You're on pins and needles while you're waiting for the big revelations to happen, because at the same time, you want Logan and Serena to be able to fall for each other in a big and honest way and to work things out. And I love the town of Golden. It sounds like a quaint place I wouldn't mind visiting one day. I am looking forward to more stories from here."

As they walked through town, it was all Logan could do not to take her hand in his. This wasn’t a date, he had to keep reminding himself. He suspected she had information about the man he’d been hired to investigate. He needed to keep his wits about him. Yes, Serena was beautiful, but she clearly had secrets he needed to ferret out.

As they passed the park, fireflies flitted about in the entrance. Serena laughed, clearly enchanted.

“Oh, my goodness.” She pulled her phone from her back pocket. “I have always wanted to do a series of cards featuring fireflies.” After snapping a few pictures, she scrolled through the gallery. “I can’t think of anything more beautiful than twinkling lights coming from these tiny creatures.”

"Trusting Her Heart is entertaining and endearing, with a town full of characters I can’t wait to spend more time with. The romance simmers with chemistry and tension, and the first kiss is hold-your-breath sweet. Randel weaves a theme of trust, belonging, friendship and family into a layered plot that will keep you absorbed in the story until you’ve reached the end. I look forward to more time with this series, the town, and the characters!"

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

Serena pointed down. “Turned ankle.”

He kneeled down before her, his hand lightly grazing her skin as he examined the injured joint. An unwanted but undeniable shiver rushed over her. Good grief, he was only being a concerned citizen.

“I’m fine,” she told him, trying to shift away as his warm fingers palpated the bone.

“You should probably have it checked out,” he said, rising when he got the hint she didn’t want him in her personal space.

"I adored this story!!

Tara has done a wonderful job writing it. She has done an excellent job of bringing to life these wonderful characters and their feelings. Serena's especially. You could feel her fear of being found out oozing out of the book and hitting you head on. So you definitely know that there's going to be a great story here. . . . I strongly recommend this book."

"Randel is absolutely awesome with her work. Her characters, both main and secondary are wonderfully chiseled and come to life within the pages. Her ability to make the reader feel a true part of the story is incredible and I recommend this heart warming, captivating, romantic read. . ."

“What’s got her upset?” Carrie asked as she walked into their circle.

“Green-eyed monster,” Heidi quipped.

Serena sputtered over a denial that didn’t quite reach her tongue.

Carrie peered at the guests, not having to be told the topic of the conversation was Logan. “He’s not interested in her.”

Despite herself, Serena asked, “How can you tell?”

“Because I sat across the table from you two and trust me, Logan only had eyes for you.”

Hallie Reads - Review

"Trusting Her Heart is a sweet story of family and friendship, home and hope. I thoroughly enjoyed this trip to charming Golden, Georgia with Serena and Logan, and I think other readers of contemporary romance will, too. Add it to the TBR!"

"What gives you the best joy of course is watching how Ms Randel knits her characters closer together at moments where they'd prefer to remain isolated, alone and single. She doesn't let them root there in their own self-pity, but rather attempts to push them towards the people who have unconditional love to share and friendship which will last longer than a rumour. This is a series that is about working through your problems, trusting in yourself to have the change to repair the past and finding a place as calm as Golden to renew your spirit as you redefine your path."

As they walked through town, it was all Logan could do not to take her hand in his. This wasn’t a date, he had to keep reminding himself. He suspected she had information about the man he’d been hired to investigate. He needed to keep his wits about him. Yes, Serena was beautiful, but she clearly had secrets he needed to ferret out.

As they passed the park, fireflies flitted about in the entrance. Serena laughed, clearly enchanted.

“Oh, my goodness.” She pulled her phone from her back pocket. “I have always wanted to do a series of cards featuring fireflies.” After snapping a few pictures, she scrolled through the gallery. “I can’t think of anything more beautiful than twinkling lights coming from these tiny creatures.”

"If you enjoy Heartwarming Romance with family, friendships, and some good laughs then read this book. Some of life’s trials feel unbreakable. Some hard times have to be pushed through. Trusting Her Heart by Tara Randel is a wonderful read full of the ups and downs of life."

“I always loved Golden this time of year,” he said.

Grandmother turned in her chair to look at him. “You could love it again, you know.”

“I don’t see that happening.”

“Really? And what about Serena? Could she make you love living here again?”

He sent a sideways glance to his crafty grandmother. “Not very subtle.”

“I’m beyond subtle. I adore Serena. I see you two falling love.”

If only she knew he was halfway there.

Remembrancy - Review

"Family, friendship, and finding a place to truly call home (a place where you are surrounded by people who love you no matter what your past mistakes) are themes that run throughout Trusting Her Heart. The romance is sweet and intense, and Randel brings more characters onto the page who I hope to get to know better in future books."

E-Romance News - Excerpt

“Good night,” she said, slipping behind the wheel.

As she drove away, he was conscious of the prickly awareness he’d tried to dismiss ever since he’d met her. There was something about her he couldn’t ignore. An energy that drew him to her despite his good intentions to keep it purely professional between them. His instincts, however, told him she was going to be nothing but trouble.

Pause for Tales - Review

"I really enjoyed watching these two characters on their road to happily ever after and all the side characters just added that specialness: especially Grandmother. This was a sweet romance in a small town with a bit of family drama that made for a nice escape."

Splashes of Joy - Review

"There’s a lot going on in this book. Of course romance, but it was pretty light on the Romance, a little suspense added in, and the cozy little town where everyone knew everyone else. And they were ok with it. I really enjoyed this read, and I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself. I think you will enjoy it as much as I did."

"I loved the grandmother in this book. She enjoyed playing matchmaker. Serena has a shop, and Logan grandmother works there. She is trying to play matchmaker between them."

Logan’s gaze wandered to Blue Ridge Cottage of its own volition. He wondered if Serena was involved with the guild. Would she be at the tea party? If so, he could use the opportunity to question her some more.

Or simply enjoy her company.

Yeah, there was that.

"Such an amazing book, with so much sweet passion and romance! . . . Her characterization is amazing and I really fell in love with Serena and Logan. If you love a really sweet romance, then this is the book for you!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

Trusting Her Heart
(Meet Me at the Altar #3)
By Tara Randell
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can a love built on lies…

…survive the truth?

Serena Stanhope fears her dark past might ruin the life she’s built as a successful shop owner. Especially when handsome Logan Masterson suddenly arrives in town asking questions about her background. He seems to have his own secrets, but the pair share an instant connection and Serena finds herself falling for Logan. He could destroy everything—or he could be the chance at love she thought she’d never have…

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author Tara Randel has enjoyed a lifelong love of books, especially romance and mystery genres, so it didn't come as a surprise when she began writing with the dream of becoming published. Family values, mystery and, of course, love and romance are her favorite themes, because she believes love is the greatest gift of all. Tara lives on the West Coast of Florida, where gorgeous sunsets inspire the creation of heartwarming stories, filled with love, laughter and the occasional mystery.

Tour Giveaway

Prize #1: Signed print copies of The Bridal Bouquet, The Lawman's Secret Vow, and Rival Hearts, tote bag, water bottle and $25 Amazon Gift Card. (Open to US only)

Prize #2: $25 Amazon e-Gift Card (Open Internationally)

Ends August 21, 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Review: Kissing on Third by Heather B. Moore, Rebecca Connolly, Sophia Summers

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


His past will never go away. Hers has left deep scars. Together, maybe they can build something new.

Levi Cox carved his baseball game out of the dirt. The hard way. Bouncing between foster homes as a kid, and trying everything he could do to protect his kid brother from bullies, Levi backs down from no one and has a record to prove it. Baseball has given him a purpose and a career. A way to provide for his brother. When Levi meets Finley Gray, he finds things happening to his heart that he never thought possible. She has her own broken past, using boxing as her outlet. Yet the more Levi gets to know Finley, the more he’s convinced they belong together. Breaking through Finley’s tough exterior might be Levi’s hardest challenge ever. But he has a feeling it will be more than worth it.

My Review

The tough exteriors of both these athletes hide their vulnerabilities, but together they allow each other to explore their deeper feelings, not just of a romantic nature, but the issues they are struggling with. I appreciated how genuine Levi is with Finley, even with his charming lines- he is sincere about them. He's not a player since he's been so focused on his career and brother, which made me like him even more. He's hesitant to move too fast for Finley, but the advice of his baseball brothers help him see that he shouldn't play it too cool. I admired the determination of both of them to go after what they want. A satisfying conclusion to the Belltown Sixpack series! These books can be easily read in any order- don't miss them!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Welcome to Belltown! Six baseball players meet in the college town of Belltown, Massachusetts, becoming best friends, their lives intertwining as they each get called up to the Major Leagues.

Follow Sawyer, Cole, Axel, David, Ryker, and Levi in these six swoony sports romances.

Belltown Six Pack Series:

Hitching the Pitcher
Falling for Centerfield
Charming the Shortstop
Snatching the Catcher
Flirting with First
Kissing on Third