Monday, August 26, 2019

Book Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Mind of Mine by C.F.E. Black #MOMPrism

On Tour with Prism Book Tours of Mine
By C. F. E. Black
Young Adult SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 302 Pages
August 7th 2019 by Illuminate YA

Raised to put science over self, V must link her brain with fifteen other people, making her one of the world’s smartest humans. With this privilege comes a life dedicated to continual research inside a secluded facility, a life devoid of freedom.

But V is losing her identity and unable to predict which face will peer back at her from the nearest mirror. Escaping this life will mean freedom to think for herself—and abandoning everything and everyone she’s known and loved.

When your thoughts and speech are no longer private, freedom comes at a price. But for V the price may be her life.

(Affiliate links included.)


My fingertips tingle, as always, at the end of the mental exchange. The syringe-like cable extracts itself from my neck, leaving a sharp itch for just a moment. When the metal hood slides back, exposing my shaved head, the chill of the streaming room nips at my skull. I rub the back of my neck before sitting up, my fingers brushing the smooth scars that mark the sensors behind my ears. With a groan, I lurch my chest upward, reeling with the memories that have just been dumped into my mind.

In the greenish light, I see the others in the room also start to reenter the here and now. Marcus is still down, his chest convulsing. From across the circle of reclining chairs, the sound of vomit sucking into a chute proves that I’m not the only one who still struggles with this exchange. Prudentia, stone-faced and beautiful, is already standing. She’s borderline machine, that one.

As I stand, I try to ignore the spinning in my head. Pru eyes me gripping the side of my chair for support. Marcus is rising, his arms boasting grooves and bulges as he pushes himself up. He sees me staring, and for just a moment longer, I wait to look away.

All sixteen of us are standing now. Dr. Yamaguchi says in her hypnotic voice, “To whom much is given—”

As one, we say, “—much is expected.”

About the Author

If you're a teen, I work for you.
I write for you. I teach for you.

Seven days a week I seek to shine light into the world-darkened lives of young people, whether it be in a high school Spanish class, a youth group Sunday school class, or a coffee shop with my computer writing my next book.

I want my writing to be a bright spot on a dark shelf, a source of truth among many lies. You guys deserve books like this.

I live in north Alabama with my son, two droopy hound dogs, a cat named Sprinkles, and my superhero husband. No, really, he saved my life once. It’s a cool story.

If you want to know more about me, my writing, or my escapades as a teacher, please visit my blog.

Mind of Mine is my first novel.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a print copy of MIND OF MINE and a $25 Amazon gift card
US only
Ends September 4, 2019

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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Book Tour Grand Finale: A Family for Jason by Virginia McCullough #AFJTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
A Family for Jason
By Virginia McCullough

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Everyone loves a reunion, and A FAMILY FOR JASON provides one sure to touch the toughest of hearts! Welcome to the first book in my new series, Back to Bluestone River. . .

"Sigh. Virginia McCullough knocks it out of the park again with this clean romance that is the first in her new series. Ruby and Mike had been high school sweethearts, until horrific tragedies separated them from each other and from the small town they had so dearly loved while growing up. Modern day difficult times, about 20 years later, have brought them both back home, neither one realizing that the other is there. It's a great foundation for a second chance romance. . . . I truly greatly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it for those who are looking for a real heartwarming clean romance."

"A Family For Jason is a great start to a new series! The author does a fabulous job of setting the scene & introducing pivotal characters to lay a foundation for future books. Jason will have your heart in no time & you’ll ache along with him and Mike – as well as for all the time Mike and Ruby lost. A sweet second chance romance!"

“You’ve made a friend, Jason.”

The boy glanced Ruby’s way, but still didn’t speak.

“He’s kind of quiet.” The woman patted the top of the boy’s head. “That’s okay. You’ll talk when you’re ready.” She flashed Ruby a pointed look.

She was trying to communicate something, but Ruby didn’t know what. Not exactly. But the thin pale lines and telltale puckering of burn scars on the boy’s forearms might have something to do with his silence.

"A Family for Jason, book #1 in Virginia McCullough’s Back to Bluestone River series, is a sweet romance with an appealing setting and characters that are easy to connect with. I enjoyed this fulfilling, heartwarming story and look forward to all that is to come in the series."

"I recommend it for readers who enjoy to read clean romance and heartwarming stories. Some readers may want to grab some tissues for this one. It is somewhat predictable but definitely worth a read. It is one that should not be missed. I look forward to the next installment from the Back to Bluestone River series."

". . . you can tell McCullough has taken her time to develop this series, of giving us a well-rounded and well-thought out plotting to where the foundation of the series can build out of this first installment."

EmpowerMoms - Review

"I loved this sweet romance story involving Mike, Ruby and Jason. I loved reading about their town and their high school memories and growing up. It was so tragic how a past mistake affected so many lives for so many years. . . . Great story line, great characters, clean romance… I can’t wait to read more about this town and hopefully the town’s progress over the series of stories. I really enjoyed it!"

"This book has everything the reader wants in a romance and more. A struggling small town. The reunification of high school sweethearts. A sweet boy who was traumatized by a real-life experience. A best friend relationship that has stood the test of time. New beginnings, new adventures. Oh, and a cute, smart dog to boot! I cannot think of any better way to begin a romance series. . . . Highly recommended reading for any time of the year!"

Hallie Reads - Review

"The start to Virginia McCullough’s Back to Bluestone River series, A Family for Jason delivers a sweet story of returning home and second chances. It’s a perfect read for any reader in the mood for heartwarming contemporary romance. . . . Their experience is full of drama, emotion, and small-town charm, and I enjoyed my time with A Family for Jason. I’m definitely looking forward to reading more of this series in the future."

"A Family for Jason is full of real life. Every one of us goes through trials throughout our lives. This book cuts deep and is real. . . . A Family for Jason by Virginia McCullough fulfilled my expectations of realistic life difficulties and fast heart beating romance."

Splashes of Joy - Review

"Ms. McCullough does a really nice job weaving together three different people with three entirely different situations, and writing a tender story that will war your hearts, as it did mine. . . . If you haven’t read any books by this AUTHOR, this book would be a very nice start to your Virginia McCullough collection. For me, it is a tender heartwarming story that will stay with me for a while. You dont want to miss A FAMILY FOR JASON."

Harlie's Books - Excerpt

He walked closer to the slide, waving to Jason, who sat at the top. Jason waved back, but then his focus seemed to shift and he hesitated for a couple of seconds at the top. When he let go of the handholds and slid to the bottom, he ran toward Mike, but then passed him. Mike spun around and saw a golden retriever straining on the end of a long leash. He smiled to himself. He got it. That dog was much more interesting than Dad.

His gaze followed Jason coming to an abrupt stop a few feet from the dog. He glanced at the woman holding the leash who was coming through the bridge and smiling at Jason. His stomach flipped as he froze in place.

Ruby. Ruby was on the other end of the leash. She leaned over to pat the dog’s side. Red-haired, brown-eyed, smiling Ruby.

Pause for Tales - Review

"This was a sweet and yet heartbreaking romance that shows how sometimes the awful circumstances and others people's decisions can definitely take a toll on young love. But true love can and will survive."

"I loved Emma dog. Peach helped Jason so much. Books with children and dogs are always enjoyable to read — nothing like the healing power of a dog."

"I like a single dad romance and this one had plenty of heart. This is also a great second chance romance. . . . This is a book you can easily fall into and just want to gobble up. Both Mike and Ruby are great characters with a lot of heart. You root for them to get their second chance at a future."

"You definitely will need 5 full teacups and some tissues for this amazingly sweet and romantic book by Virginia McCullough! A Family for Jason is just so amazing and I loved all of the characters. . ."

“Quit twisting my words. You know what I mean. I can’t stay.” She hadn’t confided to Emma that she had this same argument with herself every night.

“You must think men like Mike come along every day.” Emma snapped her fingers. “Just like that.

Ruby groaned. “No, I don’t.” Like she needed that reminder.

“I’ll say it again, Rubes, every woman I’ve ever known wants a guy to look at her the way he looks at you.”

"A Family for Jason is the first book in Virginia McCullough’s brand new Back to Bluestone River series and centers around reunited first loves, a lawyer and a crisis specialist as they each return to their hometown twenty years after the tragedy that tore them apart. . . . I recommend this book to everyone who enjoys a sweet romance filled with the back drop of a small town. It was deep, emotional and satisfying!"

Remembrancy - Review

"A homecoming to a dying town, first loves reunited, and a precious little boy makeVirginia McCullough’s A Family for Jason a book you don’t want to miss. . . . I got swept away in the forests, river, and lake surrounding Bluestone River. . . . Seriously, the ending of this book is utter perfection!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

A Family for Jason
(Back to Bluestone River #1)
By Virginia McCullough
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
August 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She’s not home for keeps

Unless he proves first love is forever

Bluestone River is a minefield of memories for Mike Abbot—all involving Ruby Driscoll. Twenty years after scandal divided them, they’re both back in their hometown. Ruby’s visit is strictly temporary. But as she uses her trauma expertise to help his vulnerable son, Mike faces what his heart has always known. Ruby’s still his one and only. This time, can he convince her to stay?

About the Author

Born and raised in Chicago, Virginia McCullough has been lucky enough to develop her writing career in many locations, including the coast of Maine, the mountains of North Carolina, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and currently, Northeast Wisconsin. She started her career in nonfiction, first writing articles and then books as a ghostwriter and coauthor. She’s written more than 100 books for physicians, business owners, professional speakers and many others with information to share or a story to tell.

Virginia’s books feature characters who could be your neighbors and friends. They come in all ages and struggle with everyday life issues in small-town environments that almost always include water—oceans, lakes, or rivers. The mother of two grown children, you’ll find Virginia with her nose a book, walking on trails or her neighborhood street, or she may be packing her bag to take off for her next adventure. And she’s always working on another story about hope, healing, and second chances.

Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card and a $25 Etsy eGift Card
- Open internationally for those who are eligible
- Ends August 28, 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Book Tour Grand Finale: DawnSinger by Janalyn Voigt #DSPrismTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Janalyn Voigt

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Dear Friends,

Welcome to this book tour of DawnSinger, an epic medieval fantasy adventure. Fantasy will always be my first love, although I’ve become a multi-genre author. That’s a fancy term for a storyteller. If I could turn the clock back to the Middle Ages, I’d be a bard. Author Linda Windsor, an endorser of DawnSinger, named the story bardic fiction. I consider that high praise indeed. . .

Colorimetry - Excerpt

Now for a stormy moment in flight...

A crosswind caught Kai’s wingabeast as lightning flared too near. Shrilling, the winged horse tilted in flight, and Kai’s stomach lurched. A gust snatched the hood from his head and roared in his ears. He blinked to clear the stinging rain that drove into his eyes. Thunder boomed like a timpani, shaking the air. Flecht shuddered beneath him, and Kai placed a calming hand on his wingabeast’s straining neck. He did not like this long flight through the wild night any better than did Flecht.

"DawnSinger is an epic tale that unfurls in a world that is different, yet so familiar. A high fantasy world with flying horses, spirits, and mind magic, Janalyn Voight was able to create a world that is fresh and new in the fantasy genre. . . . Overall, DawnSinger is a satisfying read, and has a subtle message at the end that will leave the reader thinking afterwards."

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

Shae put up her hood and left the shelter of the stronghold to follow the graystone path. A chill wind rippled through the folds of her cloak, and she shivered. Overhead, clouds unfurled in a pearling sky. She passed into green scented shadow, where notes of damp moss and ripe humus met her.

She shouldn’t have yielded to temptation and escaped into nature unescorted. In earlier days, she had roamed the grounds in freedom with no one caring. She couldn’t get used to the strictures placed on her now that she’d grown older. When would she learn to be more like Katera? She couldn’t remember her winsome twin ever causing their mother concern.

Remembrancy - Review

"Jannalyn [Voigt] vividly paints a picture of her fantasy world with descriptive words and phrases. It’s not challenging to imagine this land filled with wondrous beauty and creatures as well as barren and desolate places. Shae, kai, and a handful of others undertake an epic quest to save their beloved people and king. I enjoyed both of these elements of the story. . . . Now that I’ve gotten the cadence of this mystical, magical world, I’m not ready to leave it yet."

Jessica Belmont - Review

"Epic Christian Fantasy? Yes, please. DawnSinger is an inventive novel with beautifully descriptive prose and dialogue. I absolutely love the imagery and symbolism woven through the book. . . . I highly recommend checking out this original and inspiring novel."

Uplifting Reads - Excerpt

Flecht quivered under Kai’s hand. Shae must have communicated to the beast the tension he read in her face. Why did she stare at the naked branches of the small, white tree? He drew his brows together but didn’t speak. Her eyes, so green they reminded him of deep shadows in an old forest, told him nothing. As she settled the cloak upon her shoulders, burnished tangles cascaded down her back. She looked beautiful and far too grown.

Something had upset Shae—that much seemed obvious. Equally obvious was her desire for privacy in the matter. Well, he didn’t question such things. He already held enough secrets to quell any desire for more.

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"The story is a war between good and evil. Shae is guided by the light of the God she worships. She has companions who will do anything to protect her and keep her from fulfilling an ancient prophecy. There is plenty of action and adventure that will thrill fantasy lovers. . . . I am now invested in the story and look forward to having good prevail."

"The plot shows the draw of evil and the difficulty even the good have of resisting its pull. Voight did an excellent job of creating an alternate universe and having things remain consistent within that world. The book does have a bit of a surprise ending and I look forward to seeing how that surprise plays out in future titles in the Tales of Faeraven series."

He smiled. “Your heart speaks truth. I am a wayfarer…and I am more.” He stroked the tears from her cheeks, feather-light, like the touch of a draft.

“Peace.” The whispered word brought infinite comfort.

Shae closed her eyes and breathed deep.

“Remember, Shae, you must look to the light.”

She opened her eyes, ready to ask how he knew her name.

She knelt alone in the Allerstaed.

JeanBookNerd - Guest Post

Funny how childhood memories embed themselves in your mind, but only parts of them. I can still feel the rough paper as I turned another page in a novel from my parent’s bookcase. A precocious reader, I’d advanced long ago into adult books. I don’t remember this one’s title, but the story followed the journeys of Sir Francis Drake, an early explorer. Specific phrases are lost to me, but the vivid imagery remains. I can still hear the ship’s creaking, bask in sunlight breaking through the clouds, and taste sea salt on my lips. . .

jypsylynn - Review

"I became invested in the outcome because I cared about the characters. I see their quest as allegorical to some biblical tales and symbolic of the eternal good vs. evil battle. . . . The plot is thrilling with action and drama at every turn leaving readers wanting more. Overall, Dawnsinger is a well written adventure steeped in thoughtfully planned fantasy that fans of the genre will surely enjoy."

"DawnSinger is the first book in the series and in true fantasy fashion there is an epic quest, terrible dangers, betrayal, a taste of forbidden love, and even more importantly the story gets darker as the conclusion draws nearer. . . . I enjoyed DawnSinger, its characters and strange creatures, and I look forward to returning to the land of Faeraven in the next book in the series..."

I'm Into Books - Excerpt

Shae landed in Flecht’s saddle with a thump as Kai deposited her with more speed than grace. He bent and then straightened, and she caught the glint of metal.

Kai pressed something into her palm, and her fingers curled around a knife’s hilt. “They’ll need to dismount to attack with swords. I’ll defend you, but if things go badly, take Flecht and follow the weild to the inn. You’ll see it just back from the banks. You can trust the innkeeper.”

Kai strode from her before she could point out that she had no idea how to fly a wingabeast. His sword rasped as he drew it from its sheath.

"Oh wow, I really loved this book! . . . If you love a good fantasy with loads of adventure, then this is the book for you!"

“Only the cold and weariness that comes at such altitudes—and wind shears. But I know the passes well.”

He didn’t mention the possibility of encountering wingabeast riders bent on killing them, but she knew it existed. Even now, the dark riders might track them.

She closed her eyes to pray with zeal but soon fell into the languor of warmth and drowsiness. “My thanks,” she said, her tongue thick with sleep.


“You protected me this night.”

“Sleep, Shae.” She heard the smile in his voice. “Tomorrow’s journey will try our strength.”

"The biggest factor in whether I like a Fantasy book is the world building. Janalyn gets it right. She creates such a beautiful and interesting world. She definitely made the world of Faeraven unique filled with interesting creatures and characters. . . . I really liked Shae and Kai’s characters. I felt that we could relate to them. . . . Overall, I really enjoyed the story. Suspense, murder, drama and action were just around the corner in every chapter. . . . I think this book would also be great for teens as it read more like a YA book. Great for adults and teens alike."

“Kai.” A voice rasped from the carved bed that dominated the room. “You have brought her?”

Shae started. In a combination of weariness and awe of Torindan, she had all but forgotten the purpose of her visit.

The musician came away from the window, and light slanted across him to reveal a lithe figure and features of surpassing beauty. Vibrant hair of gold sprang above a well-formed brow. Fathomless eyes held her. Shae caught her breath, and her hand went out in a blind motion.

Jorie Loves A Story - Spotlight

J. L. Mbewe - Excerpt

A foul wind breathed over Shae, and the hair on the back of her neck raised in warning. A hissing from the broken stairway sent prickles walking over her skin. Eyes gleamed in the shadows, and long shudders traveled her spine.

Somewhere, something shrieked.

Shae stumbled on the stone stair suspended between a dark void and a wall of living stone. She called for Kai, but her voice made no sound. Where was he?

“Find the light and be saved…” The whispered words stirred the air.

"This was a beautifully written Christian fantasy. I enjoyed the bits of scripture thrown into the story, it really made them come alive in a more action-packed way. The writing was interesting and the characters kept me hooked. I also enjoyed the world and different places in the world. . . . Such a fantastic read and can't wait to read that sequel!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

(Tales of Faeraven #1)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 342 Pages
June 29, 2012 by Harbourlight Books

The High Queen is dying...

At the royal summons, Shae mounts a wingabeast and soars through the air to the high hold of Faeraven, where all is not as it seems. Visions warn her of danger, and a dark soul touches hers in the night. When she encounters an attractive but disturbing musician, her wayward heart awakens.

But then there is Kai, a guardian of Faeraven and of Shae. Secrets bind him to her, and her safety lies at the center of every decision he makes.

On a desperate journey fraught with peril and the unknown, they battle warlike garns, waevens, ferocious raptors, and the wraiths of their own regrets. Yet, they must endure the campaign long enough to release the DawnKing and the salvation he offers into a divided land. To prevail, each must learn that sometimes victory comes only through surrender.

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a fantasy-themed basket, hand-painted Pegasus mug, hand-crafted beaded votive candle bowl, dark chocolate bar, and a Tales of Faeraven bookmark (US only)

Ends August 28th, 2019

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Review: The Farmer's Bride by Kathleen Fuller

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Having grown up in poverty, Seth Yoder refuses to be financially insecure again. His passion is woodcarving, but he’s vowed to work on his father’s successful farm, even though his heart is in his craft. Splitting his time between farming and his secret hobby keeps him busy—too busy for social activities.

Martha Detweiler has a different problem—she’s the only single woman in a community full of young men, and they’re all competing for her favor.  All of them . . . except Seth Yoder. Overwhelmed by the unwanted attention, she finds herself constantly fleeing from them, and that isn’t the way she wants to live her life.

When Cevilla Schlabach, Birch Creek’s resident matchmaker, hears of Martha’s predicament, she believes she has the answer—convince Seth to give the impression that he and Martha are dating. Both Martha and Seth think this is a terrible idea, but Cevilla doesn’t let go of something once she gets it in her head. And when Delilah Stoll, a new resident of Birch Creek, eyes Seth as the perfect man for her granddaughter, Nina, Cevilla digs in her heels.

Can Seth and Martha convince their family and friends to leave them alone? Or will their struggles against a community that seems to have decided both their fates bring them closer together?

My Review

I'm loving this series! There are several elements to this story that develop and weave together- Martha and Seth's fake romance turned real, the secret woodworking they share, Cevilla's perspective and her relationship with a non-Amish man, and Seth's growth as he begins to enjoy the work of the farm. The friendship between Seth and Martha is so sweet and I loved the way they get to know each other and love blossoms. There are some heartbreaking twists in the story along the way but the themes of faith and reliance on God keep the overall tone more heartwarming as the characters struggle to make sense of their circumstances.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the other books in the Amish Brides of Birch Creek series . . .

Book One

Book Three
Coming January 2020

Review: The Teacher's Bride by Kathleen Fuller

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


If there is one thing Christian Ropp will not allow in his classroom—or his life—it is chaos. So why is he drawn to Ruby Glick, a woman who seems to bring mayhem wherever she goes?

Christian Ropp moves to Birch Creek to accept a teaching position in the rapidly growing Amish community. He’s determined to put the rambunctious school in order as well as check another task off his list: finding a wife. Of course, that would be much easier if women were like textbooks, straightforward and logical.

When an accident puts Christian out of commission, a new community member named Ruby Glick takes over his classroom. But Ruby’s exuberant teaching style clashes with Christian's careful methods and he worries his students will never be the same.

With a track record of catastrophe, Ruby always feels too clumsy, too distracted, too . . . much. Desperate for a chance to prove that she can do more than make mistakes in her life, she throws herself into her new teaching position. But when Christian can’t seem to stay out of her way, she finds herself slipping into old, chaotic tendencies.

What she doesn’t anticipate is that Christian's heart is slowly catching up with his mind—and she, too, must decide whether to follow logic or love.

My Review

I thoroughly enjoyed this story- the author did an amazing job of bringing the characters and setting to life and keeping my interest on each page. I love how she writes somewhat quirky characters and shows the different ways they relate to life. Christian is kind of socially awkward because of his pragmatic personality, I thought it was hilarious how he set out to make new friends in the community. He and Ruby are so different, yet they grew to understand each other and their contrasting attributes bring balance to their relationship and helped them develop new strengths.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the following books in the Amish Brides of Birch creek series . . .

Book Two

Book Three
Coming in January 2020!