Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Review: Severed Trust by Margaret Daley

Severed Trust by Margaret Daley
My rating: 4 stars

Synopsis from

The day Sadie Thompson finds her high school student, Lexie, asleep in class and can't wake her is the day she realizes how entrenched a prescription drug ring is in her school. As Sadie is pulled into doing something about the growing problem, she becomes involved with Ethan Stone a Texas Ranger who suspects the drug ring reaches far beyond the high school. Helping Lexie recover from the overdose, Sadie feels she is making a difference until the 16-year-old's best friend dies from the apparent mixing of various prescription drugs. Lexie doesn't think her friend took her own life, but her relationship with her Uncle Ethan is precarious and she doesn't know if either he or Sadie will help her discover the truth.

My Review

Great suspense novel! This story is told from several points of view that switch constantly throughout the book, so I really had to stay on my toes. I could feel the anxiety and dread of the characters, and enough of the story from the drug users' points of view was shared to make the reader aware of things the investigators weren't, but some was also held back so the ending was a surprise twist. Romance definitely took a backseat, but there are some relationship subplots. The author did a fabulous job of making me aware of the dangers of prescription drug abuse, especially with teenagers.

(ARC provided via Netgalley for unbiased review)

Review: The Christmas Quilt by Vannetta Chapman

The Christmas Quilt by Vanetta Chapman
My rating: 3 stars

Synopsis from

Annie's life is deliciously full as the Christmas season approaches. She helps her husband, Samuel, attend to the community's minor medical needs. She occasionally assists Belinda, the local midwife, and most days, she finds herself delivering the buggy to her brother Adam. Annie s sister-in-law Leah is due to deliver their first child before Christmas morning, and Annie is determined to finish a crib quilt before the "boppli" arrives. With six weeks to go, she should have no problem . . . but God may have a different plan. Leah is rushed to the English hospital when the infant arrives early, and Annie discovers the Christmas quilt may hold a far greater significance than she ever imagined.

My Review

This is a sweet book. The characters are from a previous novel, so all the falling in love has already happened. The focus is more on relationship growth and enduring challenging times. I enjoyed the bond that the sisters-in-law shared, and their storytelling over each piece of the quilt.

(ARC provided via Netgalley for unbiased review)