Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Interview: Amy Matayo, Author of The Whys Have It

I'm so excited to share an interview with Amy Matayo, one of my favorite authors of contemporary romance! Seriously, her books make me feel all the feels. Which I love. First, a little about her new book The Whys Have It . . .


"His music holds the heart of America...but his soul holds a terrible secret."

Chart topping pop musician Cory Minor has it all—fame, money, more women at his disposal than time to spend on them. He’s living the life most American men only dream of. Until an ordinary concert in Springfield threatens to destroy everything he’s worked for.

As he and his band leave the arena for his next show, Cory’s tour bus crashes into two teenage girls, killing one girl instantly and leaving the other barely clinging to life. Lawsuits are threatened, tabloids are talking, and Cory’s idyllic world falls apart. But what no one knows is that this scene is all too familiar. Because this isn’t the first accident Cory has caused. This isn’t the first time he’s destroyed someone else’s life to save his own.

It’s just the first time he’s had to face it head on.

Small town girl Samantha Dalton has no one—no mother, no father, and now no sister. She’s lost everything in a world that celebrates excess. So when Cory Minor shows up at her doorstep offering money and apologies, she turns him away too. You can’t lose what you don’t have, and she can’t take another letdown, especially not from someone who has managed to rip away all she had left. Samantha has been fine on her own for years, she’ll be fine now too.

At least that’s what she tells herself.

But Cory won’t leave. He’s persistent in the worst possible way.
Will Cory’s determination to make things right pay off in the end, or will Sam keep pushing him away until there’s nothing left to fight for? How can two people learn to rely on each other when life keeps hurting them both?

And now, here's Amy!

Can you tell us a little about yourself? 

I am a mom of four (two boys, two girls) and I am married to my husband Doug. I've been writing novels for eight years now, and it's been almost four years since my first book (The Wedding Game) was published. I live in Arkansas in Wal-Mart country--the national headquarters is just a few miles away.

What do you do besides writing? 

Read, talk with my kids, fold piles and piles of laundry, travel when I can, procrastinate all things of life better than just about anyone.

Do you have images you can share that come close to how you picture your characters? Do you like to find visual inspiration for your characters before or during your writing process? 

I usually come up with visuals when a blogger asks for them. In my mind, my character's faces are vague. But in the case of this book, I knew what my hero looked like before I started writing. My heroine was vague until right now. Here they are.

What are some songs that you listened to or inspired you while writing your book? 

What message would you like readers to ultimately take away from the book? 

That forgiving yourself is as important as forgiving others. That you can't outrun your past, but you can stand in place and face your future. That mistakes don't have to define you; it is possible to start over and make a new ending. And that you are worthy of love, always.

What can we look forward to coming from you in the future?

Next up is a Christmas novella, out October 15th. After that, I'm going to tackle envy in a full-length novel.

Thank you Amy! Congratulations on your new release! 

The Whys Have It is out *TODAY* for only $3.99 at Amazon and FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers! Don't miss it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Review, Interview & Giveaway! So True a Love by Amber Lynn Perry

Be sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post!

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Kitty Campbell knows that leaving the dangers of Boston behind for a more tranquil life in Sandwich is God's will for her. But not even twenty-four hours after arriving in the small sea-side town, she witnesses a terrible crime and is forced to stay silent or her family will be made to suffer. And yet, as the consequences for remaining quiet threaten more than just her family, Kitty is desperate to unload her burden. When handsome doctor Nathaniel Smith comes to her rescue more than once, she is tempted to risk everything by revealing what she knows, as her hidden attraction to the courageous patriot builds into much more than childish infatuation. When Doctor Nathaniel Smith discovers the town's ammunition stores have been raided, he knows immediately who to blame—the hated Tories. Desperate to keep the remaining powder out of enemy hands, he vows to find the men responsible. Then when Kitty Campbell is brutally assaulted and refuses to name her attacker, he suspects she might know something and keeps a closer watch for her safety, only to discover a fleeting attraction he harbored long ago threatens to grow into something akin to love. Yet, he knows a Tory and a Patriot would make a terrible match.

My Review

I absolutely loved the first book in this series (So Fair a Lady) and have been anxious to read Kitty and Nathaniel's story! She remained as stubborn as ever in her loyalties to the king, but it was enlightening to see things from her perspective. She finds herself caught in some dangerous predicaments as well as experiencing turmoil over her romantic feelings for Nathaniel, a staunch and very vocal patriot. He is such a charming and likeable character, and he has his own inner conflict over falling for Kitty. My favorite parts are when Nathaniel and Kitty were able to put aside their differences and just enjoy each other. Something I noticed is that in the first book, the patriots were a definite minority and quite unpopular, but in the second book things have reversed. It really shows how turbulent the times were approaching the Revolution. I'm looking forward to seeing how the political climate has progressed in the next book, which will feature Henry Donaldson, a British soldier and friend to Kitty and her sister, as the main character.

(Thank you to the author for providing a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)

About the Author

Amber Lynn Perry is a historical romance novelist, focusing on her favorite time in American history--the Revolutionary era. She received a Bachelor's degree from Portland State University and currently lives in Washington state with her husband and two daughters. She loves to hear from readers and you can contact her through her website, or through her Facebook page, 

Interview with Amber Lynn Perry

What was something new you learned from publishing your second book?

I learned a lot! Historical facts, self-publishing tips and tricks, etc. But I think one of the most important lessons I learned is that haste makes waste! :) For me, writing is a slower process--and I really enjoy that. When I try to push it  and move too quickly, it loses its pleasure and the result is lower-quality writing.

Where do you draw inspiration for your characters' personalities?

Oh, from various people in my own life and from studying different personality types, actually--which I find incredibly fascinating!! But as a personal example--my husband teases me mercilessly--much like Nathaniel teases Kitty. ;) So sometimes I take things from personal experience and that makes it lots of fun. :)

Who is a historical female you admire?

Wow! This is a great question. There are many women in history that I find incredibly amazing and admirable. If we are talking strictly Revolutionary War era, I'm not sure if I could even pick only one, but I think in this moment I would choose Emily Geiger. She was only 16 when she volunteered to take a message to a Revolutionary leader. She was soon captured but memorized and ate the message before it could be discovered. Not long after, she was released, made her way to her destination and relayed the message perfectly. I find that wonderfully brave! Kitty's experience is similar to Emily's--I just couldn't pass up such an amazing piece of history. :)

I understand you've been to the setting of So True a Love, the Cape Cod town of Sandwich, MA. What is memorable about it for you?

Oh dear, that's difficult to put into words. For me, it's more of a feeling than a place or setting or monument. The town is so quaint and so lovely--so rich in history that is seems to surround me with its songs of the past. When I think of Sandwich and the precious little time I have spent there, I think of pink petals floating on the breeze, rays of sun breaking through the clouds, birds singing and the loamy scent of the ocean air. *sigh* I can't wait to go back. :)

I learned in my last interview with you that you are a huge lover of music. Are there songs that you associate with each of your novels?

Fun question!! I LOVED Let Her Go, by Passenger for So Fair a Lady. It really captured what I thought Thomas must have been feeling for Eliza. *sigh* As for So True a Love--I look really hard for a song that I thought would fit and I finally found Unconditionally, by Katy Perry. Both Kitty and Nathaniel are dealing with very deep, very personal things--needing to know they will be accepted by the other--and I was so excited to find that song. Such a fun question, Heidi. :)

Thank you Amber for the interview! It's always a pleasure :)

Amber is generously giving away one print copy and one e-book of So True a Love! Enter below for a chance to win her wonderful book! 

If you haven't read her first book, So Fair a Lady, I highly recommend it, and it's only $2.99 for the e-book, a fabulous deal! (Print copies available to order as well).

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Author Interview with Amber Perry and Giveaway of So Fair a Lady!!!

I'm so excited to share my very first author interview today! Welcome Amber Lynn Perry, author of So Fair a Lady!  Don't forget to scroll to the end and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of her book!

The cover of your book is gorgeous! What was the process of designing the cover like?
It was SO fun to work on designing this cover. I didn't do the actual designing myself, I hired a company to do that, but I provided the pictures and gave them all kinds of ideas! I was actually the model for the cover--which was GOBS of fun because I love dressing up. ;) The great thing about self-publishing is that you DO have that kind of say in your cover, because from what I understand, if you publish traditionally you often don't have much say at all. 

What inspired you to write and publish So Fair a Lady?
I LOVE America and I love our history!! The freedoms that the people were willing to fight for back then are just as vital today. My goal in writing this story was to not only give people a delightful story, but hopefully to inspire people to gain a greater interest in this great country.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing?
Write, and write, and write and write again!! I can't even begin to tell you how many times I wrote and re-wrote scenes, deleted scenes and added new ones, etc. It's hard work! I never would have thought that, but it's so true. 

If you could cast your characters in the movie version of your book, what actors/actresses would you choose?
That is a wonderful question!! For that fun tidbit, I will direct you to my pintrest page where I have posted all kinds of fun and fabulous pictures of characters, and tons more!! Here's the link: 

What are some of your favorite or most influential books that you would recommend to readers?
Wow, as a reader you know how hard it is to pick your favorite books! But I will tell you my top two historical Christian romances: A BRIDE MOST BEGRUDGING and THE MEASURE OF A LADY--both by Deeanne Gist. I'm a HUGE Dee fan, and those books really stuck with me. I'd read them over and over. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I love music! I taught voice lessons for years and performed on stage in many different productions. Now, as a mom, I love to sing with my children and dance around the house while we dust, fold, etc. Being a mom is such a blessing and I absolutely adore homemaking! (Not to say its always EASY--that's for sure!! LOL But I still love it. ;) )

Thank you so much for joining us today, and thank you for giving away a copy of So Fair a Lady to one of our readers!

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Boston, MA 1773: Shards of Eliza Campbell's life crash to the ground when she discovers a devastating secret: her father was a spy for the Sons of Liberty. Determined to uncover the truth--at any cost--not even a marriage proposal from the dashing British Officer Samuel Martin can dissuade her. When rescued from British capture by handsome patriot Thomas Watson, Eliza discovers what her father risked his life for and yearns to know more. But will her budding attraction to this courageous patriot damage her already wounded heart?

After years of being blackmailed by Officer Martin, Thomas plans to start a new life in the small town of Sandwich. However, when his actions place Eliza and her sister in danger, he must act quickly to protect them from falling into enemy hands. If the three of them are discovered, their lives will never be the same. Now, not only must he protect Eliza, he must protect his heart from a love that is sure to wound him far greater than any British soldier ever could.