Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Author Interview with Amber Perry and Giveaway of So Fair a Lady!!!

I'm so excited to share my very first author interview today! Welcome Amber Lynn Perry, author of So Fair a Lady!  Don't forget to scroll to the end and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of her book!

The cover of your book is gorgeous! What was the process of designing the cover like?
It was SO fun to work on designing this cover. I didn't do the actual designing myself, I hired a company to do that, but I provided the pictures and gave them all kinds of ideas! I was actually the model for the cover--which was GOBS of fun because I love dressing up. ;) The great thing about self-publishing is that you DO have that kind of say in your cover, because from what I understand, if you publish traditionally you often don't have much say at all. 

What inspired you to write and publish So Fair a Lady?
I LOVE America and I love our history!! The freedoms that the people were willing to fight for back then are just as vital today. My goal in writing this story was to not only give people a delightful story, but hopefully to inspire people to gain a greater interest in this great country.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing?
Write, and write, and write and write again!! I can't even begin to tell you how many times I wrote and re-wrote scenes, deleted scenes and added new ones, etc. It's hard work! I never would have thought that, but it's so true. 

If you could cast your characters in the movie version of your book, what actors/actresses would you choose?
That is a wonderful question!! For that fun tidbit, I will direct you to my pintrest page where I have posted all kinds of fun and fabulous pictures of characters, and tons more!! Here's the link: 

What are some of your favorite or most influential books that you would recommend to readers?
Wow, as a reader you know how hard it is to pick your favorite books! But I will tell you my top two historical Christian romances: A BRIDE MOST BEGRUDGING and THE MEASURE OF A LADY--both by Deeanne Gist. I'm a HUGE Dee fan, and those books really stuck with me. I'd read them over and over. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I love music! I taught voice lessons for years and performed on stage in many different productions. Now, as a mom, I love to sing with my children and dance around the house while we dust, fold, etc. Being a mom is such a blessing and I absolutely adore homemaking! (Not to say its always EASY--that's for sure!! LOL But I still love it. ;) )

Thank you so much for joining us today, and thank you for giving away a copy of So Fair a Lady to one of our readers!

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Boston, MA 1773: Shards of Eliza Campbell's life crash to the ground when she discovers a devastating secret: her father was a spy for the Sons of Liberty. Determined to uncover the truth--at any cost--not even a marriage proposal from the dashing British Officer Samuel Martin can dissuade her. When rescued from British capture by handsome patriot Thomas Watson, Eliza discovers what her father risked his life for and yearns to know more. But will her budding attraction to this courageous patriot damage her already wounded heart?

After years of being blackmailed by Officer Martin, Thomas plans to start a new life in the small town of Sandwich. However, when his actions place Eliza and her sister in danger, he must act quickly to protect them from falling into enemy hands. If the three of them are discovered, their lives will never be the same. Now, not only must he protect Eliza, he must protect his heart from a love that is sure to wound him far greater than any British soldier ever could.