Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Review: Highcliffe House by Megan Walker

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing

About the Book

Love ignites when two rivals vie to secure a possible fortune at the seaside town of Brighton.

Brighton, England, 1813

When a romantic entanglement leaves her humiliated and reeling, Anna Lane wants nothing more than for her father to whisk her away from the gossip of the ton. Unfortunately, he has obligations elsewhere, leaving her stuck in London.

Graham Everett’s financial security depends on an investment with Mr. Lane, his long-time friend and business partner. He’ll do just about anything to secure it for his family, even if it means fighting spoiled, embittered Anna for her father’s attention.

Luckily, Mr. Lane concocts a plan that will give everyone what they want, with one stipulation: Anna must accompany Graham to Brighton in her father’s stead and make a decision to invest—or not—based on a thorough report.

But it will take more than a day at the beach for these two headstrong hearts to admit that they’ve been wrong about each other. If they are willing to invest a little time working out their differences, they might have a chance at real love.

My Review

The cover of this book is so serene, I was not prepared for the tumultuous dynamics at play between Anna and Graham! There are reasons they begin as enemies, and I was happy to see the character growth as they overcome those complications and learn to develop confidence and grasp happiness in spite of their circumstances. It takes time for Anna and Graham to release their prejudices and come to know each other under the layers of self-preservation, and discover the attraction and esteem they share. Removing to a different location is pivotal in their process, as it takes Anna out of her comfort zone and allows her to observe Graham in his home setting. Graham's family was lovely and I enjoyed the different personalities of his sisters. His backstory reminds me a bit of Mr. Thorton in North & South- a man who has pulled himself and his family out of poverty and into affluence, yet subject to the whims of investments and the inherent risks. There is much to admire in him and his work ethic, yet Anna helps him to see that love and family are truly important. Anna craves attention from her loving father to feel secure in her world, one where a woman's reputation is easily fractured. Graham's influence as well as his family develop her trust in others and opens her vision to a brighter future. I loved the deep feelings and wonderful chemistry in this book!

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

Don't miss these other books by Megan Walker . . .

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