Friday, May 17, 2019

Review: Spinster and Spice by Rebecca Connolly

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


Spinster, sweet Spinster 
Isabella Lambert is a nice person. She is biddable, polite, soft-spoken, and eager to please. She also happens to be a spinster, and one of the writers of the infamous Spinster Chronicles, where she is less polite, more outspoken, and may not please anyone. Izzy also has a secret that only one person knows, and that one person may hold the key to its success.

Sebastian Morton finds Izzy Lambert fascinating. She is the perfect mentor for his younger sister as well as a capable and charming friend for him. When opportunity strikes to spend more time with her, her secret becomes his. But will this secret, and others, ruin their connection?

My Review

The Spinster Chronicles is a fun series full of friendly banter and vibrant personalities. It was nice to get to know Izzy better and learn about why she has found herself as a doormat for her family, which bled into her social life in Society as well. I loved that Sebastian recognizes that there is more to her and encourages her to stand up for herself and her feelings. It takes some effort and some practice, but eventually she is able to demonstrate to herself and others that just because she's nice doesn't mean that she can be taken advantage of. While mentoring his sister during her debut brings them together more often, it is her storytelling talent that she has turned into a secret endeavor to be published that draws them even closer together. Their sweet romance is charming and full of chemistry, but not without conflict. This installment of the Chronicles kept me entertained and happy with the development of both plot and characters.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

Don't miss the first two books in the Spinster Chronicles series . . .

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