Thursday, May 9, 2024

Blog Tour, Guest Post & Giveaway: Case of the Bayfront Murder by S.K. Derban

Case of the Bayfront Murder JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Case of the Bayfront Murder by S.K. Derban, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Case of the Bayfront Murder

Title: Case of the Bayfront Murder
A Macaroni on Wheels Mystery #1
SK Derban
Independently Published
Release Date: March 27, 2024
Cozy Mystery

Little Italy in San Diego, once a thriving fishing community, has blossomed into a prominent tourist destination. Nestled in the heart of this vibrant neighborhood, both travelers and residents find the Tiepolo Mercato a favorite spot to stop and shop. Ezio and Benedette Tiepolo are the proprietors of the Mercato, while their daughter owns Macaroni on Wheels, the catering company located directly next door. 

There’s more than pasta cooking in the Macaroni on Wheels kitchen. Meet Terza Tiepolo, a feisty Italian caterer who fills her free time solving crime. She belongs to a local murder mystery book club, and leads the other participants in their monthly whodunnit contest. 

Terza also works diligently to grow her catering business. But when a prominent doctor hires Terza’s company to cater a dinner party, she never expects murder to be on the menu. The prestigious bayfront event should enhance the Macaroni on Wheels portfolio, and Terza anticipates meeting many potential new clients. On the day of the party, Terza arrives early to prepare, only to discover her grand expectations are as dead as the body on the kitchen floor. 

Fans of cozy mysteries will revel in solving the murder along with Terza, and will appreciate her zest for life. Readers will also treasure the introduction to her vibrant Italian relatives. They will enjoy getting to know the Tiepolo family, and will smile at the special relationship Terza has with her mother and father. The fun never stops when the animated relatives join together each Sunday for dinner. Consider this your personal invitation!

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub


Special Feature: Character Bios




About the Author

S.K. Derban

S.K. Derban resides with her husband in Southern California. Although born in the United States she moved to London within the first three months, and remained in England until the age of five. Her father, an American citizen, was a decorated veteran of the Second World War. Her British mother was involved with the London Royal Ballet Company, and a great fan of the arts. After returning to the United States, Derban’s life remained filled with a love of the theatre, and a passion for British murder mysteries.

S.K. Derban’s personal travel and missionary escapades are readily apparent as they shine through into her characters. Readers are often transported virtually across the globe. She has traveled to Hong Kong on five separate occasions to smuggle Bibles into China, and has been to Israel on seven missionary trips. Derban’s other adventures include visits to Bangkok, Greece, Egypt, Italy, and the Caribbean.  
Beginning with her faith in the Lord, S.K. Derban relies on all aspects of her life when writing.  
She hopes her books will allow readers to go on holiday without having to pack!

Connect with S.K. at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win an Italian Style Kitchen Goodies prize pack which includes Red and White Dish Towels, Oneida Spatula Set of 3, Oven Mitt, Pot Holder, Silicone Whisk, and Imported Italian Pasta!

Case of the Bayfront Murder JustRead blog tour giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 7, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 14, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours


Monday, April 29, 2024

Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Lethal Danger by Jerusha Agen

Lethal Danger Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Lethal Danger by Jerusha Agen, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Lethal Danger

Title: Lethal Danger
Guardians Unleashed #4
Jerusha Agen
SDG Words
Release Date:
April 25, 2024
Christian Romantic Suspense

This K-9 team is trained to eliminate threats. This threat could eliminate them. 

Being a loner is getting old. Jazz Lamont still can’t fit in at the Phoenix K-9 Agency, and she’s losing her best friend. At least providing security with her K-9 partner at the Tri-City Fair will mean revisiting the only place where she once belonged. But a series of accidents threatens her beloved fair and puts lives at risk. 

Thriller author Hawthorne Emerson suspects foul play after the first “accident.” Moonlighting as fair security to investigate the death of his sister’s boyfriend, he’s eager to find the truth. He doesn’t expect the task to lead him to the cult he escaped. 

Finding the culprit behind the sabotage is personal for Jazz and Hawthorne. But someone else has a personal stake, too. Someone who wants Jazz dead. When everything she thought was true is dismantled, can Jazz risk trusting others—including God—to survive?  

Lethal Danger continues the thrilling story of the elite Phoenix K-9 Security and Detection Agency that began with Hidden Danger (Guardians Unleashed, #1). (Each book can stand alone or be read as series installments.)

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub



He kept his arm behind her back and lifted her to her feet. Then without another thought, he pulled her into an embrace, cradling her against his chest.

He couldn’t help it. She could’ve died.

So that’s what he said as he caressed her silky hair with his thumb. “I thought you might be dead.”

She leaned her head back and brought her gaze up to his. Something shimmered in her emerald eyes. Tears? Was she hurt?

“I’m sorry.” He loosened his hold around her, lowering his hands to gently brush down her arms. “Are you injured?”

She shook her head, watching him with what looked like wonder. Maybe her head injury had left her a little confused.

His hand went to her face, cupping her cheek as his thumb neared one of the red marks. “Your face is scratched. Are you sure you aren’t hurt anywhere else?”

“Pretty sure.” Her gaze didn’t leave his.

She was breathtaking. Twigs in her mussed ponytail and scratches and dirt smudges on her face couldn’t do a thing to diminish her stunning beauty. Or the effect she seemed to be having on him.

More Books in This Series

Hidden Danger  Covert Danger   

About the Author

Jerusha Agen

Jerusha Agen imagines danger around every corner but knows God is there, too. So naturally, she writes romantic suspense infused with the hope of salvation in Jesus Christ. Jerusha loves to hang out with her big furry dogs and little furry cats, often while reading or watching movies.

Find more of Jerusha’s thrilling, fear-fighting stories at Connect with her there to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a signed paperback of Lethal Danger, a Lethal Danger mug, a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card, a Lethal Danger magnet, plus more fun swag!

Lethal Danger JustRead Tours blog tour giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight April 29, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 3, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blog Tour, Guest Post & Giveaway: A Secret Between Them by Donna Gartshore

A Secret Between Them JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for A Secret Between Them by Donna Gartshore, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

A Secret Between Them

Title: A Secret Between Them 
Donna Gartshore
Love Inspired
Release Date:
April 23, 2024
Inspirational Contemporary Romance

She’ll help him heal… 

But is love enough to make him stay? 

Unexpectedly injured, photojournalist John Bishop finds himself stuck in a town full of painful memories—with physical therapist Grace Severight his only way out. Following her treatment should be simple. But soon John’s falling again—this time for the single foster mom and her four-year-old charge. Now love might heal his past…but will a secret Grace is keeping destroy their chance at a future?  

From Love Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ChristianBook | Bookshop| BookBub


Guest Post from Author Donna Gartshore



By Donna Gartshore

Thank you for inviting me to your blog. I love sharing with fellow writers and readers.

A favourite scripture of mine is the one from Hebrews 12:1-3. I want to put a particular focus on verse 1 that says Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, (emphasis mine) KJV version.

I know that this verse refers to all Christians staying the course in the Christian life but the words I highlighted also remind me that we all have our own God-given journey to travel, and we have all been given gifts that are ours alone and not to be compared with what others have been given.

I love Social Media, I really do. It’s a place where readers and authors can connect with each other, with other authors and with other readers. What I don’t like about it is that it is so easy to fall into the comparison game and falsely believe that we are falling short. So your child made the swim team but, oh someone else’s child has been made captain. I’m happy I signed a three book contract but wait, this person just signed one for six. It never stops if that’s what we choose to focus on.

I am someone who can honestly cry happy tears when I experience someone fully using the creative gifts they’ve been given. Whether it’s reading a profound passage of poetry, listening to a classical symphony or watching a documentary on how someone creates their songs. I am filled with gratitude to be part of the creative world that our Creator has blessed us with.

I also believe that being creative isn’t just about writing, art and music. It can be about tending your garden, cooking a special meal and raising and caring for a family is an art performed with the deepest love.

God has a purpose for us all and has given us gifts to carry them out. If we all remember to run our own races, we’ll get to the places we’re meant to be.

Also Available

Finding Her Voice 

About the Author

Donna Gartshore

Publishers Weekly best selling author Donna Gartshore lives in Saskatchewan, Canada. Donna is so grateful to be able to tell stories of faith, hope and second chances for Love Inspired. She also writes devotionals and the occasional poem or short story. Donna loves time with her family, personal and group Bible study, long chats with friends over dinner or coffee and engaging in discussions about books and writing with her local and online writing communities.

Connect with Donna on social media at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Tour Giveaway

(3) winners will each win a print copy of Finding Her Voice, Finding Their Christmas Home and A Secret Between Them, plus an inspirational bookmark!

A Secret Between Them JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight April 22, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on April 29, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours


Friday, April 5, 2024

Blog Tour, Author Interview & Giveaway: Even If Nothing Else Is Certain by Amy Willoughby-Burle

Even if Nothing Else is Certain JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Even If Nothing Else Is Certain by Amy Willoughby-Burle, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Even If Nothing Else is Certain

Title: Even If Nothing Else Is Certain 
Love for Certain #2
Amy Willoughby-Burle
Fireship Press
Release Date:
March 27, 2024
Historical Romance (clean)

Even if nothing else is certain … love still is. 

Ruby Foster loves her job as a Pack Horse librarian, but secretly she dreams of being a nurse. Since there are no schools for nursing in the hills of rural Kentucky in 1937, Ruby contents herself with harvesting medicinal plants, delivering her beloved library books, and dreaming. Dreaming mostly of a life that doesn’t leave her living in the past. Until one day she discovers that “past” camped out by the Hell for Certain creek. Could it really be Cole, the one who left her heartbroken so many years ago? Just when she starts to believe in her dreams and hope for love again, Cole reveals his true colors. Or is the truth she sees only another illusion? When nothing else in the world seems certain, can the bonds of friendship bring one searching heart and one lost soul together again?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub


Interview with Author Amy Willoughby-Burle

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I always start out with “I’m a mom.” So… I’m a mom, a teacher, a writer. I grew up in Kure Beach, North Carolina and now live in the mountains of NC just outside Asheville. I’ve got 5 kids. Four that I had by birth and one that God sent to me as a teenage boy. My husband and I met at a writers workshop (Wildacres Writers Workshop) that I’m now the director of some 25 plus years later. I have recently become one of those crazy chicken ladies that you see on Instagram. I’m not sure how it happened, but it did.

What do you do besides writing?

I teach high school literature at a small private school. I spend quite a bit of time cooking, doing laundry, and telling people to brush their teeth at night. I’m often distracted by petting my cats. I love to meet my husband for coffee on a random weekday if we’re both free–I’m out of school and he doesn’t have patients (he’s a chiropractor) for a little bit. I’m in a wonderful book club. I have fantastic friends. I have a wonderful church family. Hmm, I guess the next time I start to complain about something I’ll reread this answer. Life is not too shabby.

What was your favorite part of researching for this book?

I learned so much about medicinal plants as well as the amazing Frontier Nursing Service started by Mary Breckinridge in Hyden, KY. I came across some really cool old medical books that make an appearance in the novel. I learned all about how to run an old-school printing press. I watched so many videos and read so much about those presses that I’m pretty sure if I ever travel back in time and come across one, I could totally use it!

Do you have images you can share that come close to how you picture your characters? Do you like to find visual inspiration for your characters before or during your writing process?

I LOVE to fantasy cast my characters.

For Cole I pictured Benjamin Hollingsworth. Someone with a sweet look about him, but the potential to have some darker places in his heart. Ben is often cast as the spoiled rich guy type for Hallmark. Cole is not that at all, but for some reason his is the face that came to mind. If you’ve seen Virgin River, he’s got a bad boy with a heart of something like gold, LOL, that is somewhat closer to Cole–wants to do the right thing, but keeps getting it wrong.

For Ruby I thought of Jessy Schram (as you can tell, I watch a lot of Hallmark movies) but with unruly brown hair. LOL. I like her spunky appeal and bright smile with the potential to be a bit sassy.

What are some songs that you listened to or inspired you while writing your book?

I have to admit I don’t listen to too much music when I’m writing per se. Especially not music with words because then I start to think about the story of the song and then I’m not paying attention to my story, LOL. But I did keep in my ear some of the folk music from the 1920s and 30s Appalachia. There’s music in the book–Daniel and his brothers-in-law play fiddle and such.

What message would you like readers to ultimately take away from the book?

I hope readers will take away from the book that it’s not too late to tell the truth, to trust in God and in the people who love you, to follow your dreams and to believe in yourself and the plan that God has in store.

What can we look forward to coming from you in the future?

Book 3! There’s at least one more “season” of this story left to tell. After that–maybe Book 4. We’ll see if the story gets continued (I hope so!) I also have a couple of contemporary novels being shopped around and one book set in the 1970s. I’m not sure if that qualifies as historical yet or not. I’m from the 1970s and sometimes it feels like ages ago and sometimes just yesterday. One way or the next, I’m still writing!

More Books In This Series

About the Author

Amy Willoughy-Burle

Amy Willoughby-Burle is an award winning fiction author living in Asheville, NC with her husband and five children. Her fiction focuses on the importance of family and friends and centers on the themes of forgiveness, second chances, and finding the beauty in the world around us. She is the author of the novels The Lemonade Year, The Year of Thorns and Honey, The Other Side of Certain and Even if Nothing Else Is Certain. Her short fiction has been published in numerous journals and in her collection, Out Across the Nowhere. 

Connect with Amy by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card, signed copies of The Other Side of Certain and Even if Nothing Else is Certain, and librarian & plant themed bookmarks, stickers and postcards!

(1) additional winner will win a signed copy of Even if Nothing Else is Certain!

Even If Nothing Else is Certain JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight April 1, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on April 8, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Review: Easy Watercolor by Kristin Van Leuven

My rating: 4 stars / I really liked it


Leave your artistic insecurities behind as you easily re-create the simple but beautiful paintings in Art Made Easy: Easy Watercolor.

Easy Watercolor offers you a definite way to succeed as a beginning artist. Without getting bogged down in a lot of technical detail, just gather a few inexpensive supplies and put paintbrush to paper! Even if you have never painted with watercolors before, the engaging and easy subjects are simple to re-create by following the step-by-step progressive images.

Projects include: 
- Brushstrokes and shapes
- Letters
- Botanicals
- Still lifes of everyday objects
- Animal portraits
- Landscapes and architecture
- And much more
Along with the beautiful, on-trend art projects, tips and common pitfalls are explained throughout to ensure your art is the best it can be. No matter your skill level going in, you will be proud to frame your creations and just might feel encouraged to progress to more in-depth art in the future.

And the best part is, as you’re painting, you’ll be familiarizing yourself with art concepts without feeling like you’re taking a serious class. If you want to move on to more difficult subjects, you’ll have a basic understanding of color, value, form, texture, perspective, composition, and more.

My Review

This is a wonderful resource for beginners who are trying out watercolors. It covers the basics, including supplies, painting techniques, exploring color, and brushstrokes. The exercises create a strong foundation, and are easy to follow along with. Various tips and assignments are included in sidebars to enhance each lesson. This book definitely helps remove trepidation and eases the reader into creativity with the medium of watercolor. Starting with realistic goals and introductory lessons gives the reader success at the beginning of their watercolor journey. I appreciated the encouragement and advice from the author as I worked on each lesson.

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

With the simple, fun, and low-pressure approach found in Walter Foster’s Art Made Easy series, absolutely anyone can create a work of art! Continue your streak of creative successes with another book in this series, Easy Drawing


Review: Bloom: The Secrets of Growing Flowering Houseplants Year-round by Lisa Eldred Steinkopf

My rating: 5 stars / It was amazing


In Bloom, The Houseplant Guru Lisa Eldred Steinkopf unleashes all the secrets on how to grow dozens of indoor plants that produce colorful, intricate, and sometimes fragrant blooms.

If you’ve ever struggled to get an orchid or African violet to rebloom, or if you’ve hesitated to add plants like hoya, anthurium, Madagascar jasmine, or clivia to your windowsill for fear you may never see their gorgeous flowers, Lisa reveals the insider strategies you need to encourage these plants to strut their stuff. In her signature warm and beginner-friendly tone, she introduces simple techniques you can use to encourage bloom alongside all the ins and outs of caring for these beautiful plants. Lush, full-color photography accompanies each in-depth plant profile.

Upping your houseplant game doesn’t have to involve spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the next trendy leafy-green foliage plant. If you want to expand both your growing skills and the number of specimens in your houseplant family, dive into the world of flowering houseplants instead. New cultivars of old favorites are taking the houseplant world by storm, and other, more unusual, species are now making their way into the limelight, thanks to the interest of millions of new houseplant parents around the world.

Inside the pages of Bloom, you’ll meet: 
- The best flowering houseplants to cascade from window ledges, hanging pots, and plant shelves
- A collection of small blooming houseplants perfect for tabletops, desks, and windowsills
- Houseplants with colorful blooms for the living room, dining room, and bedroom 
Fill your home with foliage and flowers, and enjoy all the color and calm they’ll add to your living space.

My Review

This book was much more than I expected! It offers so much advice, from basic tips to technical and scientific information that explain the why's. It's obvious the author is an expert and passionate about helping plant owners be successful with their indoor flowering plants. The first part of the book, about 50 pages are on caring for the plants, and then over 100 pages on individual flowering houseplants with a description and details on light, watering, flowers, propagation, and toxicity.  There is also a chart of indoor plant pests and their control, resources, and an index that includes both common and scientific names. This is an amazing resource that I highly recommend to plant lovers!

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

Blog Tour, Author Interview & Giveaway: Every Bird That Falls by Sara Davison

Every Bird That Falls JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Every Bird That Falls by Sara Davison, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Every Bird That Falls

Title: Every Bird That Falls
two sparrows for a penny # 3
Sara Davison
Independently published through The Mosaic Collection
Release Date:
April 3, 2024
Christian Romantic Suspense

Lies have kept them apart for eight years.  

Now the truth could destroy them completely. 

Bomb squad leader Tag Monroe’s world is shattered when his sister and her foster sister are abducted by a human trafficker. Eight years later, the two of them have been miraculously freed. As thrilled as he is to be reunited with his sister, Tag has lingering questions. 

How did Jae-won Lin, the third foster sister, elude capture that night? Why didn’t she call the police or Tag to let them know what happened? And where has she been for the last eight years? He loved Jae once, but he can’t let her back into his life until he has more information. 

Unfortunately, time is running out. Someone powerful is coming after Jae, bent on revenge. If Tag can’t get to her before her mysterious pursuer, Jae could take the answers to all Tag’s questions to her grave. 

Along with any hope the two of them might have to find their way to each other again.  

The explosive Christian romantic suspense series two sparrows for a penny by multi-award-winning author Sara Davison continues with this on-the-edge-suspense love story that might finally answer the question: Where was Jae?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


Interview with Author Sara Davison

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Hmm, let’s see. I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. Like most Canadians, I love hockey (watching) and baseball (watching and playing), poutine and butter tarts, my family and friends. Above all, I love God, and I love sharing the stories He gives me with readers. Every Bird That Falls is my fourteenth romantic suspense novel. While the writing journey can be frustrating and discouraging at times, it has also been for me a journey of great joy, excitement, and amazing community, and I am grateful every day to be part of it.

What do you do besides writing?

When I’m not writing, I am often pretending to fully participate in other activities and conversations while actually conjuring up characters and scenarios in my head (ha ha). I do love spending time with my husband of twenty-eight years, Michael, and our three pretty much grown kids. I also love going for coffee with friends, reading (of course), road trips, book club discussions, coffee, chocolate, and movies, especially old classics. Casablanca and anything with Jimmy Stewart in it are my favorites, although I’ll settle for Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, or Gregory Peck.

What was your favorite part of researching for this book?
My favorite part of researching for this book was looking into how to treat bullet wounds with only ingredients that might be found in a hunting cabin and how to build and detonate your own bomb, both of which have likely landed me on more than one watch list somewhere. 

Do you have images you can share that come close to how you picture your characters? Do you like to find visual inspiration for your characters before or during your writing process?
I typically have a pretty good idea of what my characters look like, but I rarely use actual images, relying on the mental image I have of them. With Jae from Every Bird That Falls, though, I did find an image that matched the one in my head. And I found one close to Tag, although Tag is bigger than this and, because he has been trapped in a cabin for a few days, would have more facial hair.

What are some songs that you listened to or inspired you while writing your book?

Although I know a lot of authors listen to music when they write and even go so far as to have a soundtrack that goes with their story, I am not like that. I’m not a big music person anyway, so I can’t say that any song inspired the story, and I don’t listen to music while I’m writing as I find that too distracting. Having said that, if I had to choose one song to go with this book, it would have to be Kathy Mattea’s “Where Have You Been?” Jae has been missing for eight years, and Tag has been asking this question since the night she disappeared, so that one would be a good fit. 

What message would you like readers to ultimately take away from the book?
The message of this story and of every story I write is that we are never alone. That no matter what we are going through, what we have done, or what has been done to us, God is there. He sees us and knows us and has promised to never leave us or forsake us. With every book I send out into the world, I pray that each person who reads it will take that promise and assurance with them when they finish and that it will fill them with hope.

What can we look forward to coming from you in the future?

The third book in my Rose Tattoo trilogy, Sharp Like Glass, should come out in the fall of 2024. In the spring of 2025, I hope to release the sequel to The Color of Sky and Stone, book one in my new series, In the Shadows. I also contribute stories to the anthologies that the group of indie authors I am blessed to be part of, The Mosaic Collection, puts out every summer and Christmas. My contributions to those anthologies are always connected to my series and are either prequels or tell the stories of minor characters, so I am starting to add “Suggested Order of Reading” lists to the front of my books so readers can get the full series experience.

More Books In This Series


About the Author

Sara Davison

Sara Davison has a passion for writing stories that keep readers on the edge of their seats—and maybe swooning a little. A finalist for more than a dozen national writing awards, including the Christy Award, Davison is a Cascade, Word, and two-time Carol Award winner for romantic suspense. She lives in Ontario with her husband, Michael. Like every good Canadian, she loves coffee, hockey, poutine, and apologizing for no particular reason.

Connect with Sara by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card plus a paperback copy of Every Bird That Falls!

Every Bird That Falls JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight April 2, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on April 9, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours